Blog of Mir 🐋

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
Toifa: Telegram

Admin : @contact_Mir
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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Tashavorganman hoz. -7kg

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

I've made my comeback to trading. No need to worry —I'm just letting you enjoy my failure for the time being.

spots to go before dying...

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Rollarda: Iman aka
Name of cliché music: Кайфуша
Called: random overnight motiv.

Rasmni korib organgan narsam:

Balki bu gamblingdir lekin maximum lose 100% yani 5$

Maximum profit 1000%+

Fixed Stoploss
Cross 100X

Yay! Art by my brother 💀

Art my brother

💀 5>80$

One of the soundtrack of "The Great Gatsby" IMDb 9.1 🎬

Nmaymish bu nonni olma harom ekan orqasiga qara alkagol bor deb yozilgan 🗿 c'moon

Blmaydiki men bu boyicha nechta fatvo va ilmiy ishlar uqiganimni. Blmaydiki bloger Activist xuddi shunga uxshagan gapini orqasidan 15 sutka qamalganini. Blmaydiki agar bu harom hisoblansa uzi shu paytgacha harom non yep katta bugan buladi uzbda axaxaxa. Chunki hamma nonga hamrtursh, soda ( ulardan chiqadigan ethanol = alkahcol ) degan narsala qushiladi bread fermentation process uchun.

Ee xullasda uziga uzi fatvo chiqaradiganlar kopaygan. Open minded bulish kere. Aroq ham bugdoydan olinadi, vino uzimdan. Halol narsa haromga, harom narsa esa halolga aylana oladi.

Xuddi shu temada koreani uzida 10 ga yaqin odamni mot qiganman (ichida uzini tutvogan norm bratlaram bor 😆)

We used to study English together back home, and now, here we are, still side by side. He’s my best friend, and I’m lucky to continue this journey with him. It feels like everything has come full circle.

Thanks Yorqin ✊

But, I have to appreciate this moment. I'm traveling, studying, developing and spending time with my friends—doing whatever we want, eating whatever we feel like. It's all good. Hell yeah. This won't happen again. I'll never be 18, walking around like this, living this life. So, thanks to God.

I've just started to like this country a little more. Maybe one day everything will feel right, and I'll be able to say I love it. But for now, it's more about surviving than truly living.

Goin for today...

2 yil oldin Halloween festivalida 100 lab odam sqilib, havo yetmay qolib o'lgan osha mashxur Itaewonni kochalarigaga borish niyat bor shu kunlarda... 🤩

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.