We say, 'A good father is not a good father! Do you understand? One who thinks he is a good father is not a good father; one who thinks he is a good husband is not a good husband. One who thinks he is one of the worst husband may be a good one if he is always trying to be a good husband with a single-hearted effort.
Shunryu Suzuki, Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind
This mindset can be applied for any other aspect of our life. Improvement has no limits.
We say, 'A good father is not a good father! Do you understand? One who thinks he is a good father is not a good father; one who thinks he is a good husband is not a good husband. One who thinks he is one of the worst husband may be a good one if he is always trying to be a good husband with a single-hearted effort.
Shunryu Suzuki, Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind
This mindset can be applied for any other aspect of our life. Improvement has no limits.