Postlar filtri

— As always got the perfect schedule for myself🙂‍↔️🙂‍↔️🙂‍↔️

— Getting 16 credits, and still 3 days🙂‍↕️

— One of them is online🤓

— Just one packed day, and my other 2 days are also chill😌

95 0 0 24 13

Sen gulsen-u men haqir bulbuldurmen,
Sen shulasen ul shu'lag'a kuldurmen.
Nisbat yo'qdur deb ijtinob aylamagin,
Shohmen elga va le senga quldurmen.

Bobur ijodidan eng yaxshi ko'rgan ruboiylarimdan biri)

Barchani bobomiz Zahiriddin Muhammad Bobur tavallud ayyomlari bilan tabriklayman🤓🙂‍↕️

I'm so so grateful that Uzbek guys still offer help if they see girls having problems.

Today I moved to my new house with a freakin' heavy luggage and people just walked past💀💀💀.

I know no one has to help or anything, but they just look and see me suffering lifting heavy stuff and just ignore🗿

One time I helped one grandma to carry her bag when getting off the bus, and she was sooooo grateful, but Koreans, they literally don't care besides themselves.

Thank God I was born Uzbek🗿🗿🗿

182 0 2 19 10

by Durdona✨ dan repost
The best thing you can do for yourself is building your own life that is centered around only you. Well, there is always other people in our life, and we can never ignore their presence while living normal life. This is social life.
The concept of ‘own life’ is different and involves only your ideas, thoughts and probably hobbies. Not many people have this personal space and their life constantly evolve around other people’s business (which actually drains energy).
Building your own life is never easy, and you always feel like failing. (I feel like this everyday, actually). But this is part of the process, and you should never give up. Remember, the person you should invest the most energy in is yourself. 🎀

Started Instagram account with Banu now and will try to post consistently🙂‍↕️
Wait for more content when the classes start:)


I mean...


1 month left till my birthday...

If you guys wanna give gifts, my tg account is on the channel's bio🙂🙃

Wouldn't say no to telegram premium🌚🫣

Went to skating with Banu and Beki today💅

Skatingdan boshqa ishi yo'q ekan deydiganlar uchun, bu yerda eng mazza activity skating, arzon va qulay, va bir soat🤭👽😮‍💨

Bugun esa aynan biz borishimizga chiroyli qilib qor yog'di🙂‍↔️🙂‍↕️

Had an amazing party with my friends🙂‍↔️🙂‍↕️

Even called my classmate from Yonsei🤓

Osh was literally the best, and everything was perfect😌😌😌

Special thanks to Beki, Banu and my classmate Sherzod🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️

Hope we will have a lot of time like this together🙂‍↔️

(Asuchilarchalik bo'lmasa ham har zamonda shunaqa rasmlar ulashib turamiz😆)

263 0 3 28 11


Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Ikki kun oldin...

— Ertalab uyqudan uyg'ondim;

— Fevral oyida ko'chib chiqmoqchi bo'lgan uyimga bordim🙂‍↕️;

— Barcha kerakli ishlarni maslahatlashib, uy bo'yicha shartnomani ham tuzib, qaysi kun ko'chishimni ham aniqlashtirib qaytdim🙂‍↔️;

— Anchadan beri biror joyga bormaganim uchun Banuni chaqirdim (@seoulwithbanu) va ikkovimiz Seoul Plazada ice skatingga jo'nadik;

— 1 soat mazza qilib uchdik, va albatta yiqilib tushishlarga ham ulgurdik☃️

— Kun ajoyib o'tyapti, yana qayergadir borishimiz kerak deya Koreyaning mashhur Kyung Hee universitetiga qarab yo'l oldik)

— Bu universitetni ko'rgim kelgandi, chunki shu Kyung Heega qabul qilingandim, ammo Hanyangni tanlagandim🤓

— Universitet haqiqatda juda go'zal va katta edi, bundan tashqari qiyalikda joylashgani uchun tepa pastga tushib chiqaverib, nafaslarimiz qaytib ketdi🥸

— Universitetda o'zimiz uchun rasmlar olamiz deb turgan vaqtimiz bir kishi kelib, "I see you guys are trying to take pictures, can you be models for my photographs, I will give you the pictures later" deb qoldi deng:)

— Shunday qilib modellik ham qilib keldik🙂‍↔️;

— Shundan so'ng amallab uyga qaytish uchun yo'limizni topib, uyga jo'nadik^_^

My therapy...

My love...

The only thing I need to feel better...

Is 3 hours calls with my bestiee💜🥹

I believe in luck, cause I have her in my life💋

"Osmonimiz musaffo!"

Mana shu gap hazil tariqasida juda ko'p aytiladi va shunchaki bizda bor-yo'g'i osmon musaffo deb qo'yishadi odamlar...
Ammo kechagina Seoulda yashab turib shuni sezdimku osmoni musaffo davlatda yashash bu "privilege".

Tiniq moviy osmon ostida to'yib nafas olish — bu baxt...

Ayniqsa kechgi vaqtga borib tashqariga chiqqan vaqtim birinchi qilgan ishim bu qo'limni cho'zib niqob taqish bo'ldi. Nafas olishga shunchalar qiynaldimki, hattoki boshim og'rishni boshladi, ko'nglim xiralashib ketaverdi.

Hattoki bir professor agar biz doktorga borib, o'pkamizni tekshirtiradigan bo'lsak, ularning bizga beradigan birinchi savoli "Chekasizmi?" bo'lishi aniq deb kuldi. Seoulda yashash qiyin deb...

Musaffo osmonimiz borligiga chin dildan shukur qilaylik🫠
Aslida baxtli bo'lish uchun eng oddiy narsalar bo'lishi yetarli...

215 0 0 20 15

One more book for my booklist📚✨, I have heard about a lot before, but now I really want to read...

Kutubxona™ dan repost
Nima qilishing ahamiyatsiz, biroq nimaga qo'l ursang ham u o'z shaklini o'zgartirsin, avvalgidan boshqacharoq ko'rinish olsin, unda sening bir parchang bo'lsa ham qolsin. Ana shu ahamiyatlidir. Uy oldidagi o'tni o'rayotgan odam bilan haqiqiy bog'bon orasidagi farq ham aynan ana shundadir.

©️Rey Bredberi
(Farengeyt bo'yicha 451°) kitobidan

Telegram | Instagram | Audiokitob

One thing I love about foreign professors ^_^

The american professor who lives in the dorm is so nice, to the extent I even feel bad that I can't give back enough sometimes🥲🫠

He did not even taught me any course before, just sees me sometimes in dorm.

"Stay warm, be careful in cold, have a goodnight!" are such warm words to hear when you are tired🥲

But whenever he sees me he always shares something: food, candies, cake, ice creams, and lot of tangerines🙂‍↔️

Even now he went to buy tangerines for himself and brought ice cream for me🫠🫠🫠

Let me manifest only nice people like him all the time✨✨✨

231 0 1 13 16
20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.