Ollohberdi (Writing 7.0)

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O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
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Ingliz tilini IELTS olish uchun o'rganish ❌
Subtitle'siz kino ko'rish uchun, inglizcha videodarsliklarni tushinish uchun, va bemalol muloqot qila olish uchun o'rganish ✅

essaychi chayib tashagan joyi shu body 1 bo'ladi. Chunki men bu yerda public transport'ni compare qilganman, va compare qilsih o'rniga public transportni o'zini benefitlarni aytsam yaxshi bo'lardi deb o'ylayman. Biladiganlar bo'lsa, feel free to give feedback.


Some people say that the most important requirement of a modern city is an effective public transport system, while others believe that there are other important requirements for a city.

Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

People have different views about the most essential need for a modern city – whether it is an effective public transport infrastructure or other important requirements. While the former offer significant environmental benefits, I believe that greater employment opportunities are equally, if not more, important.

Proponents of effective public transportation cite various reasons to support their stance. Public transportation has been recognized for its eco-friendly nature. Unlike private cars, which emit excessive carbon emissions and exacerbate the greenhouse effect, public transportation produces significantly lower emissions per passenger, thereby reducing harmful pollutants that contribute to climate change and deteriorating air quality. Given this environmental advantage, it seems reasonable for governments to invest heavily in expanding and modernizing public transit systems. In a world where countries are grappling with pressing environmental challenges like urban air pollution and global warming, public transportation can make a big difference in mitigating ecological damage and promoting sustainable urban development.

Despite these arguments, in my view, generating sufficient employment opportunities is more important for modern cities. With the successful integration of artificial intelligence and automation into industrial processes, combined with mass immigration and rapid population growth, job displacement has reached alarming levels, intensifying competition in the job market. In response to this situation, it is crucial for residents to have ample employment opportunities to navigate the complexities of modern life. Without sufficient job prospects, individuals would struggle to earn a stable income, making it difficult to cover their basic necessities, let alone save for emergencies, support their families, or invest in income-generating assets such as Bitcoin.

In conclusion, although I acknowledge that a modern city requires an efficient public transport system, I contend that job creation is even more critical. Only by providing residents with sustainable employment opportunities can governments make significant strides in fostering economic stability and improving overall quality of life.

— I only made a few changes in terms of LR with the help of GPT


The bar chart compares the estimated IQ scores of six renowned chess players.

Overall, Kasparov and Carlsen have the highest IQ scores, while Tal has the lowest. Notably, there is a considerable gap between the highest and lowest IQs among these players.

Kasparov and Carlsen top the ranking with an estimated IQ of 190, closely followed by Fischer, whose IQ is 180. Polgár and Karpov hold the next position, with IQ scores of 170 each. In contrast, Tal has the lowest IQ, at 165, which is significantly lower than that of the highest-ranked players.


Task 1

The bar chart below provides information about the estimated IQ levels of six famous chess players.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

— it's not IELTS writing task 1 question.


Some people say that the most important requirement of a modern city is an effective public transport system, while others believe that there are other important requirements for a city.

I'm on the way to my home, as well as band 8.5+ essay ✔️

When people find true joy, they share it with the soul, not the screen.
But those who don’t, paint smiles to deceive themselves,
Yet spill their sorrows to set their hearts free. (AUF

💎Vocabulary you might not know:
1️⃣Paint a smile (C1) – to fake happiness or pretend to be cheerful.
2️⃣ Spill one’s sorrows (C1) – to express sadness or talk about one’s troubles.
3️⃣ Set one’s heart free (C1) – to release emotional burdens and feel relieved.

Whenever I feel overwhelmed, emotionally drained, or burnt out due to academic and financial challenges, I prefer to meet up with my friends and spill my sorrows to set my heart free, rather than just painting a smile.


1️⃣Academic & Professional Drawbacks of sleep deprivation.

Sleep deprivation can lead to numerous detrimental effects. When people do not get enough sleep, their ability to concentrate on tasks and retain information deteriorates, making it challenging to perform tasks efficiently. This ultimately results in poor academic performance and diminished productivity in both educational and professional settings. In a world dominated by frequent standardized tests and heavy workloads, a lack of sleep can significantly impair productivity and cognitive function, making it challenging to achieve excellence in both education and career.

2️⃣Mental health problems of sleep deprivation.

Sleep deprivation takes a severe toll on mental well-being. When people lack sleep, they are less likely to produce essential feel-good hormones like serotonin and dopamine, which can lead to chronic stress, anxiety, and a diminished sense of well-being. This can ultimately contribute to long-term psychological problems, significantly reducing overall quality of life. In a world where chronic burnout and depression reign supreme due to high work demands and constant connectivity, the effects of sleep deprivation exacerbate these issues, making it even harder for individuals to cope with daily stresses.

3️⃣Physical health problems of sleep deprivation.

Adequate sleep is vital for a healthy immune system. When individuals have insufficient sleep, their body's ability to combat infections weakens, leaving them more vulnerable to chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disorders, and obesity. Consequently, prolonged sleep deprivation diminishes overall well-being and increases the risk of long-term health complications. In a world dominated by obesity, largely due to sedentary lifestyles, sleep deprivation exacerbates these health issues and accelerates physical decline.


Chat GPT's version 🤖

The line graph compares the percentage of Canadian high school students learning different second languages—namely French, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, German, and other unspecified languages—between 2006 and 2014.

Overall, French, Spanish, Chinese, and other languages gained popularity as second languages, while Japanese and German declined in popularity over the period. Notably, French remained the most commonly studied second language among students, despite fluctuations.

Focusing on the most significant increases first, the proportion of students learning Spanish started at just above 20% and experienced a significant rise, peaking at around 26% in 2011. However, this figure then declined notably to approximately 23% by the final year. Similarly, Chinese became increasingly popular, beginning at just 4% and rising sharply to nearly 15%, surpassing both German and other unspecified languages towards the end of the period.

French and other languages showed relatively smaller fluctuations. The percentage of students studying French was around 29% at the beginning, fluctuating throughout the period before increasing slightly to just over 30% in 2014. The trend for other unspecified languages followed a similar fluctuating pattern but at lower levels, starting at 7% and ending at 9%.

In contrast, Japanese and German saw declines in popularity. Initially, about 26% of students learned Japanese, but this figure experienced a sharp drop to 17% by 2014. The percentage of students studying German, which stood at 14% at the start, fluctuated before falling significantly to 7% by the end of the period.


The line graph compares students in terms of second foreign languages they learnt – namely French, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, German, and other unspecified languages between 2006 and 2014.

Overall, French, Spanish, Chinese, and ‘other’ languages gained popularity as second languages, while Japanese and German fell out of favor throughout the time. Of particular note is French, which was the most famous second language among students, despite fluctuations.

Focusing on bigger increases first, the proportion of students learning Spanish stood at just above 20%, and this was followed by a significant growth, reaching its peak at around 26% in 2011. The figure then declined notably to about 23% in the last year. Similarly, Chinese also became more popular. Starting with just 4%, the percentage of students who learn this language increased significantly to just below 15%, overtaking German and other unspecific languages towards at the end of the timeframe.

The figures for French and ‘other’ language learners witnessed smaller changes. The percentage of students who learn French accounted for around 29%, after which it fluctuated over the period, increasing to just above 30% in 2014. The figures for other unspecific languages mirrored almost exactly the fluctuating trend, albeit at lower rates (starting at 7% and ending at 9%).

In contrast, Japanese and German lost their popularity among students as a second language. Initially about 26% of students used to learn Japanese, but the figures saw a dramatic drop to 17% in 2014. The proportion of students learning German was 14%, and this was followed by fluctuations, dropping significantly to 7% by the end of the period.

Shokirov Ollohberdi with an intense headache 💆‍♂️


Akam (amakim ogli) dadasiga moshina opti. Havas qildim, nasib qilsin ✨

Look, here I used ideas and vocabulary from the article. So, let's analyze it and crush the writing.

Nowadays, more people travel abroad for tourism than ever before.
Do you think this is a positive or negative development?

In recent years, it has become increasingly common for people to travel. While travelling offers noticeable mental health benefits, I believe that it does more harm than good due to its environmental and financial drawbacks.

Proponents of travelling cite various reasons to support their stance. They assert that if people travel abroad, they can find momentary respite from common worries like job responsibilities, family duties, and academic pressures, thereby reducing feelings of stress and anxiety. This, in turn, can heighten a sense of happiness and fulfillment, eventually improving overall quality of life. In a world dominated by chronic depression and burnout due to demanding workloads, tight deadlines, and frequent standardized tests, travelling abroad can make a big difference when it comes to providing much-needed emotional catharsis.

Despite its emotional benefits, in my view, travelling brings more harm than good. As tourism grows, so does the demand for transportation methods such as airplanes or private cars. This increasing dependency on vehicles and public transit systems contributes significantly to carbon emissions, intensifying the greenhouse effect and exacerbating the impacts of climate change. At a time when countries grapple with pressing environmental issues like air pollution, the widespread availability of tourism may worsen the existing challenges related to sustainability. A good case in point is Venice, Italy, where overtourism has led to severe environmental degradation, including water pollution in its iconic canals due to overcrowding.

Beyond environmental issues, travelling poses financial challenges. People who travel abroad often incur significant expenses for flights, accommodations, and groceries, straining their financial resources and putting their financial stability in jeopardy. As a result, they might find it harder to cover basic needs, provide for their families, and save up for future emergencies, leading to a financial burden. This is especially detrimental for those from low-income families who need to stabilize their income to break the cycle of poverty.

In conclusion, although travelling abroad can provide emotional advantages, I believe that it brings more harm than good owing to its environmental and financial problems.

Joq, band 5.5


109 0 0 14 14

Guys, agar shu kitobni olib qo'ygan bo'selar tahlil qilib ishlorilar, zarari yo'q. Faqat analyze qilish esdan chiqmasin, ko'p o'quvchilar shu post'dan kn bu kitobni ishlatmay qo'yganini aytdi.

Men tandiq qilgan narsa shuki, kitobni ichidagi ko'p testlarni internetdan topsa bo'ladi ozgina googling qilib. Bu kitob internetdan resource topalmedigonlar uchun juda qo'l keladi.

Hulosa, agar internetdan to'g'ri foydalanish qo'ldan kemasa, shu kitobni olib qo'yorila.

Ps: o'sha gap. Men aytoraman, sizlar ustolaringni aytkaniga ishonila.

"I hate people who use deep English just to make us feel hyperconvoluted by the sesquipedalian extravaganza of their syllabificated nonsense."

Here’s what it really means:

1. Hyperconvoluted – Overly complicated.
2. Sesquipedalian – Using long, difficult words.
3. Extravaganza – An impressive or extravagant event.
4. Syllabificated – (Probably made-up) Means sounding overly complicated or broken into unnecessary syllables.

Basically, stop trying to confuse us with fancy words! 😂

Whenever I look in the mirror, I can't believe how I can be such a dishonest, irresponsible, or disheartening teacher.

Shunchaki taslin bo'ling.

IELTS 7.5, CEFR C1 olaman deysiz. Lekin hech reading uchun article o'qidingizmi? Listening uchun podcast eshitingizmi? Speaking oshirish uchun qachon hech bo'lmasa urinib ko'rdingiz? Qachon writing uchun article tahlil qildingiz yoki yangi so'z o'rgandingiz?

Faqat practice qilib daraja oshmayapti deysiz, yangi narsa o'rganmaslikka bahona qilib. Undan ko'ra qo'y bo'qing, yoki tikuvchilikni o'rganing, foydaliroq (soqqa boladi). O'qishni yig'ishtirish vaqti kelmadimikan? JUST GIVE UP ⚡️

: hammaga tegishlik bas, lekin sizga tegishlik, yana aynan sizga (ichizda o'qiyapszu)

Sizlarga hozir juda zo'r motivation beraman.


The Benefits of Traveling.pdf
The benefits of travelling 🏝

Social benefits ✔️
Cultural benefits
Personal benefits
Emotional benefits
Economic benefits
Clear ideas
Topic related and high level vocabulary


IELTS Writing oshirish uchun shunchaki internet'dagi article o'zi yetmaydi. Balkim topic-related vocabulary kerak. Agar xohlasezlar sizlarga ham kurslarimdagi article'lardan birini ulashaman.

Vocabulary ✔️

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.