The line graph shows how the number of people attending different activities at one center in an Australian city called Melbourne changed between 2000 and 2020. Overall, only the number of attendees in table tennis and musical performances showed clear rising trends, while the figure for the remaining activities varied between relative stability and falling trends. Notably, the film club was constantly dominant in terms of participants' number.
There were no changes in two categories. The number of visitors to the film club remained almost the same at around 65 during the period despite a slight fall to roughly 60 in 2010. Similarly, the figure for martial arts did not change, remaining at around 35 although it experienced slight fluctuations.
The only activity that experienced a decline in its participant number was amateur dramatics. Although approximately 15 people used to participate in this activity initially, the figure had fallen to well below 10 by 2020.
In contrast, there were noticeable growths in two of the categories. Although table tennis had the lowest figure at about 16 initially, it became the second most visited section with over 50 participants in the end. Interestingly, musical performances section did not exist until 2005. After it was introduced to the center, the number of participants kept growing, reaching almost 20 in 2020.
The line graph shows how the number of people attending different activities at one center in an Australian city called Melbourne changed between 2000 and 2020. Overall, only the number of attendees in table tennis and musical performances showed clear rising trends, while the figure for the remaining activities varied between relative stability and falling trends. Notably, the film club was constantly dominant in terms of participants' number.
There were no changes in two categories. The number of visitors to the film club remained almost the same at around 65 during the period despite a slight fall to roughly 60 in 2010. Similarly, the figure for martial arts did not change, remaining at around 35 although it experienced slight fluctuations.
The only activity that experienced a decline in its participant number was amateur dramatics. Although approximately 15 people used to participate in this activity initially, the figure had fallen to well below 10 by 2020.
In contrast, there were noticeable growths in two of the categories. Although table tennis had the lowest figure at about 16 initially, it became the second most visited section with over 50 participants in the end. Interestingly, musical performances section did not exist until 2005. After it was introduced to the center, the number of participants kept growing, reaching almost 20 in 2020.