Azamat IELTS | 8.5

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha

IELTS score: 8.5 (L 9, R 9, W 7.5, S 7.5)
Owner: @Azamat_Nurmatov
Works at: @everestjahontillari
@nurmatov_writes - shaxsiy)
Does vlogging at times)

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
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Mom: nega 2 qilgansan? Ikkichiman deganimu bu

Sister: 2 marta ushlangan degani🤣

*bir paytlar singlimga tug’ilganingda 3 marta otilib, 2 marta ushlangansan degandim))

POV: Wanna sunburn?

Me: let’s go

We are having fun in So'qoq now)

Having a mountain trip to So’qoq with my students tomorrow. Gonna be lit 🔥nasib

Eng yomoni, bunaqa holat avvalam bo'lgan. Noroziman deganimdan keyin u tushmagurlar hartugul bittada javob yozgandi muammolar bo'lib qoldida deb. Lekin shu-shu to'lamasdan ketishgan...

Buyoqda man keyin shunaqalarni deb asabiylashib darslarimdagi kaypni yo'qotaman, dashxat. O'g'il bola bo'ganidaku boshqa gap edi, qanaqa gaplashishni o'zim bilardim...

Eng qizig'i, bittasi hozir yozganimdan keyin kanaldan chiqib ketti, boshqasi bemalol storylar qo'yib yotibdi. Odamlarga nima bo'lyapti😐

2 hafta... I mean, qanday qilib bu darajada bo'lish mumkin...

Kanaldagilar, sila bunaqa noinsof bo'mela, xopmi

Umidjon Ishmukhamedov dan repost
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“Ўзбекистондаги Америка”

🤩Навбатдаги Миллат Умиди, минглаб шогирдлар тарбиялаб келаётган ватанпарвар, меҳнатсевар ва ёш оптимист раҳбар Хуршид Ўроқов бўлдилар.

"Everest" ўқув-маркази асосчиси, 17 йиллик тажрибага эга IELTS мутахассисдир.

Суҳбатни ҳозироқ кўринг:


Sen bo'lsa yuraver burningni tortib "shuncha dars qivomanu, o'xshamayapti deb"

Bu natija ko'zi ojiz inson tomonidan qayd etilgan. Maxsus Braille sistemasida topshirilgan. Ko'zi ojizlar uchun materiallar judayam kam, deyarli yo'q, qaysidir kitobni braille systemga o'tkazish esa judayam qimmat, qolaversa unaqa qiladigan joy topish judayam qiyin O'zbekistonda. Ushbu singlimizni matonatiga qoyil. Ilmlari ziyoda va hayrli bo'lsin! Alloh doimo yuzlarini yorug' qilsin. Bizga o'xshagan qalbi ko'rlarga o'rnak bo'ladigan natijalar qilsinlar!

Hamkasbim ga alohida ta'rif, Alloh rozi bo'lsin, o'zi qo'llasin doim, brother✊. Haqiqiy ustozlik sifati bor shubhasiz!

Endi ko'zing ko'rib turib, sen nimani bahona qilasan? Nega tayinli dars qilmaysan? Nega ota-onangni pulini ko'kka sovuryapsan? Uyg'on! Tegib ketmasin, teshib ketsin, ko'zi ko'radigan lekin qalbi ko'rlarni!

Assalamu a'laykum va rohmatullohi va barokatuh


378 0 12 5 33

Nowadays, interviewees are required to be easy-going in addition to their mastery of the job. While social skills undeniably play a pivotal role in the workplace, I hold the view that this should not be made mandatory for all jobs since some jobs do not need human interaction at all.

It is true that being a social professional helps people at work. In fact, most jobs currently require human interaction in order to make the company perform better. Large enterprises, for example, need constant cooperation of different departments, such as HR and media, that are interdependent on each other. If one of those sectors fails, it will highly likely affect the others, resulting in instability in the company. Service sector businesses also need quality employees with advanced social skills, as these workers are supposed to work with customers, meaning that they might have to handle sensitive issues and communicate effectively with customers. A good restaurant or HR manager should be able to collaborate with their team members working in distinct positions, or converse with users in a patient and polite way so as to keep a friendly atmosphere within a company and not lose their customers at the same time. Today’s job market, therefore, naturally needs masters along with good social skills.

However, not all jobs necessitate the need for social skills, as there are some positions that can operate without proper communication or negotiation. Modern spheres, which mostly deal with data, make this point justifiable. Take actuaries or data scientists as a vivid example. The former position involves analyzing statistical data to calculate insurance risks or premiums, often requiring strong mathematical qualifications, and the latter interprets complex data to help organizations make well-informed decisions, often including analytical and programming skills. They should give advice according to their study results, which is not required to be done in a social way. Such jobs do not seem to stop increasing in number as more and more companies have to work with more data. Eventually, some employers can be satisfied with recruiting a non-social professional, as data needs concentration with extremely limited social interaction, because a minor inattentiveness may lead to a loss.

To conclude, instead of requiring good social skills from advanced degree workers for all job categories, recruiters should better consider the amount of social interaction that an employee ought to have, as success can be secured without talking much in some areas.

word count: 403 words
#writing #task2 #essay #Azamat_types #road_to_nine


#studentresult #multilevel

😅🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤 - 🔤2️⃣

👨‍🏫 @Azamat_Nurmatov IELTS 8.5

Everest Jahon tillari


You see their listening scores. Listening is certainly the easiest aspect to improve, and dictation is one of the most efficient ways to do so

#studentresult #multilevel

😅🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤 - 🔤2️⃣

👨‍🏫 @Azamat_Nurmatov IELTS 8.5

Everest Jahon tillari


#studentresult #multilevel

😅🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤 - 🔤2️⃣

👨‍🏫 @Azamat_Nurmatov IELTS 8.5

Everest Jahon tillari


Bahora managed to get 🔤1️⃣ with her self-study. What a dedication, what an achievement! May this certificate serve for your benefits only


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This is an estimated score given by Dilshodbek Ravshanov, niner

In your opinion, what prevented me from getting an 8.0 for C.C.?

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.