📘 Book 3 | Unit 10
📑 Word list
🟦 nowhere [nouhwɛə:r] adv. — hech qayerda
🔻>> You use nowhere to say that a place or thing does not exist. >> Biz nowhere'ni biror narsa yoki joy mavjud bo'lmaganda ishlatamiz.
— Unfortunately, water was nowhere to be found.
— Afsuski, suv hech qayerda topilmadi.
🟦 pat [pæt] v. — sekin-sekin urib ko'rmoq
🔻>> To pat something is to hit it softly with your hand. >> Biror narsani pat qilish uni qo'l bilan sekin urish degani.
— I patted some lotion onto my face.
— Men yuzimga loson surtdim.
🟦 relief [rɪˈliːf] n. — yengillik
🔻>> Relief is a feeling you get when something bad or challenging ends. >> Relief siz qachonki biror yomon yoki noxush narsa tugaganda his qiladigan tuyg'u.
— I felt a sense of relief when I heard the good news.
— Men yaxshi yangiliklarni eshitganimda yengillik his qildim.
🟦 reproduce [riːprəˈdjuːs] v. — nusxasini yaratmoq
🔻>> To reproduce is to make something exactly how someone else did it. >> To reproduce huddi biror boshqa shaxs qilgandek boshqa biror narsa yasash.
— The children tried to reproduce their house using toy blocks.
— Bolalar o'yinchoq bloklari yordamida uylarining nusxasini yasashga harakat qilishdi.
🟦 rhyme [raɪm] n. — qofiya
🔻>> To rhyme is to have the same sounds at the end of a word. >> To rhyme so'z oxirida bir xil tovushlarga ega bo'lish.
— Humpty Dumpty is an old rhyme that children learn in school.
— Humpty Dumpty - bu bolalar maktabda o'rganadigan eski qofiya.
@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.
📑 Word list
🟦 nowhere [nouhwɛə:r] adv. — hech qayerda
🔻>> You use nowhere to say that a place or thing does not exist. >> Biz nowhere'ni biror narsa yoki joy mavjud bo'lmaganda ishlatamiz.
— Unfortunately, water was nowhere to be found.
— Afsuski, suv hech qayerda topilmadi.
🟦 pat [pæt] v. — sekin-sekin urib ko'rmoq
🔻>> To pat something is to hit it softly with your hand. >> Biror narsani pat qilish uni qo'l bilan sekin urish degani.
— I patted some lotion onto my face.
— Men yuzimga loson surtdim.
🟦 relief [rɪˈliːf] n. — yengillik
🔻>> Relief is a feeling you get when something bad or challenging ends. >> Relief siz qachonki biror yomon yoki noxush narsa tugaganda his qiladigan tuyg'u.
— I felt a sense of relief when I heard the good news.
— Men yaxshi yangiliklarni eshitganimda yengillik his qildim.
🟦 reproduce [riːprəˈdjuːs] v. — nusxasini yaratmoq
🔻>> To reproduce is to make something exactly how someone else did it. >> To reproduce huddi biror boshqa shaxs qilgandek boshqa biror narsa yasash.
— The children tried to reproduce their house using toy blocks.
— Bolalar o'yinchoq bloklari yordamida uylarining nusxasini yasashga harakat qilishdi.
🟦 rhyme [raɪm] n. — qofiya
🔻>> To rhyme is to have the same sounds at the end of a word. >> To rhyme so'z oxirida bir xil tovushlarga ega bo'lish.
— Humpty Dumpty is an old rhyme that children learn in school.
— Humpty Dumpty - bu bolalar maktabda o'rganadigan eski qofiya.
@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.