U.S. Embassy Tashkent

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
Toifa: Siyosat

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
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✨Ramazon oyi boshlanishi munosabati bilan O‘zbekiston xalqiga eng samimiy tilaklarimizni izhor etamiz. Ushbu muqaddas oyda barcha ro‘zadorlarga kuch-quvvat, sabr-toqat va xotirjamlik tilaymiz.

Ramazon muborak bo‘lsin!🌙

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✨As Ramadan begins, we extend our warmest wishes to the people of Uzbekistan. May this holy month bring you strength, patience, and peace during fasting.

Ramazon muborak bo‘lsin!🌙

Dreaming of studying in the U.S.? 🌎

The Fulbright Program offers graduate students and young professionals from Uzbekistan the chance to earn a master’s degree, gain valuable experience, and broaden their global network! 🎓

The program provides full support—tuition, health insurance, airfare, and a monthly stipend—so you can focus on your studies and achieving your goals. 🤝

Deadline: May 25, 2025 📆

For more details, visit the website.

Snowfall at Maykurgan Street 3 ☃️

Tashkent turned into a winter wonderland today, so we made the most of it during our lunch break! ❄️ Each department took on the challenge of building the best snowman, and now we have a whole frosty squad outside.

We went out to capture the masterpieces and even spotted an unexpected participant—a black-and-white cat who looked like she was making her own snowman! 🐈‍⬛

Check out the photos 📸

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🇺🇸 President Donald Trump made a striking appearance at NASCAR’s Daytona 500🏎, taking a ceremonial lap in his presidential limousine, known as "The Beast".

Weighing 22,000 pounds, this heavily armored Cadillac is a fortress on wheels. As for its top speed? That remains top secret.

🤔 Did You Know that the President’s family has a long history with Cadillacs? Last year, President Trump recalled how much his father admired the iconic American brand, upgrading to a brand-new, dark blue Cadillac every two years.

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🇺🇸 Dear non-immigrant visa applicants!

Minor applicants under 16 years of age must be accompanied by one of the parents. Accompanying parents must contact the Consular Section via email in advance before coming to the interview with their children.

❇️ Read more

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🇺🇸 Hurmatli noimmigratsion viza murojaatchilari!

16 yoshdan kichik, balog'atga yetmagan murojaatchilarga suhbat kuni ota-onadan biri hamrohlik qilishi zarur. Hamrohlik qiluvchi ota-onalar, farzandlari bilan suhbatga kelishdan avval, Konsullik bo'limi bilan email orqali bog'lanishlari kerak bo'ladi.

❇️ Batafsil ma’lumot

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🇺🇸 Уважаемые заявители на неиммиграционную визу!

Несовершеннолетние заявители до 16 лет должны быть сопровождены одним из родителей.Сопровождающие родители должны заранее связаться с Консульским Отделом по электронной почте, прежде чем прийти на собеседование со своими детьми.

❇️ Подробнее

O‘zJOKU | Rasmiy dan repost
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AQSH Elchisi janob Jonatan Xenikning O'zJOKUga tashrifi bo'yicha lavha

😃 O‘zJOKU matbuot xizmati: @uzjmcu

Secretary Rubio’s Call with Uzbekistan Foreign Minister Saidov

Secretary of State Marco Rubio spoke today with Uzbekistan Foreign Minister Bakhtiyor Saidov to underscore U.S. support for Uzbekistan’s independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity. Secretary Rubio and Foreign Minister Saidov discussed continued cooperation, including through the C5+1 diplomatic platform, in support of a more peaceful and prosperous Central Asia. Secretary Rubio thanked Uzbekistan for its cooperation in curbing illegal migration and its joint counterterrorism efforts. The United States looks forward to working with Uzbekistan to highlight mutually beneficial opportunities for investment in critical minerals and U.S. civil nuclear energy technologies.

🔗 Readout

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Take a stroll with U.S. Ambassador Johnathan Henick through Yangiabad Bazaar - where you never know what hidden treasures you’ll find! 🎥


AQSh elchisi Jonatan Xenik bilan Yangiobod bozorida birga sayr qiling - bu yerda istalgan narsani topishingiz mumkin! 🎥


Погрузитесь в атмосферу базара Янгиабад с послом США Джонатаном Хеником — здесь можно найти всё, что угодно! 🎥

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⚠️To avoid immigrant visa processing delays, please make sure that the police certificate(s) you bring to your interview include all your previous names, including your maiden name if applicable.

Check our 👉 DV and IV webpages to see what documentation is required by our Consular Officers. Bringing all required documentation to your interview will help us process your visa quickly.

⚠️ Immigratsion viza jarayonida kechikishlarni oldini olish maqsadida, suhbat kuni, barcha avvalgi ism, familiya, otangizning ismi hamda qizlik familiyangiz (agar mavjud bo'lsa) ko'rsatilgan sudlanmaganlik haqida ma'lumotnoma(lar)ni olib kelganingizga ishonch hosil qiling.

Konsullik Ofitserlari tomonidan talab etiladigan hujjatlar haqida batafsil ma'lumot uchun 👉 DV va IV veb-sahifalarimizga o'tishingizni so'raymiz. Barcha kerakli hujjatlarni suhbat kuni taqdim etish, viza murojaatingizni ko'rib chiqish jarayonini tezlashtiradi!

⚠️ Во избежание задержек с оформлением иммиграционной визы, просим убедиться, что в справке о несудимости которую вы принесете на собеседование, указаны все ваши предыдущие фамилии, имена и отчества, включая девичью фамилию (при наличии таковой).

Просим ознакомиться с подробной информацией о документах, требуемых Консульскими Офицерами на наших 👉DV и IV веб-страницах. Предоставление всей необходимой документации в день собеседования поможет ускорить процесс оформления вашего заявления на визу!

🇺🇸Happy Presidents' Day!
Today, we honor the leaders that have shaped our nation and reflect on their contributions to a strong and prosperous America.

Saida Mirziyoyeva dan repost
Bugun biz AQShning O‘zbekistondagi elchisi Jonatan Xenik bilan uchrashuv o‘tkazdik.

Suhbatda tez o‘zgarayotgan voqeliklarni inobatga olgan holda AQShning yangi ma’muriyati bilan o‘zaro manfaatli hamkorlikni rivojlantirish masalalarini muhokama qildik. Shuningdek, ayollar uchun imkoniyatlar yaratish, ta’lim sohasini yaxshilash hamda ikki tomonlama savdo-iqtisodiy aloqalarni mustahkamlash yuzasidan fikr almashdik.

Сегодня мы провели встречу с послом США в Узбекистане Джонатаном Хеником.

В ходе беседы обсудили развитие взаимовыгодного партнёрства с новой администрацией США с учётом быстро меняющихся реалий. Также обменялись мнениями о создании возможностей для женщин, улучшении сферы образования и укреплении двусторонних торгово-экономических отношений.

🇺🇸 Secretary of State Marco Rubio: "Marc Fogel is free! Marc was detained in Russia, and now after more than three years, he is on his way back home to reunite with his family. President of the United States is working to secure the release of all detained Americans in Russia and around the world."

🇺🇸 AQSh Davlat kotibi Marko Rubio: "Mark Fogel ozod bo‘ldi! Mark uch yil muqaddam Rossiyada qamoqqa olingan edi, endi esa u o'z oilasi bag'riga qaytish uchun vataniga yo'l oldi. AQSh Prezidenti Rossiya va dunyoning boshqa joylarida tutqinlikda saqlanayotgan barcha amerikaliklar ozod etilishiga erishish ustida ish olib bormoqda".

⚠️ At this time, the U.S. Embassy is not accepting transfer requests for immigrant visa cases for applicants who reside outside of Uzbekistan.

🇺🇸 U.S. Embassy Tashkent is able to accept only a limited number of transfer requests, mainly for medical emergency and other urgent reasons. Long wait time in other countries is not a sufficient justification for a transfer request.


⚠️ Hozirgi vaqtda AQSh Elchixonasi O'zbekiston hududidan tashqarida istiqomat qiluvchi murojaatchilardan, immigratsion ishni ko'chirish bo'yicha murojaatlarini qabul qilmaydi.

🇺🇸 Toshkentdagi AQSh Elchixonasi faqatgina cheklangan sonda immigratsion ishni ko'chirish murojaatlarini, asosan favqulodda tibbiy yoki boshqa shoshilinch holatlarni ko'rib chiqib, qabul qilish imkoniyatiga ega. Boshqa davlatlardagi uzoq kutish vaqti, immigratsion ishni ko'chirish uchun yetarli asos hisoblanmaydi.

⚠️ В настоящее время Посольство США не принимает запросы на перевод иммиграционного дела от заявителей, проживающих за пределами Узбекистана.

🇺🇸 Посольство США в Ташкенте может принять только ограниченное количество запросов на перевод иммиграционного дела, в основном по неотложным медицинским или другим срочным причинам. Длительное время ожидания в других странах не является достаточным основанием для отправки запроса на перевод дела.

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🤔 How well are you familiar with places named after Alisher Navoi?

✨ Join Ambassador Henick on a brief tour, where he will guide you through some of his favorite locations and share fascinating insights along the way.

🇺🇸 On January 20, 2025, Ambassador Jonathan Henick hosted an official reception at his residence for senior Government of Uzbekistan officials in honor of Donald J. Trump’s inauguration as the 47th President of the United States.

The assembled guests joined millions around the world in witnessing this historic event and reflected on the strong and enduring partnership between our two countries.

🇺🇸🇺🇿We look forward to continuing our strategic partnership with Uzbekistan under the Trump Administration.

16 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.