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Speaking practice part 1/3

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Assalomu alaykum 22:30 da speaking practice qilamiz birga :)

"Arrogance" –Kibr, Manmanlik, takabburlik

✔️ The Prophet (peace be upon him) said:
"No one who has an atom’s weight of arrogance in his heart will enter Paradise."

(Payg‘ambarimiz (sollallohu alayhi vasallam) dedilar: “Kimning qalbida zarracha Kibr bo‘lsa, u jannatga kirmaydi.”)

🔹 "Arrogance" – Thinking you are better than others and looking down on them.

- Sahih Muslim (91)

👍 @SpeakUp_uz | @idpregisterbot

Stairs - A set of steps inside a building that connects two floors.

Steps - A set of steps outside a building, such as at an entrance.

Choose the correct answer.
  •   Stairs
  •   Steps
237 ta ovoz

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Bugun SpeakUP jamoasi IDP ofisida bo‘lib, IELTS test jarayonlarini yaqindan kuzatdik. Bu tajribamizni qisqa video orqali siz bilan bo‘lishamiz!

IDP IELTS ga biz bilan ro‘yxatdan o‘ting va quyidagi afzalliklardan foydalaning:

Tez va qulay ro‘yxatdan o‘tish
Bepul tayyorgarlik maslahatlari
To‘liq yo‘l-yo‘riq va qo‘llab-quvvatlash
Imtihon sanasini bepul o‘zgartirish

Ro‘yxatdan o‘tish uchun: @IDP_Register

@SpeakUp_uz - IELTS IDP ning rasmiy hamkori!

"Word Challenge!"

Think of a word that starts with "B" and ends with "E".

For example: bake

Example topa olsangiz ❤️‍🔥bosib keting topa olmasamgiz 💔

2.8k 0 3 112 40

Darsimiz 22:30 da ( practice)
Bugun (yes no ) game albatta o'ynimiz

Siz qay birida ishtirok etmoqchisiz?

Practice ❤️
Yes no ❤️‍🔥
Both 🔥

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"Dull" – Zerikarli, jonsiz

✔️ "Life without purpose is dull and meaningless."

  •   Interesting
  •   Funny
  •   Boring
347 ta ovoz

"Kindness" – Mehribonlik

✔️ The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "Allah is Kind and loves kindness in all matters."

(Payg'ambarimiz (sollallohu alayhi vasallam) dedilar: "Alloh mehribondir va barcha ishlarda mehribonlikni yaxshi koʻrar.")

📚 Sahih al-Bukhari (6528), Sahih Muslim (2165)

👍 @SpeakUp_uz I @idpregisterbot

Atomic habits💕📝

Ramazonda kitob o'qish eng go'zal amal. Har kuni islomiy kitoblar joylab boramiz 👇

Tezda ulanib oling 👆

👨‍🏫 Examiner:Shakhzod
🧑‍🎓Candidate: John

Your score: 6.0

📈 Fluency and coherence: 6.0
📈 Lexical resources: 6.0
📈 Grammatical range &
       accuracy: 5.0/6.0
📈 Pronunciation: 6.0

3.7k 0 20 71 20

Kechga listening mock ishlemiz otvolamz tez👆👆👆

Speaking 8.5 🚀

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.