IT Skills is now at Amity University!
💡Dear students, it’s time to showcase your talents!
We invite you to the presentation of the platform on November 21st. 🖥
ITSkills is a platform for real-time evaluation of knowledge and practical skills (Real-time coding challenge), designed to help talented young people secure job opportunities in the future. 👩💻
Do you trust your knowledge? Then take the platform's tests during the presentation and see for yourself! 👍
IT Skills endi Amity Universitetida!
💡Aziz yoshlar, endi o‘z iqtidorlaringizni namoyish qilish vaqti keldi!
21 noyabr kuni platformasi taqdimotiga taklif qilamiz. 🖥
ITSkills - bilim va amaliy ko'nikmalarni real vaqtda baholash (Real-time coding challenge) hamda iqtidorli yoshlarni kelajakda ish bilan ta'minlab beradigan platforma. 👩💻
Bilimingizga ishonasizmi? Unda taqdimotda platforma testlaridan o'tib ko'ring👍
📅 Date: November 21st
⏱️ Time: 11:00 AM
📍Room: 211
👉 Registration👈
💡Dear students, it’s time to showcase your talents!
We invite you to the presentation of the platform on November 21st. 🖥
ITSkills is a platform for real-time evaluation of knowledge and practical skills (Real-time coding challenge), designed to help talented young people secure job opportunities in the future. 👩💻
Do you trust your knowledge? Then take the platform's tests during the presentation and see for yourself! 👍
IT Skills endi Amity Universitetida!
💡Aziz yoshlar, endi o‘z iqtidorlaringizni namoyish qilish vaqti keldi!
21 noyabr kuni platformasi taqdimotiga taklif qilamiz. 🖥
ITSkills - bilim va amaliy ko'nikmalarni real vaqtda baholash (Real-time coding challenge) hamda iqtidorli yoshlarni kelajakda ish bilan ta'minlab beradigan platforma. 👩💻
Bilimingizga ishonasizmi? Unda taqdimotda platforma testlaridan o'tib ko'ring👍
📅 Date: November 21st
⏱️ Time: 11:00 AM
📍Room: 211
👉 Registration👈