1) Technique (noun)
Definition: A method or way of doing something.
Translation: Usul, metod, texnika
Example: Psychologist Vinod Goel investigated humour using a new technique.
2) Magnetic field (noun)
Definition: Area around a magnet or electric current where magnetic force is felt.
Translation: Magnit maydoni
Example: MRI scanners use magnetic fields to track brain activity.
3) Radio wave (noun)
Definition: Electromagnetic wave used in communication and imaging.
Translation: Radio to‘lqin
Example: An MRI scanner uses radio waves to track changes in oxygenated blood.
4) Oxygenated blood (noun)
Definition: Blood rich in oxygen, typically found in arteries.
Translation: Kislorodga to‘yingan qon
Example: MRI tracks the flow of oxygenated blood during mental activities.
5) Snapshot (noun)
Definition: Brief records or representations of a situation.
Translation: Qisqa vaqtda olingan tasvir, kadr
Example: New developments allow half-second snapshots of brain activity.
6) Appreciating (verb)
Definition: Understanding or enjoying something by recognizing its value or meaning.
Translation: fahmlamoq, tushunmoq
Example: Goel found evidence that appreciating a joke involves a wide mental shift.
7) Prefrontal (adjective)
Definition: Relating to the front part of the brain's frontal lobe.
Translation: miyaning old qismi
Example: The prefrontal cortex lit up during problem-solving activities.
8) Lobe (noun)
Definition: Rounded or flat parts of an organ, such as the brain.
Translation: Miya qismi
Example: Activity was observed in the temporal lobes of the brain.
9) Rouse (verb)
Definition: To awaken or activate.
Translation: Faollashtirmoq, uyg‘otmoq
Example: Attempts to rouse stored knowledge occur during jokes.
10) Punchline (noun)
Definition: The climax or the funniest part of a joke.
Translation: latifaning eng kulgili oxirgi qismi
Example: The punchline caused activity in the orbital prefrontal cortex.
11) Sprang (verb)
Definition: (past of spring) Suddenly appeared or became active.
Translation: birdan paydo bo‘lmoq, jonlanmoq
Example: A new brain area sprang to life when the punchline arrived.
12) Tuck (verb)
Definition: Placed in a small, hidden, or convenient place.
Translation: Joylashtirmoq, qoplamoq
Example: The orbital cortex is tucked behind the orbits of the eyes.
13) Orbit (noun)
Definition: The bony structures surrounding the eyes.
Translation: Ko‘z kosasi
Example: The orbital cortex is located near the orbits of the eyes.
14) Assessment (noun)
Definition: Judgment or evaluation.
Translation: Baholash
Example: Making rapid emotional assessments is a demanding task.
15) Demanding (adjective)
Definition: Requiring great effort or attention.
Translation: Mashaqqatli, ko‘p mehnat talab qiladigan.
Example: Understanding humor is a demanding mental process.
16) Blink (noun)
Definition: A quick closing and opening of the eyes.
Translation: Ko‘z ochib-yumish, kiprik qoqish
Example: Emotional shifts occur in the blink of an eye.
17) Abrupt (adjective)
Definition: Sudden and unexpected.
Translation: To‘satdan, behosdan
Example: These abrupt changes produce emotional reactions.
18) Cortical (adjective)
Definition: Related to the outer layer of the brain.
Translation: Miya po‘stiga oid
Example: The cortical apparatus regulates emotional responses.
19) Apparatus (noun)
Definition: A complex structure within a system.
Translation: struktura, tizim
Example: The brain's cortical apparatus plays a key role in humor processing.
20) Warm-blooded (adjective)
Definition: Animals that maintain a constant body temperature.
Translation: Issiqqonli
Example: Warm-blooded animals adjust their emotions constantly.
21) Tiny (adjective)
Definition: Very small.
Translation: Juda kichik
Example: Tiny adjustments in emotions occur in response to stimuli.
22) Snap (verb)
Definition: Quickly or suddenly moves into place.
Translation: Tezda joyiga tushmoq
Example: A sought-for answer snaps into place with recognition.
Definition: A method or way of doing something.
Translation: Usul, metod, texnika
Example: Psychologist Vinod Goel investigated humour using a new technique.
2) Magnetic field (noun)
Definition: Area around a magnet or electric current where magnetic force is felt.
Translation: Magnit maydoni
Example: MRI scanners use magnetic fields to track brain activity.
3) Radio wave (noun)
Definition: Electromagnetic wave used in communication and imaging.
Translation: Radio to‘lqin
Example: An MRI scanner uses radio waves to track changes in oxygenated blood.
4) Oxygenated blood (noun)
Definition: Blood rich in oxygen, typically found in arteries.
Translation: Kislorodga to‘yingan qon
Example: MRI tracks the flow of oxygenated blood during mental activities.
5) Snapshot (noun)
Definition: Brief records or representations of a situation.
Translation: Qisqa vaqtda olingan tasvir, kadr
Example: New developments allow half-second snapshots of brain activity.
6) Appreciating (verb)
Definition: Understanding or enjoying something by recognizing its value or meaning.
Translation: fahmlamoq, tushunmoq
Example: Goel found evidence that appreciating a joke involves a wide mental shift.
7) Prefrontal (adjective)
Definition: Relating to the front part of the brain's frontal lobe.
Translation: miyaning old qismi
Example: The prefrontal cortex lit up during problem-solving activities.
8) Lobe (noun)
Definition: Rounded or flat parts of an organ, such as the brain.
Translation: Miya qismi
Example: Activity was observed in the temporal lobes of the brain.
9) Rouse (verb)
Definition: To awaken or activate.
Translation: Faollashtirmoq, uyg‘otmoq
Example: Attempts to rouse stored knowledge occur during jokes.
10) Punchline (noun)
Definition: The climax or the funniest part of a joke.
Translation: latifaning eng kulgili oxirgi qismi
Example: The punchline caused activity in the orbital prefrontal cortex.
11) Sprang (verb)
Definition: (past of spring) Suddenly appeared or became active.
Translation: birdan paydo bo‘lmoq, jonlanmoq
Example: A new brain area sprang to life when the punchline arrived.
12) Tuck (verb)
Definition: Placed in a small, hidden, or convenient place.
Translation: Joylashtirmoq, qoplamoq
Example: The orbital cortex is tucked behind the orbits of the eyes.
13) Orbit (noun)
Definition: The bony structures surrounding the eyes.
Translation: Ko‘z kosasi
Example: The orbital cortex is located near the orbits of the eyes.
14) Assessment (noun)
Definition: Judgment or evaluation.
Translation: Baholash
Example: Making rapid emotional assessments is a demanding task.
15) Demanding (adjective)
Definition: Requiring great effort or attention.
Translation: Mashaqqatli, ko‘p mehnat talab qiladigan.
Example: Understanding humor is a demanding mental process.
16) Blink (noun)
Definition: A quick closing and opening of the eyes.
Translation: Ko‘z ochib-yumish, kiprik qoqish
Example: Emotional shifts occur in the blink of an eye.
17) Abrupt (adjective)
Definition: Sudden and unexpected.
Translation: To‘satdan, behosdan
Example: These abrupt changes produce emotional reactions.
18) Cortical (adjective)
Definition: Related to the outer layer of the brain.
Translation: Miya po‘stiga oid
Example: The cortical apparatus regulates emotional responses.
19) Apparatus (noun)
Definition: A complex structure within a system.
Translation: struktura, tizim
Example: The brain's cortical apparatus plays a key role in humor processing.
20) Warm-blooded (adjective)
Definition: Animals that maintain a constant body temperature.
Translation: Issiqqonli
Example: Warm-blooded animals adjust their emotions constantly.
21) Tiny (adjective)
Definition: Very small.
Translation: Juda kichik
Example: Tiny adjustments in emotions occur in response to stimuli.
22) Snap (verb)
Definition: Quickly or suddenly moves into place.
Translation: Tezda joyiga tushmoq
Example: A sought-for answer snaps into place with recognition.