Wall Street LC

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
Toifa: Ta’lim

Farg'ona shahridagi eng ishonchli o'quv markazi
- ingliz tili (general English, IELTS va multilevel) kurslari
- IELTS 8.5 gacha bo'lgan tajribali ustozlar
- IELTS 8.0 gacha erishgan yuzlab muvaffaqiyatli talabalar

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
Postlar filtri

Markazimiz xizmatini yanayam yaxshilash uchun ushbu linkka biz haqimizdagi ma'lumotlardan aksariyatini joyladik, do'stlar 🔽


Talabalarga yanayam foydaliroq bo'lishi uchun, bu yerga yana nimalarni qo'shsak bo'ladi deb o'ylaysiz?

Tekshirib ko'rgach, fikrlaringizni izohlarda qoldiring.

Your feedback matters

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Obidjonaka bilan kurslarni birinchi boshlagan paytimizda darslarga qo'shgan yangiliklarimizdan biri - talabalarga 3-4 minutlik foydali video qo'yib berish orqali biroz tanaffus berish bo'lar edi.

Yuqoridagi videoni ham 4 yil ilgari topib, talabalarga ko'rsatgan edik.

Kanalga ham doim qayta qayta qo'yaveraman ;).

If you have watched already, don't hesitate to do it once again😅

WALL STREET LC - a place you will learn more than just English.


865 0 16 16 55

The History and Evolution of Flags.pdf
To celebrate the day on which our flag has been officially recognized 🇺🇿

Enjoy this article about the history and evolution of flags as well as where the weirdest ones belong.



These three guys have achieved what I call the humblest result ;)

The result may not be fancy, but for those achieving it usually means a mountain of hard work.


972 0 2 10 37

Sardorbek headed to Italy 🇮🇹

We wish him a nice journey and luck in his endeavors while there.

May God return to Uzbekistan as a far more successful person soon, Sardorbek!


The maps compare the current look of Porth Harbor with its layout in 2000.

Overall, the area has experienced a number of changes since 2000, and it now has noticeably more features. The changes that have happened include the accommodation, amenities and the recreational facilities of the harbor. Notably, there are also three features that have remained virtually unchanged.

Looking first at parts of the place that have experienced alterations, the dock in the north as well as the showers and toilets in the west have doubled in number. In addition, the disused castle in the south east has been turned into a hotel, and the private beach nearby also serves for the hotel users now. A new path now connects the hotel with the road. Another noteworthy change is fishing boats and marina (private yachts) replacing each other. Last but not least, right beside the current location of the marina, visitors can access cafes and shops.

In contrast, some parts of the harbor have remained unchanged. One of them is the public beach, which still occupies the north east of the area as before. Lifeboat near the hotel as well as the car parks connected with the main road are also the same as before, except that the southern car park now has a little path leading to the road below


Umbrella terms in IELTS writing task 1

Umbrella terms - so'zlarni umumiylashtirib ifodalovchi jumlalar.

Writing task 1 da, asosan map da, faqatgina berilgan binolar, qismlarning o'zini nomi bilan yozib emas, umumiylashtiruvchi jumlalardan ham foydalansangiz bo'ladi.

Ya'ni, mapda hotel, apartments va mansions bor. Ularni umumiylashtirib accommodation, factory, manufacturing/recycling site bo'lsa shunchaki industrial facilities desangiz bo'ladi.

School, hospital, shops kabilarni amenities deb atash, parks, sports center kabilarni recreational facilities deb yozsangiz bo'ladi.

Bu narsa odatda, paragraflarni boshlashda, yoki asosan overview da qo'l keladi.

Body paragraflarda har bitta qism uchun alohida detail ham albatta aytasiz.

Pastdagi sampleni o'qib, amalda qanday ishlatganimni ko'rsangiz bo'ladi, janob va janobalar😎



Some of you might say:

Alas, I live in another region. If I lived in Fergana, I'd definitely attend lessons at Wall Street.


#diqqat #yangiguruhlar

Farg'onadagi eng ishonchli va insofli o'quv markazida yangi guruhlar🚀

WALL STREET o'quv markazida yangi haftadan quyidagi guruhlar start olmoqda:

⏰Soat 10:30 va 13:30

⏰Soat 8:30 va 3:30

⏰Soat 10:30 va 3:30

⚠️ Bu guruhlardan tashqari, sizga mos har qanday guruh bizda mavjud❗️

Murojaat va batafsil ma'lumot:

Bizni telegramda kuzatib boring:


My dad came up with a nickname for his car.

Guess what😅?


I wonder whether he was inspired by a song or anything else, but I believe it's quite creative😆

On a serious note, we have new groups opening at Wall Street LC🚀

See the post below...

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Essay analysis + speaking lesson.

Online darsda yozib olingan videolardan biri.

Speaking videoning ikkinchi yarmida va dars oxirida bir qancha kunlik mashg'ulotlar ham aytilgan☑️



Bugun sizlar uchun kanalga qanday videodarsimdan joylay?
  •   Reading
  •   Listening
  •   Writing
  •   Speaking
  •   Farqi yo'q, baribir saved messages ga olib qo'yaman🤓
288 ta ovoz

The mid-term exam is on with pre-IELTS students of WALL STREET LC.

WALL street o'quv markazi pre-IELTS talabalari oraliq nazorat imtihonlarini topshirishmoqda


Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Bu yerdagi videodarslarni ko'rganlar 🔥yoki 🎃 reaction orqali tasdiqlab qo'yaylik...

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
O'quv markazimiz joylashuvi tushuntirilgan video🚀

Kurslarga ro'yxatdan o'tish uchun:



20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.