Ollohberdi (Writing 7.0)

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha

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✍️ Essays (7.5–8+)
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✨ 2.5 Years experience
Teaching is just a hobby ))
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O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
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CEFR — part 3

— CEFR'chilar bir ishlab ko'rsinchi, keyin shuni tahlil qilib beraman


So'ralganki har bir savolga bilaman deb javob bergan ustozdan.

Agar o'qtuvchi har qanday narsani bilaman deb javob berib tashlayaptimi demak u o'ta ketkan aqili yoki kibrlik. Inson kibrli bo'lsa bilmayman degisi kelmaydi va buning uchun kerak bo'lsa noto'g'ri narsalarni ham gapirib tashlayveradi. Ba'zan o'quvchilar writing bo'yicha savol berib qolsa, bilmaydigan narsa chiqib qoladi. O'sha payt aniq o'zim o'rganib keyin aytaman deb o'sha narsani 100% o'rganib keyin maslahat beraman. Agar unga bilmayman deyish o'rniga og'zimga kelganni gapirsam ertaga kirib imtihonda kalla qo'yib chqishi muhim. O'qtuvchi har bir beryotkan ma'lumotiga ehtiyotkor bo'lishi kerak, chunki o'quvchi uchun ustoz bu ideal inson. Ustoz nima desa hamma to'g'ri deb o'ylaydi, shuning uchun ham 4 marta o'ylab keyin 1 marta gapirish kerak. Shunaqa o'qtuvchilar sabab nafaqat writing va speaking, IELTS blakim boshqa sohalar to'g'risidayam noto'g'ri o'ylaydiganlar va to'g'ri narsani tan olgisi kelmaydigan o'quvchilar paydo bo'ladi. Bunga yoqrin misol bu "qolip" yodlaydigan va qoliblarida yoq grammar, vocab'larni xato deydiganlar yaqqol misol bo'la oladi. Ularga qancha tushintirsam ham, "yo'q bu to'g'ri" deb turaveradi, chunki ularga "buyuk ustozlari" aytkanda.

Bularni hammasi o'zimni shaxsiy fikrim va bular noto'g'ri bo'lishi ham mumkin.


Sizdaka teacher'dan db yozib qomadi kimdr yaxshi ))

Qanday ustozlardan qochish kerak?

1️⃣6️⃣ TH LAW


Yomon gap tuzib qo'yatta ChatGPT.

Mental drawbacks of social media 😎

Domino effect approach ✔️
Modern-relevant approach

Despite these arguments, in my opinion, social media does more harm than good due to its emotional drawbacks. When people use social media platforms like Instagram and YouTube, they often compare themselves to the curated and unrealistic portrayals of others' lives, fostering unattainable expectations and a distorted sense of self-worth. This can ultimately lead to debilitating feelings of inadequacy, eroding self-esteem, and diminishing overall quality of life. In a world dominated by depression and sadness, social media amplifies these negative emotions due to consistent comparison, further isolating individuals and exacerbating mental health issues.


"Bir haftada mushaklaringiz chiroyli bo'ladi", "ikki haftada qomatingizni zo'r qilib beadigan dori", "2oy o'qing va nechidur dollor oylikda ishlang", va "shu kino szga 8.5ga yo'l ko'rsatadi" va shunga o'xshagan number one bullshit'lar dangasalarni o'ziga tortadi. Mehnatkash rostdan ham miyyasi ishlaydiganlar esa mehnat qiladi va muvofaqqiyat achieved overnight basligini tushinadi, ahmoqlar esa shunga o'xshagan oddiy o'yinlarga ishonib vaqtlari va xattoki pullarini bekorga ketkizadi. Bu narsa haqida Simon Sinek'ning "Start with why" kitobida ham aytilgandi.

1dona kino sizga IELTS tayyorgarlik uchun yordam bermedi, bunga ishonish uchun inson eng kamida qovoq miyya bo'lish kere menimcha.

1️⃣5️⃣ TH LAW


Toshloq naroda tursin, hali Farg'onadayam hali hech kim bunaqa kurs ochmagan 👌


📃Kurs haqida qisqacha:
👨‍🏫Tutor: Shokirov Ollohberdi (Writing 7.0)
🥇Yuqori sifatli va samarli darslar
🥈Advanced grammar, specialized articles
🥉Writing ballni B2-C1 darajaga chiqishga kafolat beraman 💯
📃Natijalar —> @results_with_ollohberdi
💰Narx: 100.000 sum online uchun
💰Narxi: 200.000 sum offline uchun

PS: To'lovni Writing qismidan B2 yoki C1 olsangizgina berasiz, agar ololmaselar pul kere bas.


Chat GPT 😁

87 0 0 11 18

Bugun Cefr imtihonda shu mavzu tushibti writing'dan. Mana silarga C1 sample

1️⃣4️⃣ TH LAW

— As I said before, just because they’re famous writers with best-selling books doesn’t mean you have to follow everything they say. For me, losing is better than achieving such a hollow victory.


Task 1

The pie charts compare the proportions of users across three social media platforms—Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter—categorized by five age groups. Units are measured in percentages.

Overall, the 35–49 age group accounts for the largest share of users on Facebook and YouTube, while Twitter is most popular among 18–34-year-olds. Notably, the 65+ age group represents the smallest proportion of users across all platforms.

Looking more closely at Facebook, the majority of users belong to the 35–49 age group, making up 30%, closely followed by those aged 18–34, who constitute 29%. In contrast, the 65+ age group accounts for just 8%, the smallest share. The remaining groups—50–64 and 10–17 years—make up 19% and 14%, respectively.

On YouTube, the 35–49 age group also leads with 29%, while users aged 18–34 follow closely at 26%. Meanwhile, the 50–64 group comprises 20%, which is 5 percentage points higher than the 10–17 age group (15%). As with Facebook, the 65+ group represents the smallest share, at 10%.

In the case of Twitter, the largest group of users belongs to the 18–34 age category, constituting an impressive 40%. This is followed by the 35–49 age group at 29%. At the other end of the spectrum, the 65+ group comprises only 4%, the lowest proportion of users on any platform. The remaining two groups—50–64 and 10–17 years—account for 18% and 9%, respectively.

— written by me, improved by gpt


Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Yesterday, I slept today

1️⃣3️⃣ TH LAW

It suggests offering someone a "win-win" deal while ensuring you gain the upper hand. For instance, if I offer my writing course to a study center, I might say they’ll benefit from my expertise. However, the truth is, I’ll be earning money, gaining recognition, and potentially taking control of their audience. Over time, I could leave the center but still retain those students for my own online lessons, continuing to generate income independently.


The chart illustrates the percentage of women who find 15 specific hobbies attractive, ranked based on their appeal. It provides insights into preferences for various activities, ranging from intellectual and creative pursuits to physical and outdoor pastimes.

Reading is the most attractive hobby, with nearly universal appeal, while traveling ranks the lowest, though it still maintains high popularity. Creative and skill-based activities dominate the top positions, whereas more niche pursuits like archery and blacksmithing appear lower in the ranking.

Body 1
Reading is the most appealing activity, with 98.2% of women finding it attractive. Close contenders include foreign languages (95.6%) and playing a musical instrument (95.4%), both of which highlight a strong preference for intellectual and artistic endeavors. Cooking follows at 95.1%, slightly ahead of woodworking (94.4%), painting (94.1%), and writing (93.8%), all of which reflect the popularity of hobbies involving creativity and hands-on skills. Gardening, which shares the same percentage as writing, further emphasizes this trend.

Body 2
Physical and outdoor activities occupy middle and lower positions on the list. Swimming (92.8%) is the most favored physical activity, while photography and astronomy, both at 90.5%, combine elements of creativity and exploration. Hiking, at 90%, is slightly less popular but still highly regarded. Archery and blacksmithing, at 89.5% and 88.2%, respectively, rank among the least popular activities, though they remain attractive to a large majority. Traveling, at 87.9%, concludes the list.

— Written by ChatGPT, therefore I suggest to learn vocabulary only


Buni siri shundaki – videoni 2x da ko'rish kerak, o'shanda bemalol 100%ga borsa bo'ladi

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.