Discoveries with Shohjahon

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha

Past: Alwiut'
Present: Wiut (scholarship)
Cefr: C 1 - 70

Связанные каналы

Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
Postlar filtri

O’sha kutilgan C1.
As the saying goes: - Success is no accident; it is hard work, perseverance, learning, and sacrifice.
Congratulations Feruzaxon. She made her parents feel proud🔥🔥🔥.
May Allah bless you with the opportunity to attain this level of C1 as well.🤲

Yana bir bomba B2. Just 2 points away from C1. Congratulations, you made it.
Reading, Listening 🔥🔥🔥
We also give no less credit to the student’s previous teachers.

Ikkita B2, lekin bu safar juda yaqin. Atigi 3 ball ajratib turipti.
Bu ikki o’quvchimiz doimo vazifalarni bajargandan keyin xatolari ustida ishlashardi va qo’shimcha tasklar qilish uchun harakat qilishardi.
Bomba B2, congratulations 🎉🎊🎉.
Siz ham xohlasangiz ❤️ni bosamiz!

Teacher Abror aytganlariday
- ajoyib B2 lar jamlanmasi!
Tabriklimizzzz, bardavom qilsin 🔥🎊⚡️


60+ natijalar va C 1 larni ko’ramizmi?
  •   Ha🧑‍💻
  •   Ha👩‍💻
  •   Albatta
20 ta ovoz

Siz qanday qilib B2 oldingiz deb savol bersangiz bu oquvchilarimga
- Do what our teacher says deb javob berishardi 💯.
Patience, hard work and mentality bularning natijalari uchun key aspectlardir.

Yana bir B2 natija. Studentlar xursand - ustozlar xursand 💯. Tabriklationssss🎊🎉✅

Ulmeken hamda Roziyabonu. Qo’shimcha dars olishga harakat qilishsa qilishardiki o’tqazib yuborishmasdi. Congratulations 🎉🎈. You did it🔥🔥

Yana bir B 2 holder. Muborak o’zlarining punctualliglari hamda consistent personliglari bilan esda qolganlar. Congratulations 🎉🎊🔥

Irodaxonni ajoyib natija bilan tabriklimiz. Hard work always pays off💯🔥⚡️

Assalomu aleykum qadri baland o’quvchilarim. Studentlarimning natijalari chiqipti. Share qilishni boshliman. Sizlar reaction bilan Allan turilar 🤝🤲✅💯


Barcha ayollar va qizlar
Sizlarni bahorning eng go‘zal bayrami – 8-mart Xalqaro xotin-qizlar kuni bilan chin qalbimdan tabriklayman! Sizning mehr-muhabbatingiz, sabr-toqatingiz va fidoyiligingiz tufayli ko‘plab yoshlar ilmu ma’rifatga oshno bo‘lib, yorqin kelajak sari dadil odimlamoqda.

Sizlarga mustahkam sog‘lik, oilaviy baxt, bardavom muvaffaqiyatlar va kasbingizda yanada yuksak cho‘qqilarni zabt etishni tilayman! Har bir kuningiz quvonch, ilhom va ezgulik bilan to‘lsin!
Bayramingiz muborak bo‘lsin!


Jo'rabeĸova dan repost

Shuni kim topa olsa malades lekin

Miyya qizdirish time :)

Mana bu rasmda nima so'z yoki so'z birikmasi tasvirlangan?👇👇👇

Don’t translate directly from your native language

Many students tend to translate directly from their native language, especially with prepositions, leading to common errors like:

❌ Affect to → ✅ Affect (no preposition)

❌ Cause to → ✅ Cause (no preposition) or Cause [something] to [verb]

❌ Ask from → ✅ Ask [someone] for [something]

❌ Come across with → ✅ Come across (no extra preposition)

Prepositions don’t always translate directly, so it’s important to check their use

“Spot the Error Challenge!”

Read the sentences below and see if you can identify and correct the mistakes. Write your corrections in the comments!
1. “He don’t like playing football on weekends.”
  Hint: Check the subject-verb agreement.
2. “There is too many people at the concert.”
  Hint: Consider the rules for countable and uncountable nouns.
3. “She can speaks three languages fluently.”
  Hint: Look at the structure following a modal verb.
4. “I have visited Paris last summer.”
  Hint: Think about which tense works best with specific time references.
5. “We was very excited about the event.”
  Hint: Examine the verb form for the subject.

Comment your corrected sentences below and let us know which one was the trickiest for you!

336 0 1 19 12

Shodiyev Ozodbek | IELTS 7.0 dan repost
Work and study

1. Do you work or are you a student?

Currently, I'm a student at Final International University, which is situated in Cyprus, and I major in teaching English as a second language.

2. Why did you choose this major?

There are some reasons why I chose it. One of the predominant reasons why I chose it is that I felt like I was born for teaching. It's my true calling. And the second main reason is that I wanted to be an international English teacher so I chose this major.

3. Is there anything that you like about your studies?

Of course, there are lots of things that I like about my studies. First of all, there's an international atmosphere at my university. There are lots of students from all walks of life, you know, from different countries, nationalities and backgrounds. It's really great. On top of that, there are some teachers who are really professional in the field that they're working, and they know exactly how to make classes interactive and fun. So yeah, there are so many things that I really appreciate about my studies at university.

4. Is there anything that you dislike about your studies at university?

Is there anything that you dislike about your studies at university? Frankly speaking, there's nothing that I hate about my studies at university, except for the poor quality of bus services. I'm not sure whether it's related to that or not. But honestly, I hate it because the bus schedule is quite confusing and buses are not frequent and punctual. This is something that really drives me crazy, sometimes.

Mock test🔥✅🫡

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.