England & USA

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha

Self-study qilib IELTS 7+ CEFR C1 olgan o'quvchilar shu kanaldagi shablonlar va Grammar structures dan foydalangan
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O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
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Environment and Sustainability Common Collocations

* Climate change
- Definition: Long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns.

* Carbon footprint
- Definition: The total greenhouse gas emissions caused directly or indirectly by an individual or entity.

* Renewable energy
- Definition: Energy sourced from naturally replenishing resources like wind, solar, or hydro.

* Sustainable development
- Definition: Economic growth that meets present needs without compromising future generations

* Environmental degradation
- Definition: The deterioration of the environment through depletion of natural resources and pollution.

* Greenhouse gases
- Definition: Gases, including carbon dioxide and methane, that trap heat in the atmosphere.

* Biodiversity loss
- Definition: The decline in the variety of species within an ecosystem.

* Deforestation
- Definition: The large-scale removal of forests, often to make way for agricultural or urban development.

* Waste management
- Definition: The collection, transportation, and disposal of waste materials.

* Fossil fuels
- Definition: Natural energy sources like coal, oil, and gas formed from the remains of living organisms.

* Ecological footprint
- Definition: The impact of human activities measured in terms of the area of land required to sustain them.

* Overpopulation
- Definition: The condition where the population exceeds the capacity of the environment to support it.

* Renewable resources
- Definition: Resources that can be replenished naturally, such as sunlight, wind, and water.

* Water scarcity
- Definition: The lack of sufficient available water resources to meet the needs of a population.

* Air pollution
- Definition: The contamination of the air by harmful substances, including chemicals and particulate matter.

💎👉🏻 @ENGLAND_USA is the best

Normal English vs. Cool English

@ENGLAND_USA is the best


* Book => Will it fly
* Genre => Business
* Version => PDF
* Price => 7 900


💎👉🏻 @ENG
LAND_USA is the best


🔺 At the restaurant 🔺

💎👉@ENGLAND_USA is the best

Other ways to say “I don’t mind” in English:

1. It’s all the same to me.
2. It’s up to you.
3. I’m flexible.
4. It’s no bother.
5. I’m cool with it.
6. I’m easy.
7. It’s fine by me.
8. I’m neutral.
9. I have no objection.
10. Whatever you prefer.

💎👉🏻 @ENGLAND_USA is the best

Jasurbek’s blog dan repost
🔤🔤🔤🔤 🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤
Writing Task 1'da OVERVIEW yozish siz uchun qiyini?!

⚡️Table, Line graph, Bar graph va Pie chart uchun Band 7+ OVERVIEW yozamiz🤩!

🎁Bu live stream’da siz:
- Change chart va Comparative chart farqini🔥,
- Band 7+ Overview yozishni😇,
- 90% student qiladigan hatolarni o'rganasiz😎,

- Va eng muhimi bilimlarni mustahkamlash uchun birgda live streamd 3 ta OVERVIEW yozamiz😬.

📅Sanasi: 20 - sentabr (20.09.2024);

Vaqti: 21:00 da;

📍Manzil: https://t.me/jasurbekisaev

📱Yaqinlaringiz bilan ulashing!

Advanced English vs Basic English

1. Inquire => ask
2. Obtain => get
3. Ascertain => determine
4. Comprehend => understand
5. Enhance => improve
6. Adequate => sufficient
7. Diverse => varied
8. Elaborate => detailed
9. Evident => clear
10. Implement => put into action
11. Resilient => strong
12. Acquire => obtain
13. Scrutinize => examine closely
14. Examine => inspect
15. Amplify => increase
16. Redeem => recover

💎👉🏻 @ENGLAND_USA is the best

* Book => 21 success secrets of seld-made millionaires
* Genre => Motivational,business
* Version => PDF
* Price => 7 900
* Useful tips for beginning new start up

For buying

💎👉🏻 @ENG
LAND_USA is the best

* Book => 15 secrets successful people know about Time management
* Genre => Business,work
* Version => PDF
* Price => 7 900
* Useful Tips


💎👉🏻 @ENG
LAND_USA is the best

Juda oson lekin juda ko'pchilik qiladigan xatolardan✅

@ENGLAND_USA is the best

* Book => Time is Money
* Genre => Psychological,business
* Version => PDF
* Price => 7 900


💎👉🏻 @ENG
LAND_USA is the best

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* Book => 100M$ Offers
* Genre => Business,psychology
* Version => PDF
* Price => 7 900


💎👉🏻 @ENG
LAND_USA is the best

Minglab insonlarni xayotini o'zgarishiga sababchi kitob endi bizda bor

Hoziroq PDF versiyasni sotib oling.
Asli narxi amazonda ancha qimmat turadi buni bilasizlar a?


Top 15 Vocabulary for Writing and Speaking
Politics and Government

* Government policy => The official course of action adopted by a government.

* Public sector => The part of an economy that is controlled by the government.

* Political agenda => The list of issues or policies a government prioritizes.

* Electoral process => The method by which a country’s citizens vote and elect leaders.

* Political campaign => Activities aimed at gaining support for a political candidate or policy.

* Civil liberties => The personal freedoms and rights that a government guarantees its citizens.

* Economic growth => The increase in a country’s output and wealth over time.

* Social inequality => The unequal distribution of resources and opportunities among people.

* Foreign policy => A government’s strategy in dealing with other nations.

* Political stability => The condition where a government operates smoothly without upheaval or frequent changes.

* Legislative reform => Changes to the laws and regulations enacted by a government.

* Tax revenue => The income a government collects from taxes.

* Government funding => Financial support provided by the government for various services or projects.

* Political participation => The involvement of citizens in the political process, such as voting or protesting.

* International diplomacy => Negotiations and relationships between countries to resolve conflicts and foster cooperation.

💎👉🏻 @ENGLAND_USA is the best

* Book => The Psychology of money
* Genre => Psychological
* Version => PDF
* Price => 10 900

Murojaat @salemanager1

💎👉🏻 @ENG
LAND_USA is the best

* Book => Breakaway business plan
* Genre => Business
* Useful Tips
* Version => PDF
* Price => 7 900


💎👉🏻 @ENG
LAND_USA is the best

Top 7 Vocabulary for Speaking

* Absolutely gorgeous => juda ham chiroyli
* Pale blue eyes => ochiq havorang ko'zlar
* Radiant complexion => istarasi issiq
* Hourglass figure => ofatijon qomat,(ketvorgan figura)
* Slender waist => xipcha bel
* Round face => yumaloq yuz
* Upturned nose => qirra burun

💎👉🏻 @ENGLAND_USA is the best

* Book => The small business online marketing
* Genre => Marketing
* Useful tips
* Make money
* Price 69 00

Murojaat @salemanager1

💎👉🏻 @ENG
LAND_USA is the best

Ochiq havorang ko'zlar
  •   Bright blue eyes
  •   Pale blue eyes
  •   Curly hair
  •   Green Eyes
624 ta ovoz

* Fantastic genre
* High level vocabulary
* Great ideas
* Extraordinary book

For buying @Salemanager1

💎👉🏻 @ENG
LAND_USA is the best

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.