AUT Career Centre

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
Toifa: Ta’lim

The channel is supported by Industry Collaboration department of AUT. The mission of the Centre is to create better conditions for students and graduates of our university to find a decent job and build a successful career.

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
Postlar filtri

On March 13, Amity University Tashkent students had the opportunity to visit AMC Bridge, a leading company specializing in engineering software development.

👉🏼 During the visit, students explored the company’s operations, learned about cutting-edge software solutions, and interacted with industry professionals. The session provided valuable insights into career prospects in engineering and IT, allowing students to connect theoretical knowledge with real-world applications.


13-mart kuni Toshkent shahridagi Amity universiteti talabalari AMC Bridge kompaniyasiga tashrif buyurish uchun noyob imkoniyatga ega bo‘ldilar.

👉🏼 Tashrif davomida talabalar kompaniyaning faoliyati bilan tanishib, ilg‘or dasturiy ta’minot yechimlarini o‘rgandilar hamda soha mutaxassislari bilan muloqot qilish imkoniyatiga ega bo‘ldilar. Ushbu uchrashuv muhandislik va IT sohasidagi kasbiy istiqbollar haqida qimmatli bilimlar berib, talabalarga nazariy bilimlarini amaliyot bilan bog‘lash imkoniyatini yaratdi.

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📢 Ipak Yuli Bank приглашает студентов на семинар по сторителлингу в соцсетях

🎯 Сторителлинг в социальных сетях. Визуал и продвижение

💬 Узнайте, как создавать яркие истории, которые захватывают внимание и продвигают ваш бренд в соцсетях.

🗣 Спикеры:

🎥 Шодиев Лазиз — эксперт по графическому дизайну с 5-летним опытом работы с брендами: "ASKLEPIY Group, Nika Pharm, Befit, Oriflame" и др.

📈 Азимбек Исматуллаев — маркетолог с опытом в IT и финансах, работающий в "Ipak Yo‘li Banki" и консультирующий сообщество "Machine Learning Community of Uzbekistan".

📅 26 марта (вторник), 09:00 – 10:30
📍 Ташкент, ул. Алишера Навои, 35
☕️ Кофе-брейк включен
📎 Есть всего 3 места! Отбор участников проводится по принципу "first come - first served".

❗️ Важно: Просим участников приходить вовремя и оставаться до конца мероприятия.

Ждем вас! 🚀

On March 12, Amity University Tashkent hosted a Guest Lecture with ANCOR Central Asia Company

👉🏼 The session focused on Networking & Career Path Guidance, providing students with valuable knowledge on building strong professional connections, effective networking strategies, and career exploration techniques. Dilya Batalova shared her expertise on job market trends, personal branding, and the importance of developing soft skills to succeed in today’s competitive job market.


12-mart kuni Toshkent shahridagi Amity universitetida ANCOR Central Asia kompaniyasi bilan mehmon ma'ruzasi bo'lib o'tdi.

👉🏼 Sessiya Netvorking va kasbiy yo‘l-yo‘riq mavzusiga bag‘ishlanib, talabalar uchun mustahkam professional aloqalar o‘rnatish, samarali netvorking strategiyalari va kasb tanlash usullari bo‘yicha qimmatli bilimlar taqdim etildi. Dilya Batalova mehnat bozori tendensiyalari, shaxsiy brending va bugungi raqobatbardosh mehnat bozorida muvaffaqiyat qozonish uchun yumshoq ko‘nikmalarning ahamiyati haqida o‘z tajribasi bilan o‘rtoqlashdi.

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Hey Amitians!

Amity University Tashkent invites you on an exciting industry visit to Uzcard, Uzbekistan’s leading payment processing company!

👉🏼 Get a firsthand look at the world of digital payments, fintech innovations, and financial technologies. This is a great opportunity to explore industry trends, interact with experts, and gain insights into career opportunities in the fintech sector.

📅 Date: March 20
🕤 Time: 9:30 AM
🔗 Registration: Click here to register

Seats are limited! Register now and don’t miss out!


Toshkent shahridagi Amity universiteti sizni O‘zbekistonning yetakchi to‘lov tizimi kompaniyasi Uzcardga sanoat tashrifiga taklif qiladi!

👉🏼 Raqamli to‘lovlar, fintech innovatsiyalari va moliyaviy texnologiyalar dunyosiga birinchi qo‘ldan nazar tashlang. Ushbu tashrif sizga sohadagi trendlarni o‘rganish, ekspertlar bilan muloqot qilish va fintech sektoridagi martaba imkoniyatlari haqida ma’lumot olish uchun ajoyib imkoniyat yaratadi.

📅 Sana: 20-mart
🕤 Vaqt: 9:30 AM
🔗 Havola orqali ro‘yxatdan o‘ting

Joylar cheklangan! Ro‘yxatdan o‘ting va bu imkoniyatni qo‘ldan boy bermang! 🚀

✈️ O‘yin yarating va Boku shahriga borish imkoniyatini yutib oling!

📆 Xalqaro Turkic Game Jam’ning birinchi bosqichi 11–13 aprel kunlari bir vaqtning o‘zida 5 ta turkiy davlatda bo‘lib o‘tadi. O‘zbekistonda by loyiha East Games va Goethe-Institut ko‘magi bilan tashkil etiladi.

💻 Xakaton ikki bosqichdan iborat — birinchi bosqich mahalliy darajada o‘tkaziladi. Jamoalar ochilish marosimida e’lon qilinadigan mavzu asosida 48 soat ichida o‘yin prototipi yaratishlari kerak. Mahalliy ekspertlar hay’ati tomonidan tanlab olingan eng yaxshi jamoalar Ozarbayjon poytaxti - Boku shahrida bo‘lib o‘tadigan Grand Finalga yo‘l olishadi.

Ishtirok etish uchun jamoangiz:
🔶 2–4 kishidan iborat bo‘lishi va
🔶 Toshkentda 48 soatlik oflayn ishlashga tayyor bo‘lishi kerak.

⚠️ Joylar soni cheklangan. Ishtirokchilar tashkilotchilar tomonidan oldindan saralanadi.

📝 Ro‘yxatdan o‘tish formasi

💼 Internship Opportunity at Ipak Yuli Bank
We're looking for a talented, ambitious intern ready to grow with us!

- Manage the Learning Portal;
- Translate materials (Russian to Uzbek);
- Help organize educational events.

📊 Requirements:
- 3rd/4th-year student;
- Fluent in Russian and literary Uzbek;
- Responsible, detail-oriented, eager to learn;
- Interested in HR and development;
- Strong communication skills.

🚀 What We Offer:
- Part-time job with mentorship;
- Career growth prospects;
- Soft skills training;
- Free coffee breaks;
- Modern office near Alisher Navoi metro station;

✨A great career kickstart!

❗️ How to Apply:
Send your CV + a short intro about yourself to
Or message us on Telegram: @banktraineroyniso

We can't wait to meet you! 😊
Russian job description

On March 18, Amity University Tashkent organized an industry visit to MAAB Innovation

👉🏼 The visit began with a warm welcome from MAAB Innovation’s representatives, who introduced the company’s vision, mission, and major projects. Experts showcased their latest innovations, including AI-driven applications, smart automation systems, and digital transformation solutions.


18-mart kuni Toshkent shahridagi Amity universiteti talabalari uchun MAAB Innovation kompaniyasiga sanoat tashrifi tashkil etildi.

👉🏼 Tashrif MAAB Innovation vakillarining kutib olishi bilan boshlandi, ular kompaniyaning maqsadi, vazifalari va asosiy loyihalari haqida ma’lumot berdilar. Mutaxassislar o‘zlarining so‘nggi innovatsiyalarini, jumladan, sun’iy intellektga asoslangan ilovalar, aqlli avtomatlashtirish tizimlari va raqamli transformatsiya yechimlarini namoyish etdilar.

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FE ZTE Investment LLC is hiring Microwave engineer

Main responsibilities:
⚡️Communication with the customer, subcontractors and government agencies;
⚡️Organization of trainings for the customer and subcontractors;
⚡️Installation guidance to subcontractors;
⚡️MW commissioning and MW troubleshooting;
⚡️Microwave upgrade, data configuration, planning;
⚡️Control of subcontractors for the quality of construction and work on time;
⚡️Control the daily progress of subcontractors;
⚡️Sending a daily report to the head office (Tashkent).

Professional requirements:
🔹Higher education;
🔹Good knowledge of telecommunications;
🔹Microwave related experience or Switch/ipran related experience or theoretical knowledge;
🔹PC knowledge (installing and using various software);
🔹Willingness to Business Trips.

Personal requirements:
🔸Self-motivated and ability to work under pressure and learn independently;
🔸Good presentation, time management and leadership skills & ability to work in team;
🔸Result oriented with focus on customer satisfaction and project delivery;
🔸Excellent communication - Fluent English and Russian, both written and spoken;
🔸Good interpersonal skills and relationship development with customer.

We offer:
✅Opportunity to develop professionally in the company and realize your potential;
✅Payment for mobile communications;
✅Official registration from the first day of work, social guarantees;
✅Comfortable working conditions;
✅Medical insurance;
✅Working hours from 9.00 to 18.00, 5/2.

📌Send your CV in English via mail or telegram @ZTEHR_Lola

🎓 Студент! Хочешь стажировку в крутой IT-компании?

Мечтаешь окунуться в сферу IT, освоить новую профессию и даже заработать на этом?

🚀 Venkon Group – лидер в автоматизации бизнеса в Узбекистане с 70% доли рынка! Наши продукты, такие как 1С: Бухгалтерия, Didox и другие, помогают тысячам предприятий работать эффективнее.

🔥 Venkon Group запускает оплачиваемую онлайн-стажировку для студентов!

💻 Что тебя ждет?
✅ Бесплатное обучение в программе 1С: Управление предприятием
✅ Формат онлайн – можно участвовать откуда угодно
✅ Сертификат после успешного экзамена
✅ Денежный бонус за получение сертификата
✅ Трудоустройство лучших стажеров

📢 Участвовать могут студенты 1-4 курсов!

💼 Прокачай свои навыки и получи первый опыт в крутой IT-компании!

📩 За подробностями пиши в @amityuzb

We are starting NodeJS Internship in Vention! 🚀

We are launching a 3-month internship that dedicates 6 hours each day to in-depth training from the office. 🕒🏢
Under the guidance of an experienced mentor, you will have the invaluable opportunity to develop your skills in commercial software development. Seize the opportunity to boost your career prospects! 💼✨
And don’t forget - Successful completion of this program often leads to a job offer from Vention! 🎉📜

- Good grasp of HTML markup and CSS styling 🎨🖌️
- Good understanding of JavaScript fundamentals 🧠💻
- Understanding of backend development using Node.js 🌐🔧
- Understanding the principles of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) and the ability to apply them practically 🧩💡
- Understanding of using the Git Version Control System 📥🔄
- A B1 level or higher in English language 🗣️🌍
- Ability to study 6 hours a day ⏳📚

Key Responsibilities:
- Learning JavaScript and TypeScript fundamentals, including their roles in software development and common design patterns 📘🛠️
- Developing dynamic web applications using popular front-end frameworks 🌐🎨
- Interacting with back-end APIs for dynamic data retrieval and display on the front-end 🔄📡
- Utilizing state management libraries like Redux (for React), NgRx (for Angular) 📊📚
- Contributing to server-side development using Node.js 🖥️🔧
- Writing unit tests for JavaScript code using testing frameworks such as Jest and engaging in integration testing to ensure code quality 🧪✅

👉 Join us here and experience professional growth 🌿 and personal fulfillment with VentionLabs 🌟! 🚀💖

🚀 We are starting Front-end Internship in Vention!

We are launching a 3-month internship that dedicates 6 hours each day to in-depth training from the office. 🕒🏢
Under the guidance of an experienced mentor, you will have the invaluable opportunity to develop your skills in commercial software development. Seize the opportunity to boost your career prospects! 💼✨
And don’t forget - Successful completion of this program often leads to a job offer from Vention! 🎉📜

💻 What will you do?
- Learn JavaScript, TypeScript, and common design patterns 📘🧠
- Develop dynamic web applications using frameworks like React, Angular, or Vue.js 🌐🛠️
- Learn the Shopify platform and how to integrate it into your applications 🛍️🔧
- Use state management libraries such as Redux for React 📊📚
- Contribute to server-side logic using Node.js and Express.js 🖥️🔗
- Write unit tests with frameworks like Jest and participate in integration testing 🧪✅
- Understand and apply CI/CD pipelines for application deployment 🔄🚀
- Integrate server-side code with front-end technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) 🤝🎨
- Participate in practical projects, collaborating with cloud services and containerization tools ☁️📦
📚 What do you need to know?
- Proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript fundamentals 🎨🖌️
- Familiarity with a JavaScript framework like React, Angular, or Vue 🖥️📚
- Understanding of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) principles 🧩💡
- Basic knowledge of Node.js and TypeScript 🌐🧠
- Experience with Git Version Control System 📥🔄
- English proficiency at B1 level or higher 🗣️🌍
- Commitment to dedicate 6 hours a day to study and development ⏳📚

👉 Join us here and experience professional growth 🌿 and personal fulfillment with VentionLabs 🌟! 🚀💖

🚀 We are starting Python Internship in Vention!

We are launching a 3-month internship that dedicates 6 hours each day to in-depth training from the office. 🕒🏢
Under the guidance of an experienced mentor, you will have the invaluable opportunity to develop your skills in commercial software development. Seize the opportunity to boost your career prospects! 💼✨
And don’t forget - Successful completion of this program often leads to a job offer from Vention! 🎉📜

💻 What will you do?
- Gaining an understanding of Python programming, its libraries, and relevant design patterns 🐍📚
- Learning to craft and use APIs with frameworks such as Django, Flask, or FastAPI 🌐🛠️
- Developing proficiency in writing and executing unit tests with pytest or unittest 🧪✅
- Collaborating on projects that combine server-side Python with client-side technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript 🤝🎨
- Applying acquired skills in practical projects to enhance real-world problem-solving abilities 🚀🔧

📚 What do you need to know?
- Understanding the principles of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) and the ability to apply them practically 🧩💡
- Familiarity with basic data types and algorithms in Python 🐍🧠
- Knowledge of Django/Flask/FastAPI is advantageous 🖥️📚
- Prior hands-on experience with relational databases (SQL), and preferably a grasp of PostgreSQL 🗃️🔍
- Basic understanding of using the Git Version Control System 📥🔄
- Additional experience in Front-end development is beneficial, including HTML/CSS and JavaScript 🎨🖌️
- B1 level or higher in English 🗣️🌍
- Ability to study 6 hours a day ⏳📚

👉 Join us here and experience professional growth 🌿 and personal fulfillment with VentionLabs 🌟! 🚀💖

12 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.