So essentially, this channel's audience comprises mainly of smart people. Who are also very diligent.
I have been thinking about executing this small project for long. Now that i finally deciced to start it,
10 people can join if they want to.
This is 100% on collective benefit. That is, we will work on books curated by
@Valeranotes himself. In the process, we will write reflections, learn about nuances, and review each other's works.
Action plan is ready almost. At the end, there will be
a prize for the winner. And we are going to select him/her based on performance throughout the program.
This is especially a booster for students who are aiming to elevate their
intellectual vitality. + heavy reading and writing for essays.
Requirements: If you want to join, you will need to commit and have good english. Also, we will do it mostly in the evenings. Around 2 hours of reading everyday.
Here is the list of the books: