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Telegram'da ko‘rish
🔝 TOBB ETÜ Tashkent barchani fuqarolik burchini ado etishga chaqiradi!
📆 27-oktyabrdagi saylov — mamlakatimiz kelajagini belgilaydigan eng muhim jarayonlardan biridir. Har bir fuqaroning ovozi milliy taraqqiyot va farovonlik yo‘lida muhim ahamiyatga ega.
📁 Fuqarolik burchingizni bajarish va kelajakni belgilashda ishtirok eting!
🔝 TOBB ETÜ Tashkent calls on everyone to fulfill their civic duty!
📆 The election on October 27th is one of the most important processes that will shape the future of our country. Every citizen's vote is crucial for national progress and prosperity.
📁 Fulfill your civic duty and take part in shaping the future!
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📆 27-oktyabrdagi saylov — mamlakatimiz kelajagini belgilaydigan eng muhim jarayonlardan biridir. Har bir fuqaroning ovozi milliy taraqqiyot va farovonlik yo‘lida muhim ahamiyatga ega.
📁 Fuqarolik burchingizni bajarish va kelajakni belgilashda ishtirok eting!
🔝 TOBB ETÜ Tashkent calls on everyone to fulfill their civic duty!
📆 The election on October 27th is one of the most important processes that will shape the future of our country. Every citizen's vote is crucial for national progress and prosperity.
📁 Fulfill your civic duty and take part in shaping the future!
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