Bu grammar "Of" so'zi bilan bog'liq.
Yani ko'pchiligimiz bilamiz "of" ning degan manoni beradi.Lekin bu so'z gapning boshida birinchi so'z bo'lib kelsa "among" so'ziga sinonim bo'lib keladi yani orasida degan manoni bildiradi.Va Listening Readingga ham kelish ehtimoli yuqori (ayniqsa Readingda)
Examples :
Of all the teachers, my teacher Sherzodbek is the best
Uzb version : Barcha o'qituvchilar orasida teacher im Sherzodbek eng zo'ri
Bu yerda :
Of all the teachers=among all the teachers ga sinonim sifatida kelyapti
Of all the people I have met this year, you are the best one.
Uzb version : Men bu yil uchratgan odamlarim orasida sen eng yaxshisisan.