
Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
Toifa: Bloglar

— Muxiddinov Sherzodbek (2007, Namangan)
— Westminster Academic Lyceum'25
— Reading 8 | Writing 6.5
— Soon aerospace_uz (instagram content)
— application process for foreign universities
— Head Coordinator at @ibratdebate
Contact: @mukhiddinov_sherzodbek

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
Postlar filtri

What things seem cringe to you?

Husanovni oʻyinini qayerdan korsak boʻladi?

1st Acceptance: TIFT University
2nd Acceptance: NEWUU

90 0 3 24 14

Mana silarga opportunity to accelerate your portfolio from my friend Azizbek Harvard 29'

Parvoz dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
🚀 “Portfolio accelerator” program by Parvoz & Freshman Academy

❗️When applying to TOP universities, students struggle with preparing their extracurriculars and honors. Since this is one of the most important parts of the application process, their failure often results in rejections.

That’s why, we, in collaboration with Freshman Academy, are announcing our program to help you prepare your portfolio to an IVY-level application.

💼 “Portfolio accelerator” is a two month 1-1 paid intensive program, mentored by Azizbek (Harvard ‘29) and Valera (founder of Freshman Academy) , designed to help you accelerate your portfolio for an Ivy-level application.

There are only 5 spots in the program, and two of them are already reserved. Thus, hurry up to check out our website for more information and reserve your spot 🔽


Parvoz dan repost
🚀 “SAT Accelerator” program by Parvoz

‼️ One of the main criteria of college admission is obviously a high SAT score. Without SAT 1500+, it has became extremely hard to get into a prestigious university with a full-ride scholarship.

Therefore, with our expert mentors, we are opening our program to provide an assistance in accelerating your SAT score.

🚀 “SAT Accelerator” is a three-months program, taught by main teachers Elbek Rahimjon (1510, EBRW 720) and Azizbek Zaripov (1520, Math 800 - 2x) as well as support teachers Mirziyo Muhammadiyev (1500, EBRW 720) and Shahriyor Aliboyev (Math 760).

Why should you join our program?

🎮 Game-Based learning in every class
😳 Consultation with Azizbek (Harvard'29) each month with the best performing student
🏫 Guest Speakers from TOP Universities every month
👨‍🏫 Individual 30-minute lessons with the support teacher every week
💵Affordable cost ($79/month for Math and English)

💳 Sales is open by 9th of February.
Program start: 10th of February.

We can ONLY take 15 students at maximum, so be quick to reserve your spot:


The question is : Would you share it yourself
  •   Yes
  •   No
  •   I don't care
13 ta ovoz

Many of you said yes. Now there is a question

If someone sends you a source that is related to your field, would you use it as effective as possible?
  •   Yes
  •   No
  •   I prefer to find sources myself and dont believe what they shared
9 ta ovoz

I believe in this channel, many of you guys are in the education sphere, even if you are a student or teacher. And all of you have chosen your field you are going to pursue in your university. I have a question related to this. I hope you will leave if you have your feedbacks or comments.

Lyceumverse dan repost

Westminster litseyiga hujjat topshirmoqchimisiz, lekin qayerdan boshlashni bilmayapsizmi? 🤔Unda bu ovozli chat aynan siz uchun!

🗓 2-fevral, yakshanba
Soat 20:00

Bu suhbatda siz:
Westminster litseyi haqida to‘liq ma’lumot olasiz
Qabul jarayoni va talablarga oid yo‘l-yo‘riqlarni bilib olasiz
Savollaringizga aniq javob topasiz

Fursatni boy bermang! 2-fevral kuni soat 20:00 da ovozli chatga qo‘shiling! 🎧


Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
My friend opened a channel. He has an 8.0 IELTS band score and really good at writing. He is also adept at admission essays. His channel might be helpful to you!

Ibrat Debate dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

📢 Siz tayyormisiz? Eng qizg‘in bahslar, fikrlar to‘qnashuvi va yangi g‘oyalarga start beriladi! 🌍💡
1-2 fevral kunlari O‘zbekiston bo‘ylab Ingliz tilida debate sessiyalari o‘tkaziladi! 🗣

🎙 Mavzu:
❓ *"Should developed nations be forced to aid more developing nations?"* 🌍⚖️
Siz qaysi tomondasiz?
🔹 Rivojlangan davlatlar kambag‘al davlatlarga yordam berishi global barqarorlikni ta’minlaydimi?
🔹 Yoki har bir mamlakat o‘z muammolarini o‘zi hal qilishi kerakmi?

💬 Bu debate-da ishtirok etish orqali:
✅ Ingliz tilida erkin so‘zlash
✅ Mantiqiy fikrlash va argumentatsiya
✅ Global masalalar bo‘yicha fikr bildirish
✅ Networking va yangi do‘stlar

🎁 Maxsus sovg‘a:
Eng yaxshi debatchilar shaxsan "Ibrat Debate" boshqaruvchisi Azizbek bilan bepul konsultatsiya olishadi! 📚🔝

🚀 Qanday qatnashish mumkin?
👉 Hozir ro‘yxatdan o‘ting: @ibratdebate_bot

📱 Telegram | 🌐 Instagram

💡 Bu imkoniyatni qo‘ldan boy bermang!

What do you think? In how many days will we reach 100 subscribers?

Ibrat Debate dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Eng qizg‘in bahslar, fikrlar to‘qnashuvi va yangi g‘oyalar sari ilk qadam!

1-2 fevral kunlari O‘zbekiston bo‘ylab "IBRAT DEBATE" tanlovi o‘tkaziladi! 🌍🔥

🎙 Debate topic:
"Should developed nations be forced to aid more developing nations?" 🌏⚖️

🌍 Siz qaysi tomondasiz?
🔹 Kambag‘al davlatlarga yordam berish global barqarorlikni ta’minlaydimi?
🔹 Yoki har bir mamlakat o‘z muammolarini o‘zi hal qilishi kerakmi?

🔎 Manzil va vaqtlar:

📍 Namangan – 1-fevral, ⏰ 13:00, Yoshlar markazi
📍 Qoraqalpog‘iston – 1-fevral, ⏰ 14:00, Jaslar Orayi
📍 Samarqand – 2-fevral, ⏰ 13:00, Yoshlar markazi
📍 Farg‘ona – 2-fevral, ⏰ 10:00, Yoshlar Agentligi binosi
📍 Andijon – 2-fevral, ⏰ 12:00, Prezident maktabi
📍 Xorazm – 2-fevral, ⏰ 10:00, Yoshlar markazi
📍 Sirdaryo – 2-fevral, ⏰ 10:00, Yoshlar markazi
📍 Surxondaryo – 2-fevral, ⏰ 11:00, Yoshlar markazi
📍 Buxoro – 2-fevral, ⏰ 13:00, Yoshlar markazi
📍 Qashqadaryo – 2-fevral, ⏰ 12:00, Yoshlar markazi
📍 Jizzax – 2-fevral, ⏰ 14:00, Jizzax Ibrat Akademiyasi
📍 Toshkent shahar – 2-fevral, ⏰ 14:00, Yoshlar Ijod Saroyi
📍 Navoiy – 2-fevral, ⏰ 12:00, Yoshlar markazi
📍 Toshkent viloyati – 2-fevral, ⏰ 12:00, Yoshlar markazi

Nega qatnashish kerak?
✅ Eng dolzarb mavzularda bahslashish
✅ Notiqlik mahoratingizni oshirish
✅ Yangi do‘stlar orttirish

🚀 Qanday qatnashish mumkin?
Shunchaki @ibratdebate_bot ga kiring va ro‘yxatdan o‘ting!

Telegram | Instagram

New project for everyone who are in the academic field

Parvoz dan repost
Assalomu alaykum,

We are starting!

Parvoz - Receive support from professionals through an individualistic approach

🌐 Instagram I 📱 Telegram

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.