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How To Develop Your creativity
Check list

Creativity is a necessary soft-skill required in almost any modern profession.

This is not only generation of ideas, but also flexibility of thinking, quick reaction to changes, a non-standard look at trivial things and the ability to see the sources of new ideas in the world around us.

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This mini pig is faster than Usain Bolt

🍁Describe your favourite season.
You should say:
- what season it is
- how long it lasts
- what are some distinct features of this season
and explain why this is your favourite season.

⚡️Model Answer:

I believe each season has its distinctive features, charms and beauty, and that is why there is no universal choice when it comes to people's favourite seasons. When some like the shiny bright summer or the gentle nature of the spring season, many others prefer it when we have rain or snow around us. Personally, I like the "autumn" season the most.

In our country, autumn lasts a little less than three months - starting from August and sometimes from mid-August. During this season, the weather is neither too hot nor too cold. We usually divide autumn into two parts - early autumn and late autumn, each lasting around a month and two weeks.

Well, during the early autumn, soft, light clouds hang or hover around the sky, but it hardly rains. The weather and the temperature are just perfect and the blue sky that is reflected on the crystal clear water of the lake gives a sensational look to nature. It is also the season of harvest and festivals. The ripe crops, fruits and vegetables are ready for harvesting and the happy farmers cut them and load them into wagons. It is also the season of different delicacy, carnival, rewards and joy.

Autumn is my favourite season because the weather is ideal during this season. It is not chilling cold or uncomfortably hot. Since my childhood, I have had a softness for this perfect weather perhaps because I could participate in many outdoor activities during autumn than summer or winter seasons. I also like this season because it brings hope, festivity, possibility and prosperity to the farmers and rural people in our country. The spirit, joy and aspiration get renewed during this season which also contributes to making autumn my favourite season.

⚡️ @TeamUlugbek

Worksheet and tapescripts of episode 7


Nick and Wendy were lucky enough to see wild mountain gorillas in the Congo several years ago. In this episode they talk about this incredible experience and the impact it had on them

⚡️ @TeamUlugbek

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IELTS Writing and Speaking - Improve your vocabulary for IELTS - Effectively


Must watch 👆👆

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Har bir o'zbek ko'rishi shart bo'lgan video | SUBYEKTIV | O'zbekistonda chiqindi muammosi

Joke 😂😁

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Where are the aliens?


Worksheet and tapescripts of episode 6



Nick’s friend Lena was born in the Soviet Union, moved to Canada at age 10, and now lives in Russia. In this episode she talks about her childhood and her experiences in both places.

⚡️ @TeamUlugbek

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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To my way of thinking, this video will be profoundly motivational and beneficial for all of you, we can learn something from it, or if we know these things already, we can simply remember them again. Take a start at the moment, and be the best for yourself at least!


Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
4 Ways To Rest Your Mind And Be More Productive

Professional athletes always rotate hard workouts with recovery periods. You should treat your brain the same way. The peak of productivity is possible once you manage to rest regularly.

1. Delegate your tasks
2. Make a plan and follow it
3. Learn to say No
4. Work to live, not live to work


Nick and Wendy talk about two walking tours they went on during their recent trip to Belgrade. One was a communist walking tour mostly about Tito, while the other took them underground to some of Belgrade’s hidden places.

⚡️ @TeamUlugbek

Make a to-do list for the next day in the evening

One of the most common mistakes associated with todo sheets is that people wait until morning to start living under the new system.

A recent Baylor University study showed that if you make a list of tasks for the next day in advance, it will help you fall asleep faster.

🗒 Usually you scroll through the thoughts in your head about what will happen tomorrow. If you write down the plans in advance, then the next day you will easily cope with anxiety and free up time for a break.

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