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Maximum qoʻllab quvvatlashingizni soʻrab qolaman. Kamchiliklar bilan boʻlsada mehnat qilib foydali kontent yaratmoqdamiz. Yaqinlaringizga ulashib storisda boʻlishsangiz aktivimiz ancha koʻtarilishiga koʻmaklashgan boʻlasiz. Oldindan rahmat😊

TR is improved by being more specific in explaining the ideas

In today's world, there are various ways of being healthy, and walking is considered one of them. However, most people do not prefer going places on foot nowadays. I think there are two primary reasons behind this phenomenon, and i will try to give alternative measures to improve the situation.

Understandably, the current state of avoiding walking has several reasons, one of which is enhanced transportation system. Precisely, in most countries, there are different types of vehicles, including underground, buses, cars, trams that support people to reach their destination in time, improving the time efficiency of them.Therefore, owing to the hectic pace of the life, individuals are more likely to handle everything under control, which urges them to utilize these methods to save time. another compelling factor is being busy with other types of sports activities. That means as walking is not the only option to keep fit, individuals tend to attend in different sports, such as going to the gym, swimming and others. Also, they may consider commuting as something that takes too much time, which would be better used elsewhere. Instead, they may prefer participating in activities in a specific time to keeping fit going somewhere on foot. Those above-mentioned reasons exemplify why individuals are not into walking.

Nevertheless, there are two prime measures that can be applied to eliminate the less interest for walking. Offering promotions could be the first solution. Governments try to encourage individuals to walk more by suggesting different promotions. They can be discounts for certain shops or in workplaces, they may be granted with reduced workload. This, in turn, urges people to go on foot instead of using transports. As an example, In Uzbekistan, there is an application called "1fit". This system offers people grants in the means of money or some discounts for mostly gyms, promoting healthy lifestyle. Another solution is limiting the usage of transportation. To be exact, countries should set limits for transportation, creating several policies. They may suggest some penalties or increased taxes for those who utilize transportation more than enough.Consequently, individuals try to avoid using them and may come back to commuting. For example, In Germany, there are some laws which limit people do not use their cars in city centers after certain fixed time, which leads to improved ecosystem and healthy residents.

To conclude, i believe nowadays most people do not prefer walking to maintain the good health due to other comfortable transports and activities to keep fit. Nevertheless, this situation could be improved by implementing some measures, such as offering promotions and setting limits for using transportation.

431 words

in 38 mins (without any editions, changes)

Walking is known to be beneficial for health and yet fewer and fewer people are walking these days.
What are the reasons for this?
What can be done to tackle this problem?

Need fresh air😷

All eyes are on me in the underground😂 you know why? ofc owing to Eminem’s songs🔥

Damn this air pollution

better luck next time

In today's world, most governments are trying their best to globalize their countries with the help of some events. As a result, whether hosting global sports events has more benefits or causes more problems is a hotly debated matter nowadays. I believe that entertaining these events may be for the good and I will discuss this in further paragraphs.

Admittedly, being a host for sports tournaments can yield some issues for society. The prime factor is potential environmental concerns. To be more precise, almost every nation is striving to lower pollution levels. Therefore, if governments organize sporting events, they may encounter additional challenges due to the large influx of people, increased vehicle usage, and the development of new infrastructure. To accommodate spectators, countries may be required to construct multiple stadiums. As a result, once the tournaments end, attendees may leave behind excessive waste, contribute to heavy traffic congestion, and even engage in disputes. These factors can lead to increased noise and air pollution, among other environmental issues.

Religious conflicts can be another compelling issue. That means disputes may arise when individuals from different religious beliefs interact. During major championships, disagreements may occur as a result of differing customs and behaviors. Supporters of certain religions may express their enthusiasm through loud cheering and extravagant celebrations, while others may prefer a more reserved approach. Furthermore, after the matches, tensions may escalate between the fans of losing and winning teams. As an example, in 2022 in Saudi Arabia, the FIFA World Cup Tournament was held. During this competition, individuals from different religious backgrounds engaged in disagreements with Muslim spectators. Thanks to the efforts of Saudi authorities, the situation was effectively handled without any harm. These risks demonstrate the potential downsides of hosting such events.

However, in my opinion, hosting international sports tournaments can be ideal for those who want to improve their countries for several reasons. The primary benefit is boosting the economy. Specifically, although hosting an event requires a substantial financial commitment from the government, which could impact other sectors, the investment can be recovered after the event. This happens because tourists arrive in the country using various means of transportation, contributing to the transportation sector’s revenue. Additionally, numerous celebrities and influential political figures often attend these events, making financial contributions and increasing the country's global exposure. Since such events are extensively broadcasted and promoted, they help enhance the host nation’s international recognition.

Economical boost in tourism can be another positive side. This means that as more visitors come to a country, they gain exposure to its culture and traditions. Many take the opportunity to explore landmarks, engage with locals, and contribute to the tourism industry, leading to long-term benefits. Take the FIFA World Cup in Russia in 2018 as an example. After the event, both the economy and tourism industry witnessed significant growth, as international visitors helped promote Russian culture, made extensive purchases, and established various business partnerships, both in the sports sector and beyond. These advantages highlight the significance of hosting global sports events.

In conclusion, while some argue that being a host of international events can cause some problems for the country, in my opinion, hosting those tournaments would be a golden opportunity for governments, as it can bring about a lot of benefits, such as a boost in economy and tourism.

Many countries want to host international sports event, while other countries think that hosting sports events has more problems than benefits.
Discuss both views & give your opinion.

As technology continuously improves, people have better access to information in both online and traditional ways. As a result, people have varying views about whether e-books are becoming common, which is making paper books extinct. Although both have their pros and cons, I can say that individuals may use both of them in the future accordingly, and I will discuss this in further paragraphs.

Admittedly, there are advocates for the disappearance of physical books for several reasons. One compelling reason is convenience and accessibility. Precisely, as they are easily portable, people can store thousands of books on a single device, such as laptops, e-readers, tablets, and even smartphones. This, in turn, could be ideal for people who love traveling. Moreover, people can easily download or purchase various genres of books with just a few taps without being limited by time or region. In addition, Not only can people read books online anywhere, but they can also adjust the background color, text sizes, and fonts to their preference. Furthermore, unlike printed books, electronic books are far more environmentally friendly. To be exact, traditional books require cutting down trees to produce paper, which further leads to devastating effects on the environment. However, by reducing the demand for paper, virtual books offer a perfect way of reducing the carbon footprint in the paper industry.

However, some believe that traditional books offer irreplaceable aspects for society. One contributing factor is the tangible experience that individuals may gain. To be exact, most people love the interaction of touching the pages, especially turning and smelling them, which makes them feel relaxed and calm. Therefore, they cannot imagine replacing this spectacular moment with an artificial one. Moreover, there is no harm to a person's overall well-being. Although individuals may damage their eyesight while reading books online by consuming ultraviolet light from gadgets, they never face this type of problem when using paper books. For example, according to some global research, almost 50–90% of digital book readers experience several health issues, such as digital eye strain, eye fatigue, headaches, and sleep disturbances, affecting thousands of people, especially those who read at night.

To conclude, although e-books provide greater convenience and accessibility, paper books offer an irreplaceable sensory experience, ensuring their continued relevance.

Some people think that e-books are the death of paper books, while others think that paper books will never disappear.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

with punctuation.. crazy😞

it is not over untill i win

absolute record

look at the examples😆😆

Nowadays, the desire to achieve success is almost universal, with people striving to excel in both their professional and personal lives. Taking risks is often seen as a crucial step toward reaching these goals, as it can lead to new opportunities and personal growth. I think the advantages can outweigh the disadvantages for several reasons.

Admittedly, testing the waters has its drawbacks. The prime one is the impact on relationships. Precisely, as people long for risk, they may often prioritize their career over family or close ones. This, in turn, leads to a loss of connection with them. As a result, they have to suffer from issues related to social life. For example, Joseph Guardiola is the coach of a football team in Manchester City. Now he is having rainy days. In detail, his wife decided to divorce him, since he draws his most attention to football. Moreover, risk can also lead to stressful behavior. This means it is obvious that while trying different things, individuals may be isolated from others. They only think about what to do after taking the next step to make everything better without paying attention to others, which often makes them feel down and upset. For example, my brother loves being bold. After all, he regularly forgets about his family and most of the time we find him crying or overthinking alone. These exemplify the negative aspects of risk-taking.

However, there are more advantages that may guarantee a better lifestyle for people. One of them has to do with increased confidence. To be more precise, when individuals decide to push boundaries, they face a variety of ways. Even though they may struggle, feel confused, or fail, importantly, they gain experience. That means they have deep knowledge and the next time they want to try something, they can act confidently, as they have enough knowledge. For instance, musicians create different types of songs. In this way, their music may sometimes not be considered well-composed. However, they never stop composing them, since they can learn the preferences of people through this experience.
Another benefit of venturing is personal growth. That is to say that risks urge individuals to go out of their comfort zone. By doing this, they can disclose their inner talents, learn various skills, and gain experience. After facing difficulties and eliminating them, they may achieve success in the end. Elon Musk is a prime example of personal growth through risk-taking. Early in his career, he co-founded PayPal, which became a massive success. However, instead of staying within the comfort of this achievement, Musk sold the company and took a significant risk by reinvesting his earnings into new ventures, such as SpaceX, and Tesla. These explain why it is high on the list of people to risk.

In conclusion, taking chances is essential for individuals in both their careers and personal lives. In my opinion, risk-taking is more advantageous in terms of personal growth and strengthened confidence level.

It is important for people to take risks, both in their professional lives and their personal lives.
Do you think the advantages of taking risks outweigh the disadvantages?

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