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O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
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🇺🇿Allohning rahmatidan noumid bo'lma

Topic: Feeling confident

1. Why do so many people lack confidence these days?
Many people lack confidence due to societal pressures, unrealistic comparisons, and fear of failure. Social media, for example, often creates unrealistic standards that make individuals doubt themselves. Additionally, lack of support and past failures can contribute to self-doubt. Building confidence requires overcoming these external and internal challenges.

2. How can a person become more confident?
A person can build confidence by setting achievable goals, practicing self-acceptance, and seeking constructive feedback. For instance, achieving small milestones boosts self-belief. Engaging in activities that highlight strengths, such as public speaking or sports, can also improve confidence over time.

15 Selected Words with Definitions:

1. 🌍 Societal - Relating to society or social structures.
Example: Societal pressures often impact people's confidence.
2. 🪞 Comparison - The act of evaluating oneself against others.
Example: Constant comparisons can lead to self-doubt.
3. ⚡️ Unrealistic - Not practical or based on reality.
Example: Social media promotes unrealistic beauty standards.
4. 🤯 Failure - The lack of success in achieving a goal.
Example: Fear of failure prevents many from trying new things.
5. 💭 Self-doubt - Lack of confidence in one's abilities or decisions.
Example: Negative experiences can lead to persistent self-doubt.
6. 🌟 Overcoming - Successfully dealing with a problem or difficulty.
Example: Overcoming fears is crucial for building confidence.
7. ✅ Achievable - Realistic and possible to accomplish.
Example: Setting achievable goals is essential for gaining confidence.
8. 🤗 Self-acceptance - Recognizing and embracing one's strengths and weaknesses.
Example: Self-acceptance is a key step toward confidence.
9. 🎯 Milestone - An important stage or achievement in development.
Example: Each milestone builds a person's self-belief.
10. 🗣 Public speaking - Delivering a speech to an audience.
Example: Practicing public speaking can improve confidence significantly.
11. 🏋️ Strengths - Positive qualities or abilities.
Example: Focusing on strengths helps people feel more confident.
12. 🏅 Constructive feedback - Helpful advice aimed at improving performance.
Example: Receiving constructive feedback can guide self-improvement.
13. 🔄 Persistence - Continuing an effort despite challenges.
Example: Persistence is necessary to build confidence over time.
14. 🧠 Mindset - A fixed attitude or way of thinking.
Example: A positive mindset supports confidence development.
15. 🏆 Self-belief - Confidence in one's abilities and decisions.
Example: Small achievements strengthen self-belief.

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Negative developments such as crime, natural disasters, or terrorist attacks often receive a disproportionate amount of media attention compared to positive news. This has created a concern among the public, who express that this has harmful effects on people and society as a whole. While I understand the concern, I believe it might be an overreaction.

One of the proclaimed negative effects of the media coverage of bad news is that it can create an unnecessary fear among the public. As media can have a significant impact on people’s perceptions and emotions, the constant exposure to negative news can distort the reality for many people. The recent COVID-19 pandemic showed us how vulnerable people are to negative news, even it comes from an unreliable source, as it can create panic among the population.

However, in my opinion, these perceived dangers of media focusing more on negative news are an exaggeration. Firstly, this has been going on for so long that people have come to realize focusing too much on bad news is nothing more than a media stunt. As media outlets are well aware of the intrinsic interest of people in negativity, they tend to sensationalize bad news for attention.

In addition, with the widespread adaptation of smartphones and the internet, people now have a greater control over what news they consume. Some mobile apps and websites allow users to subscribe to specific topics of interest and follow more credible sources. This ability of people to filter news goes to show that they are not as adversely affected by the reports of negative news as some people make it out to be.

In conclusion, the concern regarding the effects of bad news on the media mainly stems from the argument that it can lead to reality distortion. However, this seems to me an overstatement as people now possess awareness of tactics used by the mainstream media and they also have more control over their news consumption.

327 words

The tendency for news reports in the media to focus on problems and emergencies rather than on positive developments is harmful to the individual and to society.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement



384 0 0 13 29

🇺🇿Seni tushunishlari uchun har doim ham so'zlar kerak bo'lavermaydi.
Robbing seni hech qanday gap so'zlarsiz eshitadi

251👁️ - 25🤣+1👍= "251"?

Kanalimdagi reaksiyachilarni ko'pi matematikmi deyman 😂🗿

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
POV: you nailed answering a part 3 question in the speaking test😂


🚩The more ..., the more ... - qanchalik ..., shunchalik ...

✔️ Explanation:

This structure is used to show that one thing depends on another in a proportional way.

✔️ Example:

🇺🇸"The more you practice speaking English, the more confident you will become."

🇺🇿Qancha ko‘p ingliz tilida gapirishni mashq qilsangiz, shunchalik ko’proq o‘zingizga ishonasiz.

✔️ Quyidagi gapni o'zbek tiliga tarjima qiling:

🇺🇿 Qancha ko‘p kitob o‘qisangiz, shuncha ko‘p yangi so‘zlar o‘rganasiz.




393 0 6 11 42

Qo'rqinchli hikoya:

Yaqinda sessiya va u tun-u kun tayyorlanardi...

Уша ортогинг узини мошнани тагига ташласа сенам ташла


Fotima Yusufbekova|Future girl scientist dan repost
Ёшлигимда жуда шу́х эдим.Адамдан жуда ку́п калтак еганман,хар гал шу́хлик килганимда,адамдан калтак ердим.
Энг кизиги ойим у́ратага тушиб мени ажратиб олардилар.Адамга урманг болани дер эдилар
Бир кун у́йланиб колдим,агар ойим мени
урсалар,адам у́ртага тушиб ажратиб колармиканлар деб у́йга толдим.
Эрта сахардан Ойим сут олиб келишимни
айтдилар,сут олиб келмадим.Мактаб кетишим учун чиройли кийимларимни тайёрлаб ку́йдилар,атайин бошка кийим кийиб кетдии.Мактабдан кайтгач,ойим овкат тайёрлаб бердилар,атайин овкатимни ту́кдим,ойим яна бошка овкат олиб келиб столимни устига ку́йдилар,мен эса овкатни олдимда ерга у́тириб олиб овкатни хамма жойга ту́киб ту́киб едим.Ойим у́зларини бир нима юмушлар билан оворадек ку́рсатсаларда,нигохлари менда эди.
Овкатимни тугатишим билан, ойим югуриб келиб мени багрларига босиб,у́глим тузукмисан,сенга бирор нима бу́лдими,касал бу́либ колдингми,бирор киши сени хафа килиб ку́йдими дедилар.
У́зимни ушлолмасдан ху́нграб йиглаб юбордим.Мен ана у́ша куни она севгиси ва она мехри билан танишдим.
Аллох хаммамизни Оналаримизни бошимизга сог омон килсин.Илохим Оналаримиз дунё тургунча турсинлвр.

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Sizlarni ham dilingizni xira qilay 😂

390 0 10 4 24



460 0 2 41 27

🇺🇿Ey Allohim, agar sendan uzoqlashayotganimni ko'rsang, meni go'zal tarzda o'zingga qaytargin.

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
“Cramming” for exams

The Muqaddimah – An Introduction to History by Ibn Khaldun.pdf

O'qishni niyat qilganlar uchun)

Bzni kuldirgan memlariz haqqi ovoz berb qoydik😂

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.