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Suhrobjon Abdivaliyev 3-yillik tajribaga IELTS INSTRUCTOR
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O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
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IELTS WRITING 8.5 √Suhrobjon Abdivaliev dan repost
Biz ham bundan shodmiz: bundanda yuksak natijalar tilab qolamiz😁”. Bunaqa gaplarni admin qaydan topadi-ye.

Men o’qimagan “ chotki natija gazini bosing” deb yuribman.

IELTS WRITING 8.5 √Suhrobjon Abdivaliev dan repost

💥 A reflection of our work ethic and perseverance!


IELTS WRITING 8.5 √Suhrobjon Abdivaliev dan repost
Endi desertga bitta WRITING 7.0 cha bo’lsa silliq ketadida😁!

IELTS WRITING 8.5 √Suhrobjon Abdivaliev dan repost


IELTS WRITING 8.5 √Suhrobjon Abdivaliev dan repost

📝I will write and share an almost impeccable essay on this topic a little bit later: before that, you can prepare your own masterpiece to compare your structures, phrases, and ideas with mine. In this way, you can identify areas where there is room for improvement.


IELTS WRITING 8.5 √Suhrobjon Abdivaliev dan repost
🙏🙏 PLEASE 🙏🙏

Resist the temptation to watch nonsense YouTube videos about how to get an IELTS 8.0 in 2 days.

IELTS WRITING 8.5 √Suhrobjon Abdivaliev dan repost

📝Due to my ambitious personality, I always seek opportunities for personal growth and resist the temptation to stagnate at all costs.

🥇Resist the temptation to = avoid doing things that they want to do but know they shouldn’t.

🥈At all costs = no matter how much effort or price is needed.


COURSE PREP dan repost

📝 Whenever I become obsessed with spiraling thoughts that sap away my productivity, I pull back, slow down, and recalibrate my mindset.

🥇Sap away productivity = reduce or compromise productivity.

🥈Recalibrate one’s mind = change the way one thinks about life.


IELTS WRITING 8.5 √Suhrobjon Abdivaliev dan repost

With the rapid advancements in science and technology, it has become increasingly common for scientists to conduct animal research to develop new medical treatments and assess product quality, particularly in developed countries. While opinions on the ethical nature of such experiments vary, I firmly advocate for the continuation of animal experimentation for the greater good of humanity.
Proponents of banning animal experimentation cite various reasons to support their stance. When animals are exploited in laboratories to produce and test medicines and vaccines, they are subjected to painful experiments, especially if equipment malfunctions and human errors take place. Given the suffering and cruelty in such scientific researches, animal rights activists argue that it is ethically wrong to cause any species of animals to suffer. Furthermore, advocates for the prohibition of animal testing point out the availability of alternative methods such as advabced computer modeling and in vitro studies that can replace animal experiments. In light of such alternatives, it seems reasonable to consider animal experimentation unnecessary.
Despite these arguments against animal experimentation, in my view, it is essential to continue with research involving animals. Using different species of animals for medical and scientific purposes not only facilitates the develpment of innovative medicines but also ensures the safety and efficiency of products consumed by humans. If populations continue to benefit from animal research programs, governments might also increase wildlife conservation efforts, creating a win-win scenario. In addition, animal testing remains an intergal part of science due to its effectiveness and reliability compared to alternative methods. The biological similarities between animals and humans make them irreplaceable in developing and evaluating treatments and products for human use. A case in point is the Covid-19 pandemic when animal testing made it much easier to test the safety and efficacy of vaccines against the virus.

In conclusion, while valid concerns are raised regarding the ethical implications of animal exploitation in scientific experiments, I contend that scientists should keep utilizing animals for medical research and product testing. Only through continuous and dependable animal testing programs can strides be made in developing new medicines and assessing their suitability for human consumption.

Suhrobjon Abdivaliyev

IELTS WRITING 8.5 √Suhrobjon Abdivaliev dan repost

🏅Animal experimentation


IELTS WRITING 8.5 √Suhrobjon Abdivaliev dan repost

The bar chart compares five different age groups in terms of their donation rates in Britain during the years 1990 and 2010.

Overall, a higher proportion of British people were involved in charitable giving in 1990 compared to 2010. There was also a clear correlation between donation patterns and age in both years, although there is evidence of reversal among older age brackets.

Beginning with the younger age groups, approximately 16% of individuals aged 18-25 contributed to charity in 1990, a figure that dropped significantly to only 7% by 2010. The decline was less pronounced among those aged 26 to 35, where the percentage of donors decreased from over 30% in 1990 to a quarter in 2010. As for individuals aged 36 to 50, the proportion of donors breached the 40% threshold in 1990 but later fell to precisely 35%.

In contrast, older age groups followed rising donation patterns over the same period. The percentage of individuals aged 51 to 65 who donated money to charitable causes was 35% in 1990, which then saw a minimal increase of 5%. Likewise, the figure for donors in the oldest age category slightly rose, going from over 30% in 1990 to exactly 35% by 2010.

Subrobjon Abdivaliyev

IELTS WRITING 8.5 √Suhrobjon Abdivaliev dan repost

📊Bar Chart!


IELTS WRITING 8.5 √Suhrobjon Abdivaliev dan repost
The bar chart compares American men and women across different age groups in terms of their salt consumption patterns in the year 2000.

Overall, individuals of all ages exceeded the recommended salt intake levels, except for children under 6 years old, with men consistently consuming higher amounts than their female counterparts. It is also clear that salt consumption increased with age, although there is evidence of reversal among older age brackets.

Beginning with the younger age categories, boys under the age of 6 consumed approximately 2000 milligrams of salt, nearly double the amount consumed by their female peers. The gender disparity narrowed down in the 6-11 age group, with boys consuming around 3500 milligrams compared to girls' consumption of 3000 milligrams. In the next age bracket, salt consumption continued to rise with age in males, reaching over 4000, while female consumption remained constant.

Of particular significance is the 20-39 age category, which marked the highest consumption levels, with men peaking at 4500 milligrams and women breaching the 3100-milligram threshold. In the 40-60 age group, however, there was a decrease in salt consumption, with men reducing their intake to just below 4000 milligrams and women maintaining a level of 3000 milligrams. Interestingly, although older men continued to consume high levels of salt, women in the over-60 age bracket adhered to the recommended salt intake guidelines.

Suhrobjon Abdivaliyev

IELTS WRITING 8.5 √Suhrobjon Abdivaliev dan repost


IELTS WRITING 8.5 √Suhrobjon Abdivaliev dan repost
Agar mana shu post bu kechgacha 500 ta mana bu qop-qora oychadan (🌚) yig’sa bugun kechga soat 21:00 da shu mavzuga birgalikda 8.0+ lik essay yozamiz!

Yuqsa, o’zim yozib tashlab qoyaman!

IELTS WRITING 8.5 √Suhrobjon Abdivaliev dan repost
Do you want a band 9.0 essay on this topic?

🤔What if we write it together tonight?


IELTS WRITING 8.5 √Suhrobjon Abdivaliev dan repost
Guys, if you send me all the Writing questions that will come out in the real exam, we will write 8.0+ essays together on this channel through live lessons.

So, when is the next real IELTS exam?

IELTS WRITING 8.5 √Suhrobjon Abdivaliev dan repost

With the influence of unhealthy eating habits and sedentary lifestyles, it has become increasingly common for individuals, irrespective of their age, to contend with obesity, particularly in urban areas. In response to this issue, some suggest raising the cost of fattening food products as an effective solution. While doing so is likely to offer a variety of benefits, I firmly believe that a comprehensive strategy involving both governmental interventions and individual initiatives is necessary to deal with this issue.

Advocates of raising the prices of unhealthy food items cite various reasons to support their stance. By making fast food, processed meals, and sugary beverages more expensive, we can drive down the demand for these food products. In pursuit of cost savings, individuals may feel compelled to seek out healthier alternatives like traditional meals and fresh produce, leading to a shift towards a more nutritous diet and reduced risk of excessive weight gain. A good case in point is my home country of Uzbekistan, where many people, particularly those facing financial constraints, refuse to purchase calorie-dense, low-nutrient foods like processed meats and sugary drinks due to the exorbitant prices.
However, tackling the obesity epidemic requires a combination of governmental policies and individual efforts. On a governmental scale, it is crucial for countries to invest in well-equipped sports facilities such as gyms and swimming pools that are easily accessible to the general public. Provided with such resources, individuals are more likely to engage in regular physical activity, thereby promoting healthy lifestyles. At the grassroots level, individuals must take responsibility for not only maintaining a balanced diet rich in essential nutrients but also incorporating regular exercise into their daily schedules. Without individual commitment to healthy living practices, simply increasing the cost of fattening food items and improving sports infrastructure may not yield optimal results in curbing obesity rates.
In conclusion, while increasing the prices of fattening foods can discourage consumption of unhealthy products, I contend that a holistic approach involving both governmental initiatives and individual actions is essential in addressing the obesity crisis. Only through a combination of quality sports amenities and personal lifestyle choices can progress be made in reducing obesity levels.

Suhrobjon Abdivaliyev

IELTS WRITING 8.5 √Suhrobjon Abdivaliev dan repost

Dustlar, bu mavzu kecha real examda tushgan emish: shunga bitta 8.5 lik jinnni essaycha ko’ramizmi?


20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.