Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha

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O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
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📽 Faylzona qanday bot ?....

⭐️ Siz endilikda 📚KITOB yoki 📺KINO uchun kanalma - kanal yurishingiz hojati yo'q !

🗂 Ushbu BOT orqali endi siz istalgan kino va kitoblaringiz topishingiz mumkin .
@megadokbot @megadokbot
@megadokbot @megadokbot
@megadokbot @megadokbot

📄 #Transcript

Scott Galloway: How the US is destroying young people’s future

@daily_ted_talks ✅️

#TedTalk #audio

Scott Galloway: How the US is destroying young people’s future

@daily_ted_talks ✅️

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Scott Galloway: How the US is destroying young people’s future

@daily_ted_talks ✅️

🟡 Multi-level daarajangizni tekinga oshiring👇


❗️❕‼️DIQQAT MULTILEVELchilar uchun super yangilik⭐️

✍️ Ko'pchilik imtihon topshiruvchilar uchun qiyin bo'lgan WRITING endi sizga oson
     Chunki WRITING C1 olish sirlarini ochib beradigan yagona kanal sizda bor 👇

🔰Writing task 1 - Letter
🔰Writing task 2 - Essay
🔰Real exam Letter Sample
🔰Real exam Essay Sample

👨‍🏫 Barcha darslar CEFR C1 darajali ustoz tomonidan o'tib boriladi✔️

🔔Bundan tashqari APREL va MAY oylari imtihon topshiruvchilar uchun  essaylar shakl va mavzular predictions shu kanalda!👇


⚠️ Yopiq kanal uchun yagona link ☝️

BBC 6 Minute English dan repost

⚫️ modernise - make more modern, for example through introducing new technology

⚫️ social fabric - community relationships which connect members of a society

⚫️ intact - complete and untouched

⚫️ take centre stage - become more important than anything else

⚫️ brain drain - when large numbers of educated and skilled people leave their own country to live and work abroad where they can earn more money

⚫️ upskilling - improving workers’ skills by giving them additional training

👉 @bbc_6_minutes

Koreyaga surish kerak 🇰🇷😎

KOREYA ga 5.5 IELTS bilan 50% dan 100% gacha grant olib bera oladigan yagona kanal 🇰🇷


Tezz ulanvoling! Va koreyaga 100% grant yuting

📄 #Transcript

Katie Hood: The difference between healthy and unhealthy love

@daily_ted_talks ✅️


Katie Hood: The difference between healthy and unhealthy love

@daily_ted_talks ✅️

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Katie Hood: The difference between healthy and unhealthy love

@daily_ted_talks ✅️


Writing dan muammo bormi?

Unda siz uchun, Original kontentga ega 👉 Mana o'sha Writingdan 8.0 (ga tayyorlaydigan) kanal! 👉@Essays_band9

P.s: Writingdan qiynalganlar qo‘shilib olsin!

📄 #Transcript

Dalia Mogahed: What it's like to be a Muslim in America

@daily_ted_talks ✅️

#TedTalk #audio

Dalia Mogahed: What it's like to be a Muslim in America

@daily_ted_talks ✅️

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Dalia Mogahed: What it's like to be a Muslim in America

@daily_ted_talks ✅️

🟢🟢🟢🟢🟢🟢🟢 🟢🟢🟢🟢🟢🟢🟢

Ushbu oy munosabati bilan yangilik!
Bugun asl narxi 600,000 so'm bo’lgan Full CEFR kurs TEKINGA beriladi👨‍💻

Multilevel C1(72) egasi tomonidan kunlik tekin video darslar. ⭐️

Ko'k yozuv ustiga bosing. Qabul tugashiga oz qoldi! ✔️

Hoziroq kanalga qo'shiling. Link tez orada o'chiriladi. ULGURIB QOLING‼️

BBC 6 Minute English dan repost

⚫️ breakthrough - sudden, dramatic and important discovery

⚫️ a number of (something) - several or many; used to add credibility to what you are saying

⚫️ Nothing to see here! - used to encourage people to move or look away from something, or to stop them from paying it much attention

⚫️ hijack - take control of something that does not belong to you for your own advantage

⚫️ blind to (something) - completely fail to notice or realise the threat of something

⚫️ re-educate - teach somebody to think or behave in a new or different way

👉 @bbc_6_minutes

READINGdan📖 75/75 yechishni istaganlar qo'shilib olamiz ✅👇


Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Teacher Rustam Fayzullayevdan
Aprel - May oylarida imtihonga kiruvchilar uchun super yangilik.

O’zbekistonda ilk bor CD formatdagi Multilevel practice testlari.

30 kunga mo’ljallangan, haqiqiy imtihonda tushgan va tushish ehtimoli katta bo’lgan Reading va Listening materiallari.

Test natijalarini soatlab kutib turmaysiz, bir zumda ekranda paydo bo’ladi va xatolaringizni video explanation orqali tuzatishingiz mumkin.

20+ jonli efirda writing darslari.

Qo’shimchasiga faqatgina C1 darajadagi model answerlarni o’z ichiga olgan “Multilevel Speaking Guide 75” kitobi.

Reading Listening Writing Speaking uchun yuqori darajali video darslar.

Kursga start 15-Martdan beriladi

Chegirmada agar 10-Mart soat 22:00gacha ro’yxatdan o’tsangiz 259,000 Uzs

Chegirma muddati tugagandan so’ng 299,000Uzs

Qo'shimcha ma'lumotlar uchun obuna bo'ling:

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.