BBC 6 Minute English

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha

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O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
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💬 Which country has the best schools?

👉 BBC 6 Minute English

💬 Which country has the best schools?

How do you compare education systems? Beth and Phil discuss this and teach you some new vocabulary.

This week's question
In 2022, Singapore was top of the reading rankings. But which of these countries came second? Was it:
a) The USA?
b) Ireland? or
c) The UK?
Listen to the programme to hear the answer.

👉 BBC 6 Minute English

New Words

🇺🇸 microbiome - the collection of microorganisms found in a specific part of the body
🇺🇿 tana ichida uchraydigan mikroorganizmlar (bakteriyalar, zamburug‘lar, viruslar) to‘plami.

🇺🇸 suppress - stop something from happening or operating
🇺🇿 to‘xtatmoq

🇺🇸 tastebuds - flavour receptors found on the tongue and in the mouth
🇺🇿 til va og‘izda joylashgan, turli xil ta’mlar ni sezadigan reseptorlar.

🇺🇸 undesirable trait - an unwanted negative characteristic
🇺🇿 kerakmas yoki yoqimsiz salbiy xususiyat yoki sifat.

🇺🇸 mainstream - something that the majority of people would use or like
🇺🇿 odatda ko‘pchilik tomonidan qabul qilinadigan yoki yoqadigan narsalar.

🇺🇸 a degree of - a small but significant amount of something
🇺🇿 biror narsaning ozgina, lekin sezilarli yoki muhim qismi.

👉 BBC 6 Minute English

Bitter food, better health. [@bbc_radio_6].pdf
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💬 Bitter food, better health

👉 BBC 6 Minute English


💬 Bitter food, better health

Could bitter foods be better for your health? Beth and Phil discuss this and teach you some useful new vocabulary.

This week's question
How many different basic flavours can humans taste?

a) 4?
b) 5?
c) 6?

Listen to the programme to hear the answer.

👉 BBC 6 Minute English


Would you eat a stew that's been in a pot for 50 years? Beth and Phil discuss this and teach you some new vocabulary.

This week's question
A restaurant in Bangkok has a stew that has been simmering for 50 years. What do you think is the main ingredient? Is it:
a) beef?
b) chicken?, or,
c) vegetables?
Listen to the programme to hear the answer.

👉 BBC 6 Minute English

New Words

🇺🇸 stuff (informal) - material objects and possessions
🇺🇿 buyumlar yoki narsalar

🇺🇸 take credit (for something) - accept praise and recognition given for doing something good, whether or not you deserve it
🇺🇿 maqtov qabul qilmoq

🇺🇸 the flip of a coin - something based on luck or random chance, such as when flipping a coin into the air to see whether it lands heads-side or tails-side up
🇺🇿 omadga bog'liq holat

🇺🇸 pull yourself up by your bootstraps - improve your situation through your own efforts, without help from anyone else
🇺🇿 o'zingizning kuchingiz bilan o'zingizni yaxshiroq holatga olib chiqmoq

🇺🇸 well off - rich enough to be able to have most of what you want
🇺🇿 yetarlicha boy

🇺🇸 empathy - ability to experience someone else’s feelings by imagining what it would be like to be in their situation
🇺🇿 boshqalarning his-tuyg'ularini tushunish qobiliyati.

👉 BBC 6 Minute English

The psychology of greed. [@bbc_radio_6].pdf
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💬 The psychology of greed

👉 BBC 6 Minute English


💬 The psychology of greed

Greed - the desire to accumulate ‘stuff’ for yourself. Neil and Beth discuss this and teach you some useful vocabulary.

This week's question
Which one of history’s greatest leaders said this quote? 'The world has enough for everyone's need, but not everyone's greed'. Was it:
a) The Dalai Lama
b) Mahatma Gandhi, or
c) Martin Luther King?
Listen to the programme to hear the answer.

👉 BBC 6 Minute English

New Words

🇺🇸 arrive at (a number or statistic) - calculate; decide on it after doing calculations
🇺🇿 hisoblash orqali bir qarorga kelmoq

🇺🇸 take grip on - take control of
🇺🇿 nazoratni qo'lga olmoq

🇺🇸 pretty much - almost; almost completely
🇺🇿 deyarli

🇺🇸 ballpark figure - a number which is a guess but an acceptably accurate approximation
🇺🇿 taxminiy son

🇺🇸 dehydration - condition of not having enough water in your body so that you feel ill or weak
🇺🇿 tanada suv yetishmovchiligi

🇺🇸 symptom - sign or feeling in the body showing the presence of an illness or a condition
🇺🇿 alomat

👉 BBC 6 Minute English

Are you drinking enough water. [@bbc_radio_6].pdf
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💬 Are you drinking enough water?

👉 BBC 6 Minute English


💬 Are you drinking enough water?

How much water do you drink every day? Is it enough? Beth and Phil discuss this and teach you some new vocabulary.

This week's question
What percentage of our blood is water? Is it:

a) around 80% water?
b) around 90% water?, or,
c) 100% water?

Listen to the programme to hear the answer.

👉 BBC 6 Minute English

New Words

🇺🇸 injustice - situation in which there is no fairness or justice
🇺🇿 adolatsizlik

🇺🇸 noble - admirable, morally good
🇺🇿 oliyjanob

🇺🇸 baggage - beliefs and feelings, especially outdated or unhelpful ones, which influence how someone thinks and behaves
🇺🇿 ruhiy bosim

🇺🇸 speak truth to power - when people non-violently resist an oppressive force, such as a government or corporation, by telling the truth
🇺🇿 haqiqatni ochiqchasiga aytmoq

🇺🇸 ruffle someone’s feathers (idiom) - upset or annoy someone
🇺🇿 ranjitmoq

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👉 BBC 6 Minute English

How names can tell painful stories. [@bbc_radio_6].pdf
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💬 How names can tell painful stories?

👉 BBC 6 Minute English

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