Boburmirzo English | 8.5

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha

• Vaziyat o'zgarsa qilaman, deb yurgan hamma ishingizni, vaziyat o'zgarsa ham qilmaysiz.
• Aqliy mehnatga toqati yo'q xalq, jismoniy mehnatga mahkumdir.
Administrator: @inomovichb
IELTS score: 8.5

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
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Калибр I Хасан Мамасаидов dan repost
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Ҳеч ким қилмаган ишни қилинг!

Аброр Мухтор Алий & Хасан Мамасаидов

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Лойиҳа бош ҳамкори - Centris Towers

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She really cares about the nature!

We should leave better and cleaner world for the next generation by avoiding consumerism.


Task 2

Gender equality is a controversial topic in this modern era. The controversy mostly revolves around the equality of job opportunities for both genders. While some proponents of this idea believe women must be allowed to any employment sphere they choose, the opponents claim that there are some jobs that cannot suit women. I personally think that vacancies should be categorized according to their suitability to genders.

The main reason why I believe that not all jobs can be accessible to female employees is that they are too physically demanding. Although this argument may sound abusing to some females who are an equal counterpart to men, some fields, such as mining, construction and military might limit women’s ability to show their full potential. These spheres firstly require a lot of physical strength from workers, while they are mostly, if not totally, dominated by men, which will put women at a disadvantage in competition. This situation can even damage gender equality, as two different creatures are faced in a position that favors one side only.

Besides this, as women and men are naturally, biologically and emotionally different, they should engage in tasks accordingly. This separation and classification of jobs will increase efficiency, effectiveness and productivity. For example, male nurses can never outcompete their female counterparts because women naturally have more empathy and sympathy for others, while female soldiers will fall behind their male colleagues because men are naturally more aspired to face physical challenges and threats. Therefore, men and women can succeed in different careers due to those differences.

In conclusion, I think that women should not be allowed to enter the professions that have traditionally been attributed to men, whereas males must also choose jobs suitable to them. This ensures equality and success for both genders.



Task 1

The bar chart gives information about the changes in the sales of digital games, namely mobile phone games, online games, console games and handheld games all over the globe between 2000 and 2006. Overall, sales of most of the games saw a rising trend, while only the ones played with consoles had the opposite trend. Notably, the handheld games dominated during the period with a considerable difference in sales.

The sales of almost all the games rose continuously throughout the years. The dominant game type among them was handheld, whose sales started growing from about $11 billion in 2000, and by 2006 it had reached close to $18 billion. Although online games entered the market in 2001, its sales soared to approximately $9 billion in 2006, becoming the second most-sold games. Similarly, the figure for mobile games climbed to over $6 billion in the end despite absence in the game market in the first two years.

In contrast, the sales of console games fell. This game type was worth of nearly $6 billion in sales, and by the end of the period the figure for it had halved to around $3 billion.



The writing tasks we had in today’s Mock Exam.


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780 0 10 2 57

Advanced Grammar

An advisable book for advanced students



Saving money for the future is considered significant of people of all ages, especially the young. I totally agree with is claim, as this practice ensures stable life and acts as an insurance in unforeseen circumstances.

The main reason why I believe money management is crucial is that it can guarantee a life free of extra stress. Were young individuals saved their income in the initial years of employment instead of spending for instant gratification, their life would be free of stress due to financial problems and free of instability. In other words, the majority of the young waste their financial resources on parting, clothing and other unnecessary purchases just in order not to fall behind the fashion. As result of their unwise spending habits, they mostly suffer from the days of financial hardships.

Additionally, saving money for the future prepares a person for unexpected situations in the future. Never do people know when they will become ill or be hired from their current jobs. Therefore, saving constantly can help get out of this kind of challenges without sacrificing their living standards or falling into debt. Besides this, savings can prevent people from becoming dependent on others in the days of retirement.

In conclusion, money management skills are highly important for everyone, as saving will surely guarantee a stable life and preparedness for uncertainties.



Opinion Essay




Process essay


Writing challenge day 31/40

Sunday Mock Results

Location: Everest MU
Organizer: Boburmirzo Jo’raqo’ziyev
Date: 19/01/2025
Cost: free for my students

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Opinion Essay




The plans above show a harbor in 2000 and how it looks today.


Writing challenge day 30/40

Who the hell writes like that😅?

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.