7 Feb, 03:03
6 Feb, 19:02
6 Feb, 18:30
6 Feb, 18:00
6 Feb, 17:13
Online videos Online learning
6 Feb, 09:59
6 Feb, 02:59
5 Feb, 19:29
5 Feb, 15:27
β οΈ Bu umumiy iboralar ingliz tilidagi suhbatlarda ravonlikni oshirishga va yanada tabiiyroq eshitilishga yordam beradi!
5 Feb, 00:20
4 Feb, 19:06
4 Feb, 10:15
4 Feb, 02:59
3 Feb, 19:10
3 Feb, 11:49
Colors 2οΈβ£0οΈβ£2οΈβ£5οΈβ£
Topic vocabulary
3 Feb, 10:09
3 Feb, 07:08
2 Feb, 22:34
2 Feb, 18:59
π¬ Do you think only old people have time for leisure?
π¬What leisure activities do old and young people prefer?
π¬ How do people spend their leisure time in your country?