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O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
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Morning inspiration! Alhamdulillah ⚡️ #7

11k is done! Alhamdulillah 🫀#6

Dream Grants | USA🇺🇸 dan repost
Pros and Cons of all the options.

Make sure you understand all of the possibilites and nuances before you make any decisions


Would be more interesting with rivals ⚡️

I'll be sharing monthly progress. Join us!

2 min progress ⚡ #2

New challenge is set ✅
Roger that 🗣

Morning reboot ⚡️

Feruz Karimov dan repost
There was a man tasked with moving a massive rock. Every day he pushed with all his strength and the rock didn’t budge. Not even an inch. Weeks turned into months and still no progress. Frustrated he cried out - Why am I doing this? It’s impossible. But then he noticed something.

His arms were stronger. His legs more powerful. His resolve unshakable. The rock hadn’t moved. But HE had. Sometimes life doesn’t give you the results you want, but it builds the STRENGTH you need. So when resistance shows up, don’t quit. Push harder. You’re not just moving the rock. You’re moving yourself.

G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog dan repost
Andrew Huberman (my virtual teacher for December)

• Bu insonni eshitishni 2-3 oy oldin reja qilgandim, lekin “zerikib qolsam-chi” yoki “science language tushunishim uchun qiyinlik qilsa-chi” degan hayollar bor edi.

• 1 oy davomida, 4ta to’liq 3-4 soatlik podcastlarini eshitishga ulgurdim holos. Juda zo’r ma’lumotlar oldim.

David Goggins bilan bo’lgan podcastidan keyin, yugurishni boshladim. Yana boshqa podcastidan keyin, Diet ga ahamiyat berishni boshladim.

• Shu kungacha, qachon vaqtim bo’lsa, zalga chiqaman deb yurardim. Lekin, aslida uyda ham sitqi dildan hohlagan inson yaxshi natijaga erishishi mumkin ekanini guvohi bo’ldim.

• Andrew Huberman sababli, man “curiosity” ni o’zimda kashf qildim.

Keyingi post curiosity haqida bo’ladi.

Yusuf Truth (November)


With SUKHROB 📈 dan repost
"Maximizing Learning with the 80/20 Rule"

The Pareto Principle, otherwise identified as the 80/20 Rule, provides a very simple yet powerful framework of learning more smartly, not harder. This means that 80% of results usually come from 20% of efforts. Alternatively, in learning, a small amount of your activities or focus areas will provide the bulk of progress. Once a learner identifies this pattern, it helps him or her in prioritizing and making real progress without feeling overwhelmed.

You do not need to memorize a dictionary to be articulate in a new language, for instance. In most languages, being familiar with the 1,000 most used words of that language covers 80 percent of everyday conversations. You are not expelling energy wide into obscure terms you almost never use; you instead focus on core vocabularies, taking you quicker toward your objective of fluency with less useless effort.

This suggests that all topics are not equal when studying for exams, either. Preparing for a math test, a student might realize that a small set of formulas or types of problems are coming up again and again on the past exams. Instead of a blind strategy of 'study chapter 1 the same as you study chapter 2,.', it will give a student dramatically better results if they focus most their energy on those few formulas and problems which they see having more impact on their score. For example, mastering the 20% of the concepts that underpin 80% of the questions could make a transformative difference to performance, while less relevant material is left to later review.

In fact, this is a principle extending even to developing better ways of studying. Active recall and practice testing lead, very generally, to disproportionately better results than passive strategies such as rereading your notes. Possibly somewhat astonishingly, if you use only 20% of your study time on these shockingly effective techniques, you could realize the lion's share of your eventual learning gains. So, in simple terms, the student studying for history gains more by practicing what happened and when, whereas a student of mathematics will more or less similarly find his grasp on those elusive formulas getting tighter by challenging himself instead of passively reading over or underlining formulae in some book.

The Pareto Principle changes your mindset: instead of trying to master everything at once, identify the areas that matter most and focus your energy there. This approach reduces burnout, builds momentum, and ensures that every minute you invest in learning counts. By embracing the 80/20 Rule, learners can unlock exponential growth with less frustration, whether preparing for exams, learning new skills, or pursuing personal development.

With Sukhrob

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⚡️Share loyihasi shov-shuvlarga aylangan, katta natijalarni ko'rsatgan SAT kursiga qayta start bermoqda. Yangi yilda, yangi va yuqori natijalar bilan qaytmoqdamiz. Eslatib o'tish joizki marafonimiz narxi mutlaqo bepul.

Darslarni olib boruvchi ustozlarimiz natijalari bilan tanishing👇

Behruz - 1500 ( English 720, Math 800)
Rasulbek - 1550 ( English 760, Math 790)
Nuraziz - 1480 ( English 700 ,Math 780 )
Elbek - 1510 ( English 720, Math 790 )
Muhammad 1490 (English 720, Math 770)

Kurslarimizni muvaffaqqiyatli yakunlagan o'quvchilarimiz natijalari bilan tanishing 👇

Umit 1440 ( Math 800 )
Quvonchbek 1430 ( Math 800 )

‼️ Kursimiz 13-yanvar kuni start oladi. Hoziroq websitemiz orqali ro'yxatdan o'ting va eng yuqori natijalarga biz bilan birga erishing! ‼️

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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Top 100 Uni dan repost
📣 Top universitetlarda tahsil olayotgan insonlar tajribasi va bilimlari haqida suhbatlashamiz.

⚡️20- dekabr marafon mehmonlari:

🔘 Ulug‘bek Mamutov (University of British Columbia) – "From Nukus to Canada"
🔘 Farangiz Murodiy (Stanford University) – " Personal Statement"
🔘 Bobirjon Bakhtiyorov (Johns Hopkins University) – "Supplemental essays"

📌 Manzil: Top 100 Uni telegram kanali.

✅ Eng yaxshi universitetlar sari yo‘lda bilim va amaliy tajribaga ega bo‘ling!

🌍 Go global with Top 100 Uni!

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20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.