#Top 1000 words
15 - kun✅
1️⃣ Exist /ɪɡˈzɪst/ - mavjud bo‘lmoq
Do aliens really exist in the universe?
O‘zbekcha: Koinotda begona mavjudotlar haqiqatan bormi?
2️⃣ Expect /ɪkˈspɛkt/ - kutmoq
She didn’t expect such a warm welcome from her new colleagues.
O‘zbekcha: U yangi hamkasblaridan bu qadar iliq qabulni kutmagandi.
3️⃣ Experience /ɪkˈspɪərɪəns/ - tajriba
Traveling gives you the chance to gain new experience.
O‘zbekcha: Sayohat qilish sizga yangi tajriba orttirish imkonini beradi.
4️⃣ Expert /ˈɛkspɜːrt/ - mutaxassis
The company hired an expert to solve the technical issues.
O‘zbekcha: Kompaniya texnik muammolarni hal qilish uchun mutaxassis yolladi.
5️⃣ Explain /ɪkˈspleɪn/ - tushuntirmoq
Can you explain the rules of this game to me?
O‘zbekcha: Bu o‘yin qoidalarini menga tushuntirib bera olasizmi?
6️⃣ Eye /aɪ/ - ko‘z
The bird flew so close that its bright blue eye was clearly visible.
O‘zbekcha: Qush shunchalik yaqin uchdiki, uning yorqin moviy ko‘zi aniq ko‘rindi.
7️⃣ Face /feɪs/ - yuz; duch kelmoq
We must face our fears to overcome them.
O‘zbekcha: Qo‘rquvlarimizni yengish uchun ularga duch kelishimiz kerak.
8️⃣ Fact /fækt/ - haqiqat
The fact is that he completed the project on time.
O‘zbekcha: Haqiqat shundaki, u loyihani vaqtida tugatdi.
9️⃣ Factor /ˈfæktər/ - omil
The weather was a key factor in our decision to postpone the trip.
O‘zbekcha: Ob-havo sayohatni kechiktirish qarorimizdagi asosiy omil bo‘ldi.
🔟 Fail /feɪl/ - muvaffaqiyatsizlikka uchramoq
If you don’t study, you might fail the exam.
O‘zbekcha: Agar o‘qimasangiz, imtihondan yiqilishingiz mumkin.
11️⃣ Fall /fɔːl/ - yiqilmoq
Be careful, or you might fall on the icy sidewalk.
O‘zbekcha: Ehtiyot bo‘ling, muzlagan yo‘lakda yiqilib ketishingiz mumkin.
12️⃣ Family /ˈfæmɪli/ - oila
He always puts his family first, no matter what.
O‘zbekcha: U har doim oilasini hamma narsadan ustun qo‘yadi.
13️⃣ Far /fɑːr/ - uzoq
The nearest gas station is not far from here.
O‘zbekcha: Eng yaqin yonilg‘i quyish shoxobchasi bu yerdan uzoq emas.
14️⃣ Fast /fæst/ - tez
He runs so fast that no one can catch him.
O‘zbekcha: U shunday tez yuguradiki, hech kim uni quva olmaydi.
15️⃣ Father /ˈfɑːðər/ - ota
Her father taught her how to ride a bicycle.
O‘zbekcha: Otasi unga velosipedda yurishni o‘rgatgan.
16️⃣ Fear /fɪər/ - qo‘rquv
The child’s greatest fear is being left alone in the dark.
O‘zbekcha: Bolaning eng katta qo‘rquvi qorong‘uda yolg‘iz qolishdir.
17️⃣ Federal /ˈfɛdərəl/ - federal
The federal government announced new economic policies.
O‘zbekcha: Federal hukumat yangi iqtisodiy siyosatni e’lon qildi.
18️⃣ Feel /fiːl/ - his qilmoq
Do you feel better after taking the medicine?
O‘zbekcha: Dori ichgandan keyin o‘zingizni yaxshi his qilyapsizmi?
19️⃣ Feeling /ˈfiːlɪŋ/ - his-tuyg‘u
I have a strange feeling that I’ve been here before.
O‘zbekcha: Bu yerda avval bo‘lganman, degan g‘alati tuyg‘u bor.
2️⃣0️⃣ Few /fjuː/ - bir nechta
There are only a few apples left in the basket.
O‘zbekcha: Savatda faqat bir nechta olma qolgan.