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A Mnemonics specialist visited TOBB ETÜ Tashkent
🎓 TOBB ETÜ University welcomed Shohrux Kamoliddinov, a seasoned mnemonics specialist and experienced speaker. During the event, students gained valuable insights into improving memory, developing discipline, and enhancing learning efficiency.
✅ Students who attended the event left with new and practical knowledge, feeling inspired and equipped with effective strategies for personal and academic growth.
TOBB ETÜ Tashkentda Mnemonika mutaxassisi mehmon bo’ldi
🎓 TOBB ETÜ universitetiga Mnemonika mutaxassisi, tajribali spiker Shohrux Kamoliddinov tashrif buyurdi. Tadbir davomida talabalar xotirani rivojlantirish, intizomni shakllantirish va o‘zlashtirish samaradorligini oshirish bo‘yicha qimmatli maslahatlar oldilar.
✅ Tadbirda ishtirok etgan talabalar foydali va yangi bilimlar olishdi.
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🎓 TOBB ETÜ University welcomed Shohrux Kamoliddinov, a seasoned mnemonics specialist and experienced speaker. During the event, students gained valuable insights into improving memory, developing discipline, and enhancing learning efficiency.
✅ Students who attended the event left with new and practical knowledge, feeling inspired and equipped with effective strategies for personal and academic growth.
TOBB ETÜ Tashkentda Mnemonika mutaxassisi mehmon bo’ldi
🎓 TOBB ETÜ universitetiga Mnemonika mutaxassisi, tajribali spiker Shohrux Kamoliddinov tashrif buyurdi. Tadbir davomida talabalar xotirani rivojlantirish, intizomni shakllantirish va o‘zlashtirish samaradorligini oshirish bo‘yicha qimmatli maslahatlar oldilar.
✅ Tadbirda ishtirok etgan talabalar foydali va yangi bilimlar olishdi.
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