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O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
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ZIYOKOR | IELTS dan repost

Navro'z bayrami munosabati bilan Ziyokor o'quv markazida 21-22-mart kunlari dam olish kuni deb e'lon qilamiz
Darslar 24-mart, dushanba kunidan davom etadi

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CEFR and IELTS BOOST 🚀 dan repost
2025-yil 1-yarim yillik test sinovlari muddatlari e’lon qilindi✅

Yana qanday Kino Yoki Multfilm ko'rishni hohlasangiz, Commentda yozib ketinglar! (Albatta inglizcha versiyasini)

O'zingizga yoqqan kino yoki multfilmni ko'rmoqchi bo'lsangiz (usha yozuv) Link Ustiga bosing!

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

• Aynan Aprelchilar uchun maxsus:

• To’liq ko’rib chiqing examda kop tushadi discussiondan


Mehnat qilib tushuntirgan Ustozga rahmat. Hammaga ko'rib chiqish tavsiya qilinadi


Yes I believe in Naseeb but,
❤️I also believe Dua can change the Naseeb.

Hurmatli C1 olgurlar😁

Bugun yangilik eshitadigan kun. Habarini berarsizlar degan umiddaman

Toooooooooooogggggri lichkaga otaverasila

MultiLevelRecord Real Exam Speaking Mocks.pdf
Azizlar, imtihonda ko'plab tushayotgan savollarga biz sample javoblar qilib berganmiz mana shu kitobda.

O'qib, yaxshilab tayyorlansez bo'ladi.

Minglab insonlar Allaqachon kitobni chiqarib, foydalanishmoqda.

🚀Join: https://t.me/cefr_ielts_boost

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Kayfiyat uchun …😅

Bugungi kunda maktabda o’qiyotganlar uchun kichkina hazilcha 😁😁




Dubay, Turkiya hamda Belgiya davlatlarida bo’lib o’tadigan Xalqaro Olimpiadada qatnashish imkoniyati!

• 14-15-Mart kunlari!
• Soat 10:00 da
• Namangan shahridagi Ziyokor o'quv markazi binosida

TEST SINOVLARIDA ishtirok eting va Dubay, Turkiya hamda Belgiya davlatlarida bo’lib oʻtadigan Xalqaro olimpiadaga yo’llanmani qo’lga kiriting!


🟢 2-11-sinflar o‘rtasida – Matematika va Ingliz tili fanlaridan bo'lib o'tadi.

2 bosqichli imtixondan yaxshi natijaga erishgan oʻquvchilar GERMANIYA DAVLATIGA YOʻLLANMA ASOSIDA OʻQISHGA YOKI IMTIHONGA BORISHLARI MUMKIN.

Ingliz tilidan IELTS va Xalqaro darajadagi sertifikati bor oʻquvchilar imtixonda qatnashsa XALQARO UNIVERSITETLARGA YOʻLLANMA BERILADI!

👉Ishtirok etish: 50 ming so'm

😀: +998938471123
✈️: @Ziyokor_Maxsus_Kurslar_bot

📌Manzil: Namangan shahar, Isfarxon yonida

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✔️Wait patiently
/weɪt ˈpeɪʃəntli/
~ sabrli bo'lib kutmoq

✔️Wait in line/queue
/weɪt ɪn laɪn/ kju/
~ bir tekis turib / navbatda kutmoq

✔️Wait for a response
/weɪt fɔr ə rɪˈspɑns/
~ habariga ) Jacob kutmoq

✔️Wait for an opportunity
/weɪt fɔr ən ˌɑpərˈtunɪti/
~ o'z imkoniyatini kutmoq

✔️Wait around
/weɪt əˈraʊnd/
~ kimnidur / nimanidur biror joyda kutib turmoq

✔️Wait on (someone)
/weɪt ɑn/
~ kimgadur hismat ko'rsatmoq


✔️Expect the unexpected
/ɪkˈspɛkt ði ˌʌnɪkˈspɛktɪd/
~ kutilmagan vaziyatga tayyor turmoq

✔️Expect good news
/ɪkˈspɛkt ɡʊd nuz/
~ yaxshi habar kutmoq

✔️Expect from (someone)
/ɪkˈspɛkt frʌm/
~ kimdandur biror narsani kutmoq


✔️Hope for the best
/hoʊp fɔr ðə bɛst/
~ eng yaxshisiga umid qilmoq

✔️Hope for a miracle
/hoʊp fɔr ə ˈmɪrəkəl/
~ biror mo'jiza sodir bo'lishiga umid qilmoq

✔️Hope against hope
/hoʊp əˈɡeɪnst hoʊp/
~ amalga oshmasa ham umid qilishda davom etish


The person ( that ) + Grammar ( to be ) + ( Name }
[ inson bu…… ]

🔂When i have problems , i often talk with my close-friend

[ qachonli menda muammolar bo’lsa , men
asosan yaqin do’stim bilan suhbatlashaman ]

🔴When i have problems , the person that i talk with is my close-friend

[ qachonki menda muammo bo’lsa , men asosan gaplashadigan inson bu mening yaqin do’stim ]

🔂My teacher used to bully me as a stupid student among others

[ Mening ustozim boshqalarning orasida meni axmoq o’quvchi sifatida tahqirlar edi ]

🔴The person that my teacher used to bully as a stupid student among others was me

[ Mening ustozim boshqalar orasida yomon o’quvchi sifatida tahrilaydigan insoni bu men edim ]


t also a confidant. We both share a love for hiking, and we often go on weekend trips to explore new places.

⚜️5. Music: What’s your favourite type of music?

7️⃣ Band 7 Response:
I enjoy a wide variety of music, but I’d say my favorite genre is pop. I like its catchy beats and the upbeat mood it creates. I also enjoy listening to some classic rock and a bit of indie music depending on my mood. Music is a great way for me to relax, and I tend to listen to it while I’m working or during my free time.

9️⃣ Band 9 Response:
I’m quite eclectic when it comes to music, but if I had to choose, I’d say my favorite genre is alternative rock. I love the raw energy and emotional depth that often comes with the lyrics and instrumental arrangement in this genre. Bands like Radiohead and The Smashing Pumpkins have always resonated with me because their music is not only captivating but also introspective. That being said, I also enjoy classical music, especially when I need to focus or unwind, as it has a calming effect on me. Music, for me, is a form of self-expression and a way to connect with my emotions.



⚜️1. Art: Do you have an interest in art?

7️⃣ Band 7 Response:
Yes, I do enjoy art, but not in an intense way. I appreciate visiting art galleries and looking at paintings or sculptures that have historical significance or tell a story. I’m particularly drawn to contemporary art because it’s often abstract, and I like interpreting what the artist is trying to convey. However, I wouldn’t say I’m a connoisseur, and I don’t create art myself.

9️⃣ Band 9 Response:
Absolutely! I’ve always had a deep interest in art, particularly in how it serves as a medium for cultural expression and emotional communication. I frequently visit art exhibitions, especially those that focus on modern and conceptual art. I find that art allows me to connect with emotions and ideas in ways that words can’t express. I also dabble in painting occasionally, mainly watercolors, as a way of relaxing and exploring my creative side.

⚜️2. Food: What kinds of food are popular in your country?

7️⃣Band 7 Response:
In my country, we have a diverse food culture due to various regional influences. For example, in the south, dishes like spicy curries and rice are quite popular, while in the north, people prefer milder flavors with a lot of bread-based foods like naan and paratha. Overall, I'd say the cuisine is rich in spices, and we consume a lot of vegetarian dishes, which reflect the local agricultural practices.

9️⃣Band 9 Response:
Food in my country is incredibly diverse, reflecting the country’s rich cultural history. Some of the most popular dishes are biryani, which is a flavorful rice dish with meat, and various types of curries, both vegetarian and non-vegetarian. We also have a strong tradition of street food, like chaat, which offers a blend of spicy, sweet, and tangy flavors. In addition, many of our dishes include fresh, seasonal vegetables, making the food vibrant and nutritious. Overall, the flavors are bold and aromatic, with an emphasis on fresh ingredients and a wide variety of spices.

⚜️3. Daily Routine: Do you usually have the same routine every day?

7️⃣Band 7 Response:
Yes, I generally follow a similar routine every day. I wake up around 7 am, then I go for a short jog before having breakfast. Afterward, I spend most of my day working or studying. I like to take breaks throughout the day, but my schedule doesn’t change much, as I prefer having some structure to my day. On weekends, I try to relax and spend time with family or friends.

9️⃣Band 9 Response:
Yes, I have a pretty fixed routine, which helps me stay organized and productive. I wake up at around 6:30 am every day, then I start my morning with some light yoga and meditation, which helps me clear my mind. After that, I usually have a nutritious breakfast before diving into work or study. I try to maintain a balance by scheduling regular breaks. In the evening, I engage in physical activities, such as a brisk walk or some sports, and then unwind with a good book or spend time with family. On weekends, I like to break my routine by going for outings or doing something creative to refresh myself.

⚜️4. Friends: Who is your best friend and why?

7️⃣Band 7 Response:
My best friend is Sarah, who I’ve known for over ten years. We met in high school and have remained close ever since. What makes her special is that she’s always there for me, no matter the situation. She’s very empathetic and understands me even when I’m not saying much. We share a lot of common interests, like reading and traveling, which makes spending time with her really enjoyable.

9️⃣ Band 9 Response:
My best friend is Alex, who I’ve been friends with since childhood. He’s someone I can always count on, and our bond is built on mutual trust and shared experiences. What makes Alex stand out is his incredible loyalty and his ability to provide support when things get tough. He has a remarkable sense of humor and always knows how to lighten the mood, which is something I deeply appreciate. Over the years, we’ve been through a lot together, and I consider him not only a friend bu

Latest IELTS Speaking part 1 questions

Art: Do you have an interest in art?

Food: What kinds of food are popular in your country?

Daily Routine: Do you usually have the same routine every day?

Friends: Who is your best friend and why?

Music: What’s your favourite type of music?


🕋Ask smth in prayers - Biror bir narsani duolarda so'ramoq

🕋To fast / Do fasting - Ro'za tutmoq

🕋Clean the sins of smb - kimnidur qilgan gunohlarini yuvmoq

🕋Behave as a good role model - o'zini yaxshi tutmoq

🕋Give smb's helping hands - o'zining yordam qo'llarini cho'zmoq

🕋Have a fasting diet - ro'za tutish dietasiga amal qilmoq

🕋Do religious cleaning - tahorat olmoq

🕋Release smb from the darkness and sufferings of the hell - do'zoxning azob uqubatlaridan xalos qilmoq

🕋Habituate good characteristics - yaxshi odatlarni shakllantirmoq

🕋Follow a nutritious-meal plan - To'yimli va vitaminli ovqatlanishga rioya qilmoq.


Below is a collection of fixed phrases for writing a formal complaint letter. These phrases will help you maintain a polite, professional tone throughout your letter:

1. Opening the Letter
Dear Sir/Madam,
To Whom It May Concern,
I hope this letter finds you well.
I am writing to formally complain about...
I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with...
I would like to bring to your attention...
I am writing in regard to...
I wish to lodge a formal complaint regarding...
2. Describing the Issue/Problem
I am writing to inform you of an issue I encountered with...
I am disappointed to report that...
I recently experienced an issue with...
I am dissatisfied with the service/product because...
The problem began when...
Unfortunately, I was not satisfied with the quality of...
Despite my expectations, I found that...
On [date], I encountered an issue regarding...
The situation I am referring to involves...
3. Providing Further Details
The problem occurred on [date] when...
I was shocked to discover that...
The service I received was far from satisfactory because...
Despite repeated efforts to resolve this matter, I have not received...
I have already attempted to resolve this issue by [action taken], but to no avail.
I would like to draw your attention to the fact that...
I have attached copies of the relevant documents, such as...
4. Making a Request for Action
I would appreciate it if you could address this matter as soon as possible.
I kindly request that you [action needed], as this has caused significant inconvenience.
I would like a full refund/replacement for the defective product.
I am requesting that you take immediate action to resolve this issue.
I expect to receive a response to this complaint within [timeframe].
I would appreciate it if you could investigate this matter and provide a resolution.
I would be grateful for a prompt and thorough response.
I respectfully ask that you review the situation and provide a solution.
Could you please provide an explanation for the delay in...
I kindly ask that you look into this issue as soon as possible.
5. Closing the Letter
I trust this matter will be resolved promptly.
I look forward to receiving your response at your earliest convenience.
I hope to hear from you soon with a proposed solution.
I trust that you will take this complaint seriously and take the necessary actions.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.
I am confident that you will resolve this issue efficiently.
I appreciate your assistance in resolving this matter.
6. Sign-Off
Yours faithfully, (if you don’t know the recipient's name)
Yours sincerely, (if you know the recipient’s name)
Best regards,
Kind regards,
Example of a Formal Complaint Letter Using Fixed Phrases
Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to formally complain about a recent purchase I made from your company. On [date], I bought a [product] from your website. When it arrived, I was disappointed to find that the product was damaged, despite the fact that it was advertised as being in perfect condition.

I immediately contacted your customer service team on [date], but unfortunately, I have not received any response. This lack of communication is unacceptable, and I feel that my concerns have been ignored.

I would appreciate it if you could arrange for a full refund or replacement of the product. I have attached a copy of the receipt for your reference.

I trust that you will take this complaint seriously and look into this matter immediately. I look forward to receiving your response within [timeframe] and hope that we can resolve this issue quickly.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Yours faithfully,
[Your Name]

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.