Avazbek 🪼

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
Toifa: Telegram

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
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Doctors often fall victim to the availability bias. They have their favourite
treatments, which they use for all possible cases. More appropriate treatments
may exist, but these are in the recesses of the doctors’ minds. Consequently they
practise what they know. Consultants are no better. If they come across an
entirely new case, they do not throw up their hands and sigh: ‘I really don’t know
what to tell you.’ Instead they turn to one of their more familiar methods, whether
or not it is ideal.

The chances of bomb attacks are much rarer than we think, and the chances of suffering depression are much higher. We attach too much likelihood to spectacular, flashy or loud outcomes. Anything silent or invisible we downgrade in our minds.

I have some questions for you :
What does friendship mean to you?
Do you like people? (I’m asking because we live in a world where, if you express affection or care for someone as a human being, you might be labeled with negative terms.)

🌟 Welcome to My Life Without Lie! 🌟

I've been thinking about this for a long time, and today, I’m excited to finally share it with you: my brand new channel, My Life Without Lie. 🎥✨

In a world where we’re constantly surrounded by half-truths, exaggerations, and even outright lies, I wanted to create a space that’s different — a place dedicated to honesty, transparency, and truth. 💬

This channel is all about sharing my personal experiences, thoughts, and insights without any filters or pretenses. It’s a raw, real, and genuine look at my life, and I hope it inspires others to embrace truthfulness in their own lives too.

In a time when it can be hard to tell what's real, I want My Life Without Lie to be a breath of fresh air — a reminder that honesty is still powerful, and it can change the world. 🌍❤️

Thank you for being here from the start. Let’s build a community of truth together. I can’t wait to share more with you!


An adult is simply a child who has grown older.

It hurts when you realize that they never congratulated you on your birthday at 00:00, didn’t ask you to send a photo with an eye, didn’t write cute, huge texts, didn’t make a video with you, or about you

Finally, autumn is autumning 🌟

It took me nearly 16 years to realize that the best feeling you could ever have is being grateful to have a life like yours ☁️

Aziz Rahimov dan repost
Oxirgi to'rt yilda 30 000 yoshlarimiz IELTS 7.0+ olishibdi.

Yiliga topshirayotganlar esa 35 000 dan oshibdi.

Aholi soniga test topshirish bo’yicha dunyoda top 15 talikka kirib bo’libmiz.

Navoiy Muhokamatul Lug’ataynda yozgandilar: Turklar (hozirgi o’zbeklar) fors tilini o’rgansa, forslardek gapiradi, sezmaysan. Forslar turkcha gapirsa, bitta jumlasidan bilasan.

Bizning tilga iqtidorimiz bor.

Shu ko’rsatgichlarni uch barobar oshirsak Vietnamdan, besh barobar oshirsak Singapurdan til bilishda o’tib ketamiz.

Til o’rganing, bo’shashmang.

Va yana,

Til o’rganish bilan to’xtab ham qolmang, azizlar.

Maktab prezidenti bo'lish - haqiqatda mas'uliyatli topshiriq , va yomon tarafi darslardan chalg'ishga olib keladi . (This is why I did not want to be a president of our school)💎

Mayli biz ham neytrallik pozitsiyamizda qolamiz.


Hardcore style🥷 dan repost

I came to this conclusion that most people chase after nonsense. The most average person is Uzbekistan, for example, dreams about getting a house (most of the time a house with some garden or land), a nice car and hold an amazing memorable wedding party for their child/children. And they spend their entire life chasing after these three things.

Now, I absolutely don't mean this is nonsense. I completely understand that it's actually good for people to set goals like these and dream about providing a better quality life for themselves and their families. But... There's always one but...

But if you consider the full lifetime of a human, that just feels like it's not enough to only chase after these things, because... Okay. Let's try to imagine. Let's say, you did get all of these things. You drive an above-average car and live in a pretty big nice house. You got what 90-95% of people bet on their lifetime. Do you think you would be happy? 🤔 I personally wouldn't.

I think people are not chasing after a purpose. People are chasing after an existence. But that's not their fault at all (whose fault is it? That's another big topic for another post). For that reason, to exist, you need money, but to live, you need purpose.

Why Elon Musk, for example, is continuing to push further, creating new companies and working on new bigger projects? He already is the richest man on the planet. He can just stop working and enjoy the rest of his life. Why does he still work? Well, because he has a purpose, which is not money. So, again, you need money to exist. But to live, you need purpose.

And finding purpose is the hardest thing in life.

But I believe only very few people in the world will ever manage to find their purpose in life. Why? Cuz if you find your purpose, you will work non-stop on it and may eventually get rich (although it might not be your goal). But of course, not everyone can actually get rich. Otherwise, the society would collapse.

So, maybe God is very intentional with giving the vision and the purpose to only few selected ones. Maybe he doesn't want the society to collapse, and because of that, lets most people be okay with being an average person. Maybe he knows that giving everyone the true passion to find purpose would not be good for the everyone. And maybe he does all of this intentionally to keep the world spinning.

Xaloyiq, qalinroq kiyinib yurilar🧊

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.