Suhrob academy | Beginner Elementary

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha

Suhrobjon Abdivaliyev 3-yillik tajribaga IELTS INSTRUCTOR
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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
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IELTS 9.0 √Suhrobjon Abdivaliev dan repost
Kursga faqat 100 kishi qabul qilinadi!


IELTS 9.0 √Suhrobjon Abdivaliev dan repost
💯 Bugun Reading Listening kurs uchun qabul boshlanadi.

✔️ Kurs darslari 23-Noyabrdan boshlanadi.

🥇Haftada 3 kun Listening darslari va 3 kun Reading darslari tashlab boriladi.

🥈Kurs uchun darajangiz kamida 5.5 bo'lishi kerak.

🥉Vazifalarni bajarib ham darajangizni oshirolmasangiz to'lov qaytarib beriladi.

✅ Listening va Reading kurs uchun adminga 250 ming to'lov qilasiz @IELTS_ADMINE


IELTS 9.0 √Suhrobjon Abdivaliev dan repost
Which course do you want?


IELTS 9.0 √Suhrobjon Abdivaliev dan repost
💣 WRITING 8.0 💣

✔️I think we will see some 8.0s, 8.5s, and even 9.0s in Writing pretty soon.


IELTS 9.0 √Suhrobjon Abdivaliev dan repost


In instances of reincarnation, most children start talking about a past life as soon as they can speak, between the ages of two and three.


IELTS 9.0 √Suhrobjon Abdivaliev dan repost
✔️Idea generation:

Leave one's loved ones behind for work >> lack of emotional support and encouragement >> homesickness, loneliness, isolation >> mental health conditions like depression >> affect productivity and overall quality of life

📝When individuals leave their loved ones behind in pursuit of job opportunities, they are likely to lack essential emotional support and encouragement in times of difficulty, thereby leading to debilitating feelings of homesickness, loneliness, and isolation. This can ultimately raise the risk of developing mental health conditions like depression, insomnia, and eating disorders, which can not only reduce overall quality of life but also compromise productivity and performance in the workplace.


IELTS 9.0 √Suhrobjon Abdivaliev dan repost
🔥WRITING - 7.5 🔥

✨My sincere congratulations to Abbosxon Toshmatov, a fellow IELTS instructor. I believe he will soon upgrade his Writing score to 8.0 or 8.5.


IELTS 9.0 √Suhrobjon Abdivaliev dan repost
Rural residents in Uzbekistan struggle with debilitating feelings of disenfranchisement and marginalization when electricity goes off.

Yondiramizey gapchalardi😁

IELTS 9.0 √Suhrobjon Abdivaliev dan repost

✔️Struggle with debilitating feelings of sth - yomon hischalardan azyat chekish.

🥇When working abroad, people may struggle with debilitating feelings of homesickness, loneliness, and isolation.

🥈When living in nursing homes, older people may struggle with debilitating feelings of unworthiness, stress, and anxiety.

🥉When using social media, adolescents often struggle with debilitating feelings of inadequacy, frustration, and low self-esteem.

🏅When receiving low salaries, junior employees may struggle with debilitating feelings of disenfranchisement, marginalization, and injustice.


IELTS 9.0 √Suhrobjon Abdivaliev dan repost

🏅Dietary habits

📝Although social media is often seen as placing an increased emphasis on physical appearance and portraying unrealistic body ideals, experts agree it would be a mistake to lay the blame on that.


IELTS 9.0 √Suhrobjon Abdivaliev dan repost


IELTS 9.0 √Suhrobjon Abdivaliev dan repost
Make 20 sentences

🥇 Settle one's nerves and blow off steam
🥈 Recharge one's mental batteries and find respite from daily stressors
🥇Gravitate towards solitary or social activities
🥈 Feel worn out or stressed out
🥇Excel in emotional intelligence and empathy
🥈Put oneself in others shoes
🥇Regulate one's feelings effectively and establish strong relationships
🥈Have a knack for introspection and self-reflection
🥇Draw rational conclusions and learn from mistakes
🥈Make conscious decisions and solve complex problems
🥇 Struggle with emotional withdrawal and bottle up emotions
🥈Knock down small talk and look down on casual conversations
🥇Avoid mutual confrontation instead of hurting one's feelings
🥈 Establish clear boundaries and set priorities
🥇 Withdraw from social engagement and shy away from social gatherings
🥈Catch up with friends, socialise, and spend quality time with family


IELTS 9.0 √Suhrobjon Abdivaliev dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

IELTS 9.0 √Suhrobjon Abdivaliev dan repost
Tentak qilamizda bugun IELTS ni😁

IELTS 9.0 √Suhrobjon Abdivaliev dan repost
Bugun 19:30 darscha esdan chiqmasin!


IELTS 9.0 √Suhrobjon Abdivaliev dan repost
Ertaga soat 19:30 da jonli darscha!

🥇Topic vocabulary
🥈Complex structures
🥉Article analysis
🏅Video analysis

Har bir darsga yaxshi qatnashsangiz kurscha davom etadi.


IELTS 9.0 √Suhrobjon Abdivaliev dan repost
Should we conduct this course on this channel or on a specific group?


20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.