Here are three examples using the phrasal verb "dream up":
✈️ @Vocabulary_IELTSuz
1. The marketing team dreamed up a brilliant new advertisement to attract more customers.
(Marketing jamoasi ko'proq mijozlarni jalb qilish uchun ajoyib yangi reklamani o'ylab topdi.)
2. She dreamed up an interesting story for her next novel while taking a walk in the park.
(U bog'da sayr qilayotganda keyingi romani uchun qiziqarli hikoya o'ylab topdi.)
3. The kids dreamed up a fun game to play during the school break.
(Bolalar tanaffus paytida o'ynash uchun qiziqarli o'yinni o'ylab topishdi.)
✈️ @Vocabulary_IELTSuz