Kamoliddinʼs blog | Ilm House⚡️📚

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
Toifa: Bloglar

• Kamoliddin Siddiqov
• 17 y.o.
• Student of FERPS🔥🚀
• IELTS and SAT Tutor🔥💯
• IELTS -> Writing 6.5 , Speaking 7❤️🔥
• Business and economics⚡️
• International Business📚👨‍💻
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Owner: @Kamoliddin_Siddiqov

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
Postlar filtri

Alhamdulillah, I made it to the Final stage. So itʼs time crush interview❤️

280 0 1 25 33

- Do you know where the most valuable piece of Real Estate is?
- It is in Graveyards. Because there is billion dollars ideas sitting in the ground with people that never took an action...😶‍🌫️

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
As beautiful as always❤️❄️

523 0 1 11 32

Alhamdulillah, ramazon oyi ham kirib keldi. Bir yil davomida yig'ilgan gunohlarimizni yuvish, qalbimizni yana poklay olish, Allohga yanada yaqinroq bo'lish imkoniga Alhamdulillah yana bir bor sazovor bo'ldik. Do'stlar, kimnidir hafa qilgan bo'lsam meni Alloh uchun kechirasiz degan umiddaman. Barchangizga Happy Ramadan😊🌙

Tomorrow I have an math exam for Inha University in Korea. Yana bir Toshkentni aylanib kelarkanmizda😁❤️

551 0 0 41 42

Chess is so stressfull💔😔
5 kundan beri rapidda 1500+ boʻla olmayapman🥲

Shunaqa foydali narsalarga reaksiyalar qimmatlik qilib qoladiya😅

SAT Mathematics Vocabulary by Kamoliddin Siddiqov.pdf
Mana usha koʻpchilik soʻragan DSAT mathematics vocab🔥📝

Sharing is caring ❤️


675 0 41 4 55

Alhamdulillah, ayni damda 8 ta oʻquvchimiz bilan SAT ni boost qilishni boshlab yuborganmiz🔥❤️

Sizda ham qoʻshilish imkoni bor. @Kamoliddin_Siddiqov ga yozing🫡

One of my favourite places in the Presidential School 😁

662 0 2 40 62


So guys, agar shu post da 77 ta "🔥" boʻlsa vocabni share qilaman😉


Just because something is common does not mean it is right😶

Vocab tayyor va SAT kursimdagilarga jo'natildi✅📝

SAT oʻqiyotganlar uchun, amazing maths vocab tayyor boʻlyapti😉🔥

The Crowd_ A Study of the Popular MindBy Gustave Le Bon.pdf
Powerful book that tells you everything about controlling and influencing the masses📖📚🧠

We are organizing bew Ultimate Debate. Inshaallah it will be amazing🔥
Ibrat Debate da Mentorman. Bu debate da esa Founder. Inshaallah Itʼll be different❤️

NextVoice | FPS dan repost
🎉 Welcome to NextVoice: The Ultimate Debate Challenge! 🎉
A platform for bold ideas, powerful arguments, and unforgettable debates.

➡️The stage is set, and the countdown is on! 🎤

➡️Soon, we’ll reveal how you can join this thrilling journey of intellectual battles and global collaboration. ⚡️

➡️Step up. Speak out. Shape the future with NextVoice.🔥

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Remember, the best results often come from Simple Boring and Repetitive actions...📈

Alhamdulillah, SAT Intensive Pro 4.0 guruhimiz bilan darslarni boshlab oldik...🔥❤️

Pretty good accuracy here...🔥⚡️

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.