New Words
🇺🇸 microbiome - the collection of microorganisms found in a specific part of the body
🇺🇿 tana ichida uchraydigan mikroorganizmlar (bakteriyalar, zamburug‘lar, viruslar) to‘plami.
🇺🇸 suppress - stop something from happening or operating
🇺🇿 to‘xtatmoq
🇺🇸 tastebuds - flavour receptors found on the tongue and in the mouth
🇺🇿 til va og‘izda joylashgan, turli xil ta’mlar ni sezadigan reseptorlar.
🇺🇸 undesirable trait - an unwanted negative characteristic
🇺🇿 kerakmas yoki yoqimsiz salbiy xususiyat yoki sifat.
🇺🇸 mainstream - something that the majority of people would use or like
🇺🇿 odatda ko‘pchilik tomonidan qabul qilinadigan yoki yoqadigan narsalar.
🇺🇸 a degree of - a small but significant amount of something
🇺🇿 biror narsaning ozgina, lekin sezilarli yoki muhim qismi.
👉 BBC 6 Minute English
🇺🇸 microbiome - the collection of microorganisms found in a specific part of the body
🇺🇿 tana ichida uchraydigan mikroorganizmlar (bakteriyalar, zamburug‘lar, viruslar) to‘plami.
🇺🇸 suppress - stop something from happening or operating
🇺🇿 to‘xtatmoq
🇺🇸 tastebuds - flavour receptors found on the tongue and in the mouth
🇺🇿 til va og‘izda joylashgan, turli xil ta’mlar ni sezadigan reseptorlar.
🇺🇸 undesirable trait - an unwanted negative characteristic
🇺🇿 kerakmas yoki yoqimsiz salbiy xususiyat yoki sifat.
🇺🇸 mainstream - something that the majority of people would use or like
🇺🇿 odatda ko‘pchilik tomonidan qabul qilinadigan yoki yoqadigan narsalar.
🇺🇸 a degree of - a small but significant amount of something
🇺🇿 biror narsaning ozgina, lekin sezilarli yoki muhim qismi.
👉 BBC 6 Minute English