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📚 15 Advanced Vocabulary Words for Writing (With Uzbek Translation)

1️⃣ Significant → Meaningful, Substantial, Notable
🔹 Uzbek: Muhim, sezilarli
2️⃣ Challenge → Obstacle, Hurdle, Difficulty
🔹 Uzbek: Qiyinchilik, to‘siq
3️⃣ Consequence → Outcome, Result, Effect
🔹 Uzbek: Natija, oqibat
4️⃣ Impact → Influence, Effect, Consequence
🔹 Uzbek: Ta’sir, oqibat
5️⃣ Demonstrate → Show, Illustrate, Exhibit
🔹 Uzbek: Ko‘rsatmoq, namoyish qilmoq
6️⃣ Crucial → Essential, Vital, Fundamental
🔹 Uzbek: Muhim, juda zarur
7️⃣ Dominate → Control, Lead, Prevail
🔹 Uzbek: Hukmronlik qilmoq, boshqarmoq
8️⃣ Minimize → Reduce, Decrease, Lower
🔹 Uzbek: Kamaytirmoq, qisqartirmoq
9️⃣ Enhance → Improve, Boost, Strengthen
🔹 Uzbek: Yaxshilamoq, kuchaytirmoq
🔟 Contribute → Help, Assist, Provide
🔹 Uzbek: Hissa qo‘shmoq, yordam bermoq
1️⃣1️⃣ Alternative → Substitute, Replacement, Option
🔹 Uzbek: Muqobil, boshqa tanlov
1️⃣2️⃣ Generate → Produce, Create, Develop
🔹 Uzbek: Yaratmoq, hosil qilmoq
1️⃣3️⃣ Promote → Encourage, Support, Advocate
🔹 Uzbek: Rag‘batlantirmoq, qo‘llab-quvvatlamoq
1️⃣4️⃣ Maintain → Preserve, Sustain, Keep
🔹 Uzbek: Saqlamoq, davom ettirmoq
1️⃣5️⃣ Restrict → Limit, Control, Constrain
🔹 Uzbek: Cheklamoq, chegaralamoq

Aprelda CEFR yoki IELTS ga imtihonga kiruvchilar uchun mock va darslar tashkil qilsam qatnashadigan lar bormi? Qatnashsangiz mana bu 😁 emojini bosib qoʻying

📚 15 More Useful Vocabulary for Speaking (With Uzbek Translation)

1️⃣ Reliable → Trustworthy, Dependable, Consistent
🔹 Uzbek: Ishonchli, ishonishga arziydigan
2️⃣ Convenient → Handy, Practical, User-friendly
🔹 Uzbek: Qulay, foydali
3️⃣ Essential → Fundamental, Necessary, Indispensable
🔹 Uzbek: Muhim, zarur
4️⃣ Dangerous → Risky, Hazardous, Perilous
🔹 Uzbek: Xavfli, tahlikali
5️⃣ Famous → Renowned, Celebrated, Well-known
🔹 Uzbek: Mashhur, taniqli
6️⃣ Boring → Dull, Uninteresting, Monotonous
🔹 Uzbek: Zerikarli, qiziqarsiz
7️⃣ Effective → Efficient, Productive, Successful
🔹 Uzbek: Samarali, natijali
8️⃣ Artificial → Man-made, Synthetic, Fake
🔹 Uzbek: Sun’iy, soxta
9️⃣ Natural → Organic, Authentic, Pure
🔹 Uzbek: Tabiiy, haqiqiy
🔟 Careful → Cautious, Attentive, Vigilant
🔹 Uzbek: Ehtiyotkor, diqqatli
1️⃣1️⃣ Unusual → Rare, Unique, Exceptional
🔹 Uzbek: G‘ayrioddiy, noodatiy
1️⃣2️⃣ Traditional → Conventional, Old-fashioned, Time-honored
🔹 Uzbek: An’anaviy, eskicha
1️⃣3️⃣ Modern → Contemporary, Up-to-date, Innovative
🔹 Uzbek: Zamonaviy, ilg‘or
1️⃣4️⃣ Tired → Exhausted, Worn out, Drained
🔹 Uzbek: Charchagan, holdan toygan
1️⃣5️⃣ Strong → Powerful, Sturdy, Resilient
🔹 Uzbek: Kuchli, bardoshli.

📚 15 Commonly Used Vocabulary for Speaking with Uzbek Translation

1️⃣ Essential → Crucial, Vital, Important
🔹 Uzbek: Muhim, zarur
2️⃣ Increase → Rise, Grow, Expand
🔹 Uzbek: Ko‘paymoq, oshmoq
3️⃣ Decrease → Reduce, Decline, Drop
🔹 Uzbek: Kamaymoq, tushmoq
4️⃣ Difficult → Challenging, Tough, Complicated
🔹 Uzbek: Qiyin, murakkab
5️⃣ Easy → Simple, Effortless, Straightforward
🔹 Uzbek: Oson, sodda
6️⃣ Advantage → Benefit, Merit, Positive aspect
🔹 Uzbek: Afzallik, foyda
7️⃣ Disadvantage → Drawback, Downside, Negative aspect
🔹 Uzbek: Kamchilik, salbiy jihat
8️⃣ Common → Frequent, Widespread, Typical
🔹 Uzbek: Odatdagi, keng tarqalgan
9️⃣ Rare → Uncommon, Unusual, Infrequent
🔹 Uzbek: Kam uchraydigan, noyob
🔟 Necessary → Required, Needed, Essential
🔹 Uzbek: Zarur, majburiy
1️⃣1️⃣ Modern → Contemporary, Up-to-date, Advanced
🔹 Uzbek: Zamonaviy, ilg‘or
1️⃣2️⃣ Traditional → Conventional, Old-fashioned, Classic
🔹 Uzbek: An’anaviy, eskicha
1️⃣3️⃣ Improve → Enhance, Develop, Boost
🔹 Uzbek: Yaxshilamoq, rivojlantirmoq
1️⃣4️⃣ Bad → Harmful, Negative, Detrimental
🔹 Uzbek: Yomon, zararli
1️⃣5️⃣ Good → Beneficial, Useful, Advantageous

🗣️ 7 Most Common Spoken Idioms for with Uzbek Translation

1️⃣ Hit the nail on the head 🔨
🔹 Meaning: To describe exactly what is causing a situation or problem
🔹 Uzbek: Aniq aytmoq, to‘g‘ri topmoq
🔹 Example: You hit the nail on the head when you said learning English takes daily practice.

2️⃣ Once in a blue moon 🌕
🔹 Meaning: Very rarely
🔹 Uzbek: Juda kamdan-kam hollarda
🔹 Example: I eat fast food only once in a blue moon because I prefer home-cooked meals.

3️⃣ A piece of cake 🍰
🔹 Meaning: Something very easy
🔹 Uzbek: Juda oson narsa
🔹 Example: The IELTS listening test was a piece of cake for me!

4️⃣ Burn the midnight oil 🕯️
🔹 Meaning: To study or work late at night
🔹 Uzbek: Tunu kun ishlamoq yoki o‘qimoq
🔹 Example: I had to burn the midnight oil to finish my assignment on time.

5️⃣ Cost an arm and a leg 💰
🔹 Meaning: Very expensive
🔹 Uzbek: Juda qimmatga tushmoq
🔹 Example: Buying a house in New York costs an arm and a leg.

6️⃣ Under the weather 🤒
🔹 Meaning: Feeling sick or unwell
🔹 Uzbek: O‘zini yomon his qilmoq, kasal bo‘lish
🔹 Example: I couldn’t go to work today because I’m feeling under the weather.

7️⃣ The ball is in your court 🎾
🔹 Meaning: It’s your decision or responsibility now
🔹 Uzbek: Endi navbat sendan (qaror yoki javobgarlik senga bog‘liq)
🔹 Example: I have given you all the details; now the ball is in your court.

📍 Map Vocabulary with Uzbek Translation

🏗 1. Build → Construct, Develop, Establish
🔹 Uzbek: Qurmoq, rivojlantirmoq, barpo etmoq

🏚➡🏢 2. Destroy → Demolish, Remove, Knock down
🔹 Uzbek: Buzmoq, olib tashlamoq

📈 3. Increase → Expand, Extend, Enlarge
🔹 Uzbek: Kengaytirmoq, uzaytirmoq, kattalashtirmoq

📉 4. Decrease → Reduce, Shrink, Diminish
🔹 Uzbek: Kamaytirmoq, qisqartirmoq

🔄 5. Change → Modify, Transform, Alter
🔹 Uzbek: O‘zgartirmoq, moslashtirmoq

✨ 6. Improve → Enhance, Upgrade, Modernize
🔹 Uzbek: Yaxshilamoq, yangilamoq, zamonaviylashtirmoq

➕ 7. Add → Introduce, Install, Incorporate
🔹 Uzbek: Qo‘shmoq, o‘rnatmoq, joriy qilmoq

🔄 8. Replace → Substitute, Convert, Redevelop
🔹 Uzbek: O‘rnini bosmoq, aylantirmoq, qayta qurmoq

⏳ 9. Stay the same → Remain unchanged, Maintain, Retain
🔹 Uzbek: O‘zgarishsiz qolmoq, saqlab qolmoq

🔗 10. Connect → Link, Join, Attach
🔹 Uzbek: Bog‘lamoq, ulanmoq

📏 11. Widen → Broaden, Expand
🔹 Uzbek: Kengaytirmoq

📐 12. Narrow → Reduce, Shrink
🔹 Uzbek: Toraytirmoq, qisqartirmoq

🔄🏢 13. Convert → Transform, Change into
🔹 Uzbek: Aylantirmoq, o‘zgartirmoq

🚛 14. Relocate → Move, Shift
🔹 Uzbek: Ko‘chirmoq, joyini o‘zgartirmoq

🏗 15. Construct → Build, Erect
🔹 Uzbek: Qurmoq, barpo etmoq

🚮 16. Remove → Eliminate, Get rid of
🔹 Uzbek: Olib tashlamoq, yo‘qotmoq

📊 17. Develop → Grow, Expand
🔹 Uzbek: Rivojlantirmoq, kengaytirmoq

🛠 18. Renovate → Restore, Repair
🔹 Uzbek: Ta’mirlamoq, yangilamoq

🔄🔧 19. Replace → Substitute, Change
🔹 Uzbek: O‘rnini bosmoq, almashtirmoq

🚀 20. Upgrade → Improve, Modernize
🔹 Uzbek: Yaxshilamoq, zamonaviylashtirmoq

📖 Vocabulary for English Learners (Writing & Speaking)

💡 1. Suggest

🔹 Definition: To give an idea or advice
🔹 Uzbek: Tavsiya qilmoq, maslahat bermoq
🔹 Example: I suggest studying English every day to improve your skills.

🎯 2. Goal

🔹 Definition: Something you want to achieve
🔹 Uzbek: Maqsad
🔹 Example: His goal is to get a high score on the IELTS exam.

📌 3. Common

🔹 Definition: Happening often or usual
🔹 Uzbek: Ommabop, keng tarqalgan
🔹 Example: English is a common language in many countries.

📊 4. Compare

🔹 Definition: To look at two things and see the differences or similarities
🔹 Uzbek: Taqqoslamoq
🔹 Example: Let’s compare the two cities to see which one is better for living.

🌎 5. Culture

🔹 Definition: The way of life, traditions, and beliefs of a group of people
🔹 Uzbek: Madaniyat
🔹 Example: Each country has its own unique culture and traditions.

🚶‍♂️ 6. Improve

🔹 Definition: To make something better
🔹 Uzbek: Yaxshilamoq
🔹 Example: She wants to improve her writing skills before the exam.

⏰ 7. Recently

🔹 Definition: Not long ago
🔹 Uzbek: Yaqinda
🔹 Example: I have recently started reading more books in English.

📖 8. Knowledge

🔹 Definition: Information and understanding about something
🔹 Uzbek: Bilim
🔹 Example: Reading books helps increase knowledge.

📝 9. Opinion

🔹 Definition: What you think about something
🔹 Uzbek: Fikr, qarash
🔹 Example: In my opinion, learning a second language is very useful.

💬 10. Discuss

🔹 Definition: To talk about a topic with someone
🔹 Uzbek: Muhokama qilmoq
🔹 Example: Let’s discuss the advantages and disadvantages of online education.

📖 Vocabulary for English Learners

📢 1. Emphasize

🔹 Definition: To give special importance to something
🔹 Uzbek: Ta’kidlamoq, urg‘u bermoq
🔹 Example: The teacher emphasized the importance of regular practice in learning a language.

🔄 2. Adapt

🔹 Definition: To change to fit new conditions
🔹 Uzbek: Moslashmoq, moslashtirmoq
🔹 Example: People must adapt to climate change to reduce its negative effects.

🎯 3. Determine

🔹 Definition: To find out or decide something
🔹 Uzbek: Aniqlamoq, belgilamoq
🔹 Example: The level of education often determines job opportunities.

🌱 4. Sustainable

🔹 Definition: Able to continue without harming the environment or future generations
🔹 Uzbek: Barqaror, uzoq muddatli
🔹 Example: Using renewable energy is crucial for sustainable development.

🔬 5. Investigate

🔹 Definition: To examine or study something carefully
🔹 Uzbek: Tekshirmoq, tadqiq qilmoq
🔹 Example: Scientists are investigating new treatments for cancer.

⏳ 6. Persist

🔹 Definition: To continue despite difficulties
🔹 Uzbek: Bardavom bo‘lmoq, davom ettirmoq
🔹 Example: He persisted in improving his English, even when it was difficult.

💡 7. Innovate

🔹 Definition: To introduce new ideas, methods, or products
🔹 Uzbek: Yangi narsalar yaratmoq, innovatsiya qilmoq
🔹 Example: Companies need to innovate to stay competitive in the market.

🚧 8. Obstacle

🔹 Definition: Something that makes progress difficult
🔹 Uzbek: To‘siq, g‘ov
🔹 Example: Lack of funding is a major obstacle to scientific research.

🌏 9. Globalization

🔹 Definition: The process of the world becoming more connected
🔹 Uzbek: Globalizatsiya
🔹 Example: Globalization has made communication easier but also increased competition.

📝 10. Constructive

🔹 Definition: Helpful and useful for improvement
🔹 Uzbek: Foydali, ijodiy, quruvchi
🔹 Example: Constructive feedback helps students improve their writing skills.

📖 Vocabulary for English Learners

📈 1. Increase

🔹 Definition: To become bigger in number or amount
🔹 Uzbek: Oshirmoq, ko‘paymoq
🔹 Example: The price of oil increased last year.

📉 2. Decrease

🔹 Definition: To become smaller in number or amount
🔹 Uzbek: Pasaymoq, kamaymoq
🔹 Example: The number of students in the class decreased after summer.

🌎 3. Pollution

🔹 Definition: Harmful things in the air, water, or land
🔹 Uzbek: Ifloslanish
🔹 Example: Air pollution is a serious problem in big cities.

🛠 4. Develop

🔹 Definition: To grow or improve something
🔹 Uzbek: Rivojlantirmoq, o‘stirmoq
🔹 Example: The country developed its economy quickly.

💸 5. Expensive

🔹 Definition: Costing a lot of money
🔹 Uzbek: Qimmat
🔹 Example: This car is very expensive.

📖 6. Education

🔹 Definition: The process of learning in school or university
🔹 Uzbek: Ta’lim
🔹 Example: Education is important for a good future.

🤝 7. Cooperation

🔹 Definition: Working together with others
🔹 Uzbek: Hamkorlik
🔹 Example: Cooperation between countries is necessary for peace.

🏭 8. Industry

🔹 Definition: Businesses that produce goods or services
🔹 Uzbek: Sanoat, ishlab chiqarish sohasi
🔹 Example: The technology industry is growing fast.

📢 9. Advertise

🔹 Definition: To show or tell people about a product
🔹 Uzbek: Reklama qilmoq
🔹 Example: Companies advertise their products on TV and social media.

🌿 10. Environment

🔹 Definition: The world around us, including nature and people
🔹 Uzbek: Atrof-muhit
🔹 Example: We must protect the environment from pollution.

📖 IELTS Vocabulary with Uzbek Translation & Meaning

🌿 1. Abundant

🔹 Definition: Existing in large quantities; more than enough
🔹 Uzbek: Moʻl-koʻl, serob
🔹 Example: Natural resources are abundant in some countries but scarce in others.

💊 2. Alleviate

🔹 Definition: To reduce the severity of a problem or pain
🔹 Uzbek: Yengillatmoq, kamaytirmoq
🔹 Example: The government took measures to alleviate poverty in rural areas.

⚖️ 3. Controversial

🔹 Definition: Causing disagreement or public debate
🔹 Uzbek: Bahsli, tortishuvli
🔹 Example: The new policy on immigration remains highly controversial.

⚠️ 4. Detrimental

🔹 Definition: Harmful or damaging
🔹 Uzbek: Zararli, salbiy
🔹 Example: Smoking has a detrimental effect on human health.

🎭 5. Exaggerate

🔹 Definition: To make something seem larger, better, or worse than it really is
🔹 Uzbek: Bo‘rttirib aytmoq, oshirib ko‘rsatmoq
🔹 Example: Media reports often exaggerate the effects of climate change.

📉 6. Fluctuate

🔹 Definition: To change frequently, especially in amount or level
🔹 Uzbek: O‘zgarib turmoq, tebranish
🔹 Example: The price of oil fluctuates depending on market demand.

⏳ 7. Inevitable

🔹 Definition: Certain to happen; unavoidable
🔹 Uzbek: Muqarrar, oldini olib bo‘lmaydigan
🔹 Example: Technological advancements make automation inevitable in many industries.

📢 8. Justify

🔹 Definition: To prove or explain that something is right or reasonable
🔹 Uzbek: Oqlamoq, asoslamoq
🔹 Example: The company had to justify the layoffs due to financial losses.

💰 9. Lucrative

🔹 Definition: Producing a great deal of profit
🔹 Uzbek: Foydali, daromadli
🔹 Example: Investing in real estate can be a lucrative business.

🌍 10. Mitigate

🔹 Definition: To make something less severe or harmful
🔹 Uzbek: Yumshatmoq, kamaytirmoq
🔹 Example: Renewable energy sources can help mitigate climate change.

𝐀𝐤𝐦𝐚𝐥 𝐈𝐬𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐨𝐯'𝐬 𝐀𝐜𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐲 😎 dan repost


Ertalab soat 8-10 gacha v
Abetdan keyin 16:00-18:00 gacha

10-Mart dan boshlanadi

Guruhga yozilmoqchi bo'lsangiz @AkmalIsmailov1 ga murojaat qiling Best 203-xona

Elementary dan yaxshilab o’rganaman degan tanishlarga jo’natamiz

1. My Hometown
My hometown is [shahringiz nomi]. It is a very nice and peaceful place. Many people live here, and they are very kind and friendly. In my city, we have schools, hospitals, and big markets. There are also parks where children play and families relax. My hometown has some historical places that tourists like to visit. The weather here is very nice, and every season is beautiful. I love my hometown because I was born here, and my family and friends live here.
2. My Family
I have a wonderful family. There are [soni] people in my family: my father, my mother, my [aka-uka yoki opa-singillaringiz], and me. My father works as a [kasb], and my mother is a [kasb yoki uy bekasi]. She cooks delicious food for us every day. My siblings and I help our parents with housework. On weekends, we spend time together, watch movies, and go to the park. My family always supports me, and I love them very much.
3. My Country - Uzbekistan
I am from Uzbekistan. It is a beautiful country in Central Asia. The capital city is Tashkent, which is the biggest city in Uzbekistan. My country is famous for its history, culture, and delicious food. We have beautiful cities like Samarkand, Bukhara, and Khiva, which have many ancient buildings and mosques. The people of Uzbekistan are very kind and hospitable. Our national food is plov, and many tourists love to eat it. We also have a rich culture with traditional music, dance, and clothes. I am very proud of my country!
4. My Best Friend
My best friend’s name is [do‘stingiz nomi]. We have been friends for many years. He/she is a very kind, honest, and funny person. We always have a great time together. We study in the same school/university and help each other with homework. We also like playing games, watching movies, and talking about different things. Whenever I have a problem, my best friend listens to me and gives me good advice. I am very happy to have such a wonderful friend in my life.
5. My Favorite Food
My favorite food is [taom nomi]. It is a very delicious dish. It is made with [asosiy ingredientlar, masalan, go‘sht, guruch, sabzavotlar]. My mother makes it very tasty, and I love eating it with my family. In Uzbekistan, we have many delicious foods like plov, somsa, shashlik, and lag‘mon. I also like sweet foods like halva and chak-chak. Uzbek food is very tasty and special. Every region in Uzbekistan has its own unique dishes. I enjoy trying different foods, but my favorite is still [sevimli taomingiz].

Ramazon oyi hammaga muborak boʻlsin 😊☺️

Bu rasmda ʼsportingʼ qanday maʼnoda kelgan.
Javob: kiymoq yaʼni ʼwearingʼ degani

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