β’ All talk - Bo'magan gap, safsata
β’ Cut the crap - Gapni qisqa qil, maqsadga o't
β’ With a great enthusiasm - Katta ishtiyoq bilan
β’ Reminisce - Baxtli onlarni yodga olmoq, eslamoq
β’ Worthy [ ΛwΙΛΓ°i ] (C1) - Munosib bo'lmoq, arzimoq
β Stay with us: @vocabulary_c1_c2
β’ All talk - Bo'magan gap, safsata
β’ Cut the crap - Gapni qisqa qil, maqsadga o't
β’ With a great enthusiasm - Katta ishtiyoq bilan
β’ Reminisce - Baxtli onlarni yodga olmoq, eslamoq
β’ Worthy [ ΛwΙΛΓ°i ] (C1) - Munosib bo'lmoq, arzimoq
β Stay with us: @vocabulary_c1_c2