Alisher&Mukhammadali posts

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha

🔝All about IELTS
Alisher Soliev (IELTS 9.0 | W8.5x3, S9.0) & Mukhammadali Sodikov (IELTS 9.0x3| W8.5x2, S9.0x5).
Founders of @ad_astra_school

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Est.: 06/Nov/2020

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
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In our society, there is far more attention on men’s sport than women’s sport.

Do you think that this is positive or negative development?

It is true that men’s sport enjoys considerably more attention than women’s sport in our society. In my mind, this situation is a cause for concern as it undermines our society in many profound ways.

Some people are welcome to a disproportionate emphasis on male sports. This is because they believe male sports generate more income for sponsors and sports agencies as they are more established compared to women’s sports. This additional profit can be reinvested to scale up the scope of sports activities, for instance, by providing funding to other athletes, holding more events, building new facilities, which may stimulate more interest in sports.

I, however, firmly believe that discriminatory treatment of male and female sports is a worrying trend. Firstly, it is a form of blatant injustice and discrimination, which discourages women from pursuing a career in sports. As a result, sports become gender-biased and lose their diversity, which invariably leads to loss of public interest in sports.

Second, low female participation in sports is bound to result in a decline in women’s overall well-being. Diminished physical exercise, in turn, triggers poor physical state and mood swings among women, making them less productive members of society.

More concerning is the health of our future generations. When women’s health is compromised, they give birth to fragile offspring. This means our posterity are in possible danger of sickness and poor health thanks to preferential treatment of sports based on gender.

In conclusion, gender inequality in sports is a focal point of debate, which clearly has many negative implications ranging from loss of public interest in sports to more severe harms to society in terms of its productivity and overall health.

280 words,



Ad Astra School dan repost
#results #sevenpointfive #alhamdulillah #2024 IDP PBI 8/June/2024 #twenty_four

Age: 21
Attempt: 2st (1st-7.0)
Start point: A&M Program
Prep time w/ us: about 6 months
Teachers: Alisher&Mukhammadali

Quite well-mannered and self-composed. More than we taught you, you taught us to be more attentive and caring. It was a blessing to have had you😇

We also give no less credit to the student’s previous teachers.

Our destination is clear: TO THE STARS ⭐️



Ad Astra School dan repost
#results #sevenpointfive #alhamdulillah #2024 BC PBI 8/June/2024 #twenty_four

Age: 16
Attempt: 1st
Start point: A&M Program
Prep time w/ us: about 2 months
Teachers: Alisher&Mukhammadali

All I can say is we were lucky to have had you. In this short time we spent together, we learned, explored, argued, made memories, and had a blast. No way we will ever forget a positive and feisty girl like you

We also give no less credit to the student’s previous teachers.

Our destination is clear: TO THE STARS ⭐️



Ad Astra School dan repost
#results #sevenpointfive #alhamdulillah #2024 BC PBI 1/June/2024 #twenty_four

Age: 23
Attempt: 3st (1st-7.0 2nd-7.0)
Start point: A&M Program
Prep time w/ us: about 2 months
Teachers: Alisher&Mukhammadali

Despite feeling little beat down after her second attempt, she picked herself up right away and went for another shot. Lo and behold, she nailed the test with a 7.5 and proved once again she's a tough cookie. Keep pushing, young lady⚡️

We also give no less credit to the student’s previous teachers.

Our destination is clear: TO THE STARS ⭐️




👨‍🍳Cooking time 🧑‍🍳

In some parts of the world, traditional festivals and celebrations have disappeared or are disappearing.

Why is this happening?

What measures could be taken to ensure they do not disappear?

Disappearance of traditional festivals and celebrations in some places around the globe is a well-documented phenomenon. This situation can be attributed to two principal factors, and government involvement in addressing it is critical.

Reasons for diminishing role of traditional celebrations including festivals vary. One plausible explanation is a change in people’s lifestyle. In order to keep pace with the growing demands of the modern world, people have been forced to modify their lifestyle to be more work-oriented. As a result, they are entitled to insufficient time for leisure, making it less possible to join traditional festivals and celebrations. Falling participation rates in these events, in turn, mean that they will eventually fade into obscurity. The second reason would be political changes like political reforms, a change of leader, liberation of nations. These events prompt cultural shift, meaning some festivals are abandoned while new ones are accepted. For instance, a traditionally Russian celebration, Labor Day, was ceased in Uzbekistan upon gaining independence as it was free to practice its own traditions.

Government initiative in ensuring the survival of traditional practices such as festivals and celebrations is key. The first line of response should be raising public awareness. People need to be convinced of the role of traditional celebrations in fostering unity and mutual love, which can be done through campaigns on social media. For example, videos depicting families gathering in public areas, enjoying fun-filled group activities like cooking and games, and sharing in the festive spirit can help revive interest in festivals and traditions and encourage active public involvement. Additionally, authorities should be in charge of creating a celebratory mood in their local areas. Simple acts such as putting up signs, flags, lights and stalls matching the festival theme days before the celebrations can go a long way. People seeing these cues on their commute to work become naturally drawn to the festival being celebrated. This ensures a huge turnover throughout the festival, contributing to its long-term relevance in people’s lives.

In conclusion, the primary reasons behind the disappearance of some traditional festivals and celebrations can be a growing emphasis on work driven by the rising demands of the modern world and political changes. In response to this situation, government can deploy a set of solutions such as raising public awareness of the importance of cultural celebrations and facilitating a convivial atmosphere prior to celebrations to boost public participation.

398 words,



7.3k 0 114 10 109

Wow 😳 What a task😅😅😅

11.5k 2 268 126 621

Edu Podcast by Edu-Action dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

🚀 Edu Podcast navbatdagi sonida Buxorolik afsonaviy Niner va Instruktorlar Muhammadali Sodiqov, Murod Jurayev, Alisher Soliev bilan quyidagi mavzularda ochiq suhbat qurdik:

— Nega Buxoroda yuqori ballar ko'p?
— Dangasa o'quvchilar bilan ishlash texnikasi
— Biznes va ta'lim aralashsa, hammasi rasvo bo'ladi


🕊 Videoni doʻstlaringizga joʻnating:
Telegram | Instagram | @EduActionCentre' rel='nofollow'>YouTube

Who do you guys wanna see on the podcast next?

Link us up and we'll make it happen🫡

10.1k 0 12 483 175

Ad Astra School dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
#caketime 🎂

SAT edition🤩🫶

Our first SAT cake recipient EVER, Mr.Amirbek

Congrats on his 1520 on SAT🔝



10.1k 0 21 21 180

It is too expensive to look after and repair old buildings. This money should be spent on building modern buildings instead.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

Some argue that repairing and maintaining old buildings is costly, so money is better spent on constructing new ones. While investing in new construction projects seems more appealing than taking care of old structures, I disagree that all funds should be redirected to new buildings.

Prioritizing the construction of new buildings can be justified on several grounds. The primary reason is their durability. As modern buildings are typically built from sturdy materials such reinforced concrete and steel, they are resistant to natural disasters including earthquakes and tsunamis. This is especially vital in coastal regions like Japan, which are seismically vulnerable. In such places, it is only sensible if government invests in new buildings rather than renovating old ones. Besides, improvements made to old buildings are short-lived. This is because renovation is typically superficial – in terms of plaster and paint - with no change to their fundamental structure. This means the building continues to wear out structurally, making renovation pointless.

I, however, hold the view that renovation of old buildings should not be overlooked. This is because old structures such as temples, mosques, museums, and even towers serve as important landmarks, holding considerable historical and cultural significance. When unattended, these places fall into state of disrepair and need to be eventually removed for public safety reasons. Demolition of such places would mean local heritage encompassed in them is lost. Aside from that, shift of focus from renovating old buildings to erecting new ones can create a public nuisance. Since new construction projects involve heavy duty equipment and vehicles such as drills and trucks, noise and pollution are inevitable. Prolonged exposure to noise and pollution, in turn, compromises the life quality of local residents and construction workers alike.

In conclusion, though I admit building new buildings is a pragmatic option from a safety standpoint, I do not agree that it should happen at the expense of old buildings, for old buildings serve an important cultural purpose that justifies any renovation costs associated.

330 words,



13.9k 0 234 31 153

Yet another NINER podcast🤯

Guest: Sukhrob Murodov

IELTS 9.0 (2nd youngest in UZB)

Expected runtime: 2+ hours

Stay tuned for the full release🔔

🌐Ad Astra🌐



15.9k 0 18 55 129

18.9k 3 129 16 94

S1: E23 - Bobirjon Bakhtiyorov🎙

T minus 90 minutes until the RELEASE🔔

🌐Ad Astra🌐

The images compare the present layout of a school with its past form from 1985.

Overall, there has been an increase in the number of school facilities following the changes. The school now boasts more classrooms, which greatly enhance the school student capacity.

In 1985, the school had a limited number of features. It was accessible by an entrance road in the north, which ran around the main rectangular-shaped car park. The road had two ends, one of which led to the exit in the north-east while the other to playing fields in the south. Two vertical buildings lined up in the west were the school office and the library, with a small car park and classrooms further to the center.

With all the changes in place, the school campus now features a wider range of amenities. The most remarkable change has been the reduction of the playing fields to make room for a fitness center with its own swimming pool in the south-west corner and new classrooms north of the fields. In the meantime, the 2-storey classroom block increased in capacity with the addition of another storey. Although the office remained more or less unchanged, the library has been shrunk and repurposed into a learning resources center with its computer room.

At the same time, while the small car park was removed, classrooms next to it were repositioned to a new larger building north of the fitness center. Finally, the main parking area has been diminished into a semi-circle one with a matching road structure, and the road leading to the fields has given way to a green space with trees. As a result of these changes, school capacity has grown nearly by half, welcoming up to 2,300 students now.

291 words,






Alisher&Mukhammadali posts dan repost

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Here's what to expect:

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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
S1: E23 Trailer - Bobirjon Bakhtiyorov🎙

Stay tuned for the full release🔔

🌐Ad Astra🌐




16.8k 2 60 25 116
20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.