
Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
Postlar filtri

Bugun erta uxlayapman

Yarim soatga

Umid qilamanki ertaga tirik bosam ertalab turib uxlamayman

orniga o’lib yotgan speakingga elektroshok qilaman va

readingni odambashara qilaman urshib so’kib

Meyli 👋🏻

Insta’ga kirmasam ozi yaxshi qizman dars qiladigan 😅

1-kunni eson omon yashavoldm.

My Speaking dan repost
The given line graph illustrates how many jobs provided in 4 economic fields of the US for 60 years starting from 1960.

Overall, there were more job opportunities in healthcare and retail industries in recent decades whereas less people were employed in manufacturing and agriculture domains.

Focusing on upturns, areas of healthcare and retail experienced growth over the entire period. To start with former, the figure was about 2mlns in the first year and increased dramatically untill it reached 16 mlns in the end of the span. Similarly, the latter trend climbed from its initial 6 to 15 in 2000. These two trends showed the same results of 16mln jobs when the period finished after the second one went up by 1mln over last 2 decades.

In stark contrast, the other two remaining sectors of the US economy witnessed a falling trend. In the case of manufacturing, there was a peak of 20mlns between 1960 and 1980. This was followed by a significant decrease to approximately 13mlns. In addition, the number of jobs in agriculture declined marginally from initial 6mlns to 3mlns in 2020.

Umida Asrolova

Slar iwlatmelar sp 7+ bobqolsh extimoli bor
ozmi esmda qolishi uchun yozdm 😂

cutting edge - ota pota zamonaviy
high tech

labor saving mexnat tejovchi

indispensable ajralmas

glued to the screen

state-of-the-art vawe yangi

fierce competition = cut throat

pick up a new language

technophobe - gadgetlardan qorquvchi shaxs

tech-savvy - techie 👩‍💻

to make innovation

Ughh, hayajon, asabiylashish

Examga bogan qorquvim yoqolguncha topshirmiman dsam umr otibketarkan.

Nu tabiiy narsa bu, babr boladi munaqa chuvstvalar.

Nico, meyli br gap bolar 👋🏻

better one ?
  •   bc
  •   idp
  •   chunmadm va jimman
3 ta ovoz

Readingdan keyngi asablarm joyiga kelishi vawe qyn 🗿

Farosat kerakda farosat❗️


miyam qachon reading 8.5 ga chiqsang shunda kechiraman seni 🗿

ungacha seni qiynayveraman

Onasnemsn ancadan bri munaqa sqlb qomodm🗿

What the fuck reading

Принцесса в своей месте 😅🦢

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Qachon oxrgi martta dadam bn mowinani orqasida ketganmmi eslab ketvoma 😂

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Out of sight, out of mind 😌👌🏿

Kreativnost 😂💯

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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