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Uzbek music👇

28k 0 72 1 54

🌙 Ramazon Hayit ayyomingiz muborak bo'lsin, aziz dindoshlar! ☺️

Allohning rahmati sizga bo'lsin,
Qalbingiz yanada iymon, nurga to'lsin.
Shukrkim yetkazdi ulug' kunlarga,
Hayit ayyomingiz muborak bo'lsin.

Uzbek music👇

MriD feat. Artem Smile - Космос

Uzbek music👇

MONA feat. Баста - Ты Так Мне Необходим

Uzbek music👇

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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Estrada shou guruhi - O'g'lim

Uzbek music👇

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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Komron Axmedjanov - Izlama

Uzbek music👇

Dildora Niyozova - Zo'r Bo'lib Ketdim

Uzbek music👇

Konsta - O'zbekistonlik

Uzbek music👇

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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Gulasal & Feruzshoh Muxamedov - Buxorocha popuri

Uzbek music👇

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