📘 Book 3 | Unit 11
📑 Word list
🟦 pond [pɒnd] n. — hovuz
🔻>> A pond is a very small area of water. >> A pond suvning juda oz qismi.
— The ducks swam in the pond.
— O'rdaklar hovuzda suzishdi.
🟦 proverb [prɒvəːrb] n. — maqol
🔻>> A proverb is a short saying that tells you something important. >> A proverb sizga muhim biror narsa aytuvchi narsa.
— The proverb “egg on your face” means you’ve done something embarrassing.
— “Yuzingda tuxum” maqoli siz sharmandali ish qilganingizni bildiradi.
🟦 pursuit [pərsuːt] n. — ta'qib, ketidan quvish
🔻>> A pursuit is a chase. >> A pursuit bu ketidan quvish degani.
— The dinosaur was in pursuit of the caveman.
— Dinozavr g'or odamini ta'qib qilgan.
🟦 recite [rɪˈsaɪt] v. — bayon qilmoq
🔻>> To recite something means to repeat or say aloud in front of a group. >> Biror narsani recite qilish uni qaytarish yoki ko'pchilik oldida baland aytish degani.
— Katie recited the Pledge of Allegiance in class.
— Keti sinfda sodiqlik qasamini bayon qildi.
🟦 wilderness [wɪldə:rnɪs] n. — chakalakzor
🔻>> A wilderness is an area where no people live. >> A wilderness hech kim yashamaydigan joy.
— If you are not careful, you can get lost in the wilderness.
— Agar hushyor bo'lmasangiz chakalakzorda adashib qolishingiz mumkin.
@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.
📑 Word list
🟦 pond [pɒnd] n. — hovuz
🔻>> A pond is a very small area of water. >> A pond suvning juda oz qismi.
— The ducks swam in the pond.
— O'rdaklar hovuzda suzishdi.
🟦 proverb [prɒvəːrb] n. — maqol
🔻>> A proverb is a short saying that tells you something important. >> A proverb sizga muhim biror narsa aytuvchi narsa.
— The proverb “egg on your face” means you’ve done something embarrassing.
— “Yuzingda tuxum” maqoli siz sharmandali ish qilganingizni bildiradi.
🟦 pursuit [pərsuːt] n. — ta'qib, ketidan quvish
🔻>> A pursuit is a chase. >> A pursuit bu ketidan quvish degani.
— The dinosaur was in pursuit of the caveman.
— Dinozavr g'or odamini ta'qib qilgan.
🟦 recite [rɪˈsaɪt] v. — bayon qilmoq
🔻>> To recite something means to repeat or say aloud in front of a group. >> Biror narsani recite qilish uni qaytarish yoki ko'pchilik oldida baland aytish degani.
— Katie recited the Pledge of Allegiance in class.
— Keti sinfda sodiqlik qasamini bayon qildi.
🟦 wilderness [wɪldə:rnɪs] n. — chakalakzor
🔻>> A wilderness is an area where no people live. >> A wilderness hech kim yashamaydigan joy.
— If you are not careful, you can get lost in the wilderness.
— Agar hushyor bo'lmasangiz chakalakzorda adashib qolishingiz mumkin.
@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.