Botirjon | Blog

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
Toifa: Bloglar

Salohiddinov Botirjon | 🇺🇿
Germaniyadagi o’zbek talabasi👨‍🎓🇩🇪
➪🎓7-SBS ‘23
➪✅ Acceptance from 30 Universities
➪📆Age : 19
➪📊 IELTS - 7.0
➪💡SAT - 1310
➪📨Contact: @Salohiddinov2005

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
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Once upon a time…😅

Rejection under 214 (b) section



I am not a Teenager anymore…

Those 19 years 🥹


409 0 1 10 23


💬I am all ears , and ready to answer to the every single question…




Back to old traditions… 😅


Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
P.s : У меня лучше вид на поле, чем у всех остальных


Eid mubarak 🌙




Clearing the left-side flag 😅


Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish


So, Croatia 🇭🇷 against Spain 🇪🇸 …

Guess the score below 👇



If you want to watch a real vibe from Euro 2024 , I will be doing a live in instagram ⚽️🇩🇪



From Hater to a Fan

Remember July 13th, 2014 🥲? The heart-wrenching final against Germany (🇦🇷0- 1🇩🇪), the tears, the anger… I swore off the team, convinced I would never stop hating that very team.

But Did I even know😅, once upon a time, I would be sitting amidst millions in that very country I once scorned, cheering louder than ever! How is that for a 180* ?

#yeah Euro 2024 is officially started today 🔥

Write your score predictions to the first game in the comments section below 👇


Michael's Blog dan repost
Endi 5x5 cs 1.6 qivorish kerak

#message 😁✨



🏞️Friday… It was a usual day. I was going to Mosque for jum’ah prayer. It is about 25-minutes way by train . I am there , sitting and listening the khutbah after having done with sunnah prayer , and suddenly, I searched my pockets …

Empty. Empty. My phone is gone… 🤯

I was devestated. The mosque was buzzing with the sounds of Friday prayers🔊, but I was lost in my own world, replaying the events of the last hour. 🤔Had I left it on the train? In the mosque? The possibilities felt endless, each one more horrifying than the last

It wasn’t the phone itself that worried me, but what it held. Three German Bank Accounts with 4-digit amount (XXXX euros💶) of money, my job contract and study contract login details 📂📑which were imposibble to reset without the info I had in these contracts, my Social Security Number🔑. The most interesting part is that there was a temporary sim card in it which was already expired, meaning that it recieves neither messages nor phone calls🤦‍♂️. And thinking this was another level of emotional damage , I left with no way to find the phone by calling or with just sending a message…😑

I use another phone but I am not saving anything to that one. Later on , after an hour or two , I recieved a message that someone found a phone in the train station … And one more time, Thanks God, I witnessed There are still many more faithfull people around us …✨

Xullas , Nina opaga rahmat…

and it is now safely in my hands



My irresponsibility and carelessness 🥲…


Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
#Davra_Cup ⚽️🏆

So the first round is draw 😐

+1 point for both team …

You may see what is happening there (the online stats) via this link


StriveHub dan repost
"StriveHub" dan Ajoyib yangilik ❗️

❗️StriveHub Mentoring Course uchun qabulimiz ochildi ❗️

Biz bilan Universitetlarga hujjat topshirishni o'rganing va 80-90% gacha grandga ega bo'ling!

0 dan 100% gacha bo'lgan ishlarni o'zimiz tushuntirib beramiz bular ichiga oladi:

- Applying to US universities
- Applying to European universities
- Applying to Korean universities
- Personal Statement
- Motivational Letter
- Application to international programs
- Recommendation letter
- CV
- Extracurricular activities
- Preparing for University Interview

Barcha ishlar tajribali ustozlar tomonidan olib boriladi‌‌
Va buning hammasi 100% tekin

Qatnashish uchun bosing va savollarga javob bering...

Agar saralashdan o'taolsangiz, bizning jamoa tez orada sizga aloqaga chiqadi


HNBS stands for “Has Not Been Selected” , come on , guys…


20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.