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Who is more likely to die with HEART DISEASE❓
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Premium articles qiymati 490.000 sum+ BONUS🎁
IELTS Reading marathon- 187.000 sum

Siz buni barchasini 49.000 sumga olishingiz mumkin😮

Shoshiling faqat 200 ta obunachi❗️

Hoziroq @I365_admin ga ,,49'' deb qoldiring✅

Bu kitob sizniki bo’lishini xohlaysizmi?

4.9k 0 6 35 111


Your HEART is on your HANDS🫀🙌

Why wait for a sign that something isn’t right with this MOST IMPORTANT ORGAN before getting smart about your heart?



5.4k 0 152 5 44


“…5,5-6.0 chiqardi, imtihonda bo’lsa …😎…”

Premium Articles🚀 yopiq kanaliga 2 oy qo’shilgan ekanlar, hayrli qilsin.

Agar siz ham yanvar,fevral,mart oylarida IELTS topshirayotgan bo’lsangiz, bu yopiq kanal aynan siz uchun.

CHEGIRMA narxida qo’shilishni, xohlaysizmi

Hoziroq obuna bo’lish uchun @I365_admin ga ,,premium’’ deb yozing✅

6k 0 3 13 49

In English we say: Can I be a child again?

But in poetry we say: Take me back to when laughter was endless, and my dreams were bigger than my fears.


7.5k 3 59 10 244

According to the World Bank, the economies of Central Asia are very poorly connected.📉

Nega aynan PREMIUM yopiq kanal

1.Yopiq kanalda sizga har kuni soat 6:00 da eng qiziq va sara premium maqolalar tashlab boriladi.

Bu imkoniyat sizga ma’lumot qachonga kelarkan yoki qaysi source dan foydansam ekan degan muammolaringizga yechim bo'ladi hamda bir vaqtda o'qish odatini shakllantiradi.

Bor yo'g'i 49,000 sum 😮 bilan hoziroq qo'shilishingiz uchun @I365_admin ga ,,premium'' deb yozib qoldiring✅

Bor yo'g'i 49.000 sum ✅

Reading ballingizni 0,5-2,0 oshirmoqchi bo’lsangiz PREMIUM ARTICLES yopiq kanalimiz aynan siz uchun

Chegirma narxida ulgurib qoling ❗️

Hoziroq obuna bo’lish uchun @I365_admin ga ,,premium” deb yozib qoldiring

8.2k 0 11 19 26



You can often hear in the news how important infrastructure is for economic development. Indeed…



8.6k 0 205 13 65

Odamlarga hayronsan o’zi 490,000 sumlik narsani 49,000 sumga bersagu, yana shundayam arzon qiberin diydi, eh insonlar😐

Yopiq kanalga obuna bo’lish uchun:@I365_admin

yopiq community

Boshlanish sanasi: 13-fevral
Davomiyligi: 21 kun


-Premium maqolalar(IELTS related)
-Vocabulary boost
-IELTS questions
-Reading tips & strategies
-Reading full mock
-Reading 9.0 masterclass

🎁CHEGIRMA narxi: 49.000 sum

Hoziroq yopiq kanalga a’zo bo’lish uchun
@I365_admin ga ,,premium” deb yozing✅

yopiq community

Boshlanish sanasi: 13-fevral
Davomiyligi: 21 kun


-Premium maqolalar(IELTS related)
-Vocabulary boost
-IELTS questions
-Reading tips & strategies
-Reading full mock
-Reading 9.0 masterclass

🎁CHEGIRMA narxi: 49.000 sum

Hoziroq yopiq kanalga a’zo bo’lish uchun
@I365_admin ga ,,premium” deb yozing✅

❗️#feedback darslar katta yordam berdi...🤩

...21 days = hard work...🤗

...reading qismida uyqim kelardi, hozir esa tez ishlab qo'yyapman...⚡️

...21 kunlik sayohat men uchun haqiqiy sayohat bo'ldi...

O'quvchilarning bunday yutuqlaridan biz ulardanda hursandmiz.

PREMIUM ARTICLES - tizimli ta'lim🔥

Siz kutgan kunga 1 soat qoldi...

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Premium articles yopiq kanal qabulini kutvotganlar nechtamiz?
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  •   Keyingisida qatnashaman(
398 ta ovoz


Games of old🗡🎮

Can AI bring ancient board games back to life by
working out the long-lost rules



9.2k 0 238 5 70

Simplify your life

— Don't try to read other people's minds and don't expect others to be able to read your thoughts. Communicate if you wonder about something that matters to you.

— Don't expect all the people want to be your friends. We are all different, so we all like different things.

— Get rid of the monster of jealousy and only compare yourself to your previous self, no one else.

— Stay out of pointless dramas in other people's lives (except in critical situations and those where you can help).

— Finish things you start and then start to do something else.

— Accept the fact that there're things you can't change or control and focus on those you can influence.


10.1k 0 114 10 177
20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.