TerDu.Tarix.Arxeologiya. dan repost
Dubova N. A. Gonur Depe-City of Kings and Gods,-and the Capital of Margush Country (modern Turkmenistan): Its Discovery by Prof. Victor Sarianidi and Recent Finds //Urban Cultures of Central Asia from the Bronze Age to the Karakhanids. – 2019. – С. 29-53.
Over 40 years ago, in 1972, Professor Victor Sarianidi picked up the first fragments of pottery from the surface of a huge hill named by the local people “Gonur Depe” (“Grey Hill” in Turkmen). Excavations were not carried out there every year after that: Sarianidi was busy excavating near the Kopet Dagh Mountains, at other sites in ancient Murghab Delta, and in northern Afghanistan. But steadily the finds of monumental architecture, fine art and engineering, indicative of a complex ideology and social stratification, provided an opportunity to take a new look at historical processes at work on the eve of the 2nd millennium BCE.
Over 40 years ago, in 1972, Professor Victor Sarianidi picked up the first fragments of pottery from the surface of a huge hill named by the local people “Gonur Depe” (“Grey Hill” in Turkmen). Excavations were not carried out there every year after that: Sarianidi was busy excavating near the Kopet Dagh Mountains, at other sites in ancient Murghab Delta, and in northern Afghanistan. But steadily the finds of monumental architecture, fine art and engineering, indicative of a complex ideology and social stratification, provided an opportunity to take a new look at historical processes at work on the eve of the 2nd millennium BCE.