📘 Book 3 | Unit 24
📑 Word list
🟦 nerve [nəːrv] n. — jasorat
🔻>> Nerve is bravery or the belief that you can do something. >> Nerve bu jasorat yoki biror narsa qilish mumkinligiga ishonishdir.
— He has the nerve to think that he can actually wrestle with a lion.
— U sher bilan kurasha olaman deb o'ylash uchun jasorati bor edi.
🟦 optimist [ɔptəmɪst] n. — optimist, nekbin
🔻>> An optimist is somebody who sees the good parts of a situation. >> An optimist vaziyatning yaxshi tarafini ko'radigan shaxs.
— Even though he has physical problems, my brother is an optimist.
— Jismoniy muammolari bo'lishiga qaramay, akam optimist odam.
🟦 parade [pəˈreɪd] n. — parad, namoyish
🔻>> A parade is a celebration when groups of people walk in the same direction. >> A parade odamlar guruhi bir yo'nalishda yuradigan bayram.
— There were many marching bands in the spring parade.
— Bahorgi paradda koʻplab marshlar bor edi.
🟦 pave [peɪv] v. — tosh yotqizmoq
🔻>> To pave the ground is to lay material on it to make it easier to walk or drive on. >> Yerni pave qilish yurish yoki mashinada yurish oson bo'lishi uchun unga biror material yotqizish degani.
— The path was paved with yellow bricks.
— Yo'lga sariq g'isht yotqizilgan edi.
🟦 phantom [fæntəm] n. — arvoh, sharpa
🔻>> A phantom is a ghost or spirit. >> A phantom bu sharpa yoki ruh.
— A scary phantom appeared from out of the darkness.
— Qorong‘ulikdan qo‘rqinchli arvoh paydo bo‘ldi.
@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.
📑 Word list
🟦 nerve [nəːrv] n. — jasorat
🔻>> Nerve is bravery or the belief that you can do something. >> Nerve bu jasorat yoki biror narsa qilish mumkinligiga ishonishdir.
— He has the nerve to think that he can actually wrestle with a lion.
— U sher bilan kurasha olaman deb o'ylash uchun jasorati bor edi.
🟦 optimist [ɔptəmɪst] n. — optimist, nekbin
🔻>> An optimist is somebody who sees the good parts of a situation. >> An optimist vaziyatning yaxshi tarafini ko'radigan shaxs.
— Even though he has physical problems, my brother is an optimist.
— Jismoniy muammolari bo'lishiga qaramay, akam optimist odam.
🟦 parade [pəˈreɪd] n. — parad, namoyish
🔻>> A parade is a celebration when groups of people walk in the same direction. >> A parade odamlar guruhi bir yo'nalishda yuradigan bayram.
— There were many marching bands in the spring parade.
— Bahorgi paradda koʻplab marshlar bor edi.
🟦 pave [peɪv] v. — tosh yotqizmoq
🔻>> To pave the ground is to lay material on it to make it easier to walk or drive on. >> Yerni pave qilish yurish yoki mashinada yurish oson bo'lishi uchun unga biror material yotqizish degani.
— The path was paved with yellow bricks.
— Yo'lga sariq g'isht yotqizilgan edi.
🟦 phantom [fæntəm] n. — arvoh, sharpa
🔻>> A phantom is a ghost or spirit. >> A phantom bu sharpa yoki ruh.
— A scary phantom appeared from out of the darkness.
— Qorong‘ulikdan qo‘rqinchli arvoh paydo bo‘ldi.
@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.