Mr.Sherali 🇺🇿🇺🇸

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
Toifa: Darknet

In this channel you can find

—My awards
—Useful information
—Posts depend on IELTS ,SAT and getting into Top Universities

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O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
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Bu yil o'qishga topshirganlar haqida
Shukurulloh domla

Manbaa : @islom_yulduzi


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#opportunities #MUN
Attend IMUN Online Conference & Get your professional International MUN certificate 🤩 These certificates are online friendly so you can easily display them on your LinkedIn profiles or attach them to your resume or higher studies applications✅
IMUN Online Conference looks to create a better world. A better world for women, children and everyone else who feels disempowered. Its Committees go to the deep end to root out darkness so we can see the light within🥰
Over 200,000 participants from over 140 countries have already made a difference through IMUN. Be part of this growing family and stand for a better world. A world with equality, liberty and fraternity. A world where every man, woman and child can be their best self. Remember, it starts with you📌
International MUN has been sponsored & supported by many prestigious organizations including WHO Indonesia, UNDP Vietnam, UNHCR India, Australian Embassy in Thailand & Vietnam etc.Join us and help bring the global flavour of IMUN to everyone!
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▪️Hustle Bustle kind of a city - Shoqqinli shahar

▪️Tail wagging - Dumini silkilatish ( hayvonlarga nisbatan)

▪️Avian - Parranda

▪️Inoxorably - Muqarrar,Barqaror

▪️Sham - Soxta


41C HOT🥵

I don't believe that,its prolly 50+ ,isnt it??

Fozil Mamadaliev dan repost
❓Q&A about IELTS and SAT❗️

1. How can I get a 7.0 in IELTS?
— By studying. 🙂

2. How can handwriting affect my IELTS score?
— I can't say it must be beautiful, but if your handwriting is not clear, it will definitely affect your score. Every single letter of your word should be clear for a checker or an examiner in order for your answer to be correct in spelling. For example, in writing, if your handwriting is not neat and it is making an examiner confused, then your words will be assumed as wrong in terms of spelling, thereby affecting your score negatively.

3. How to solve all 5 passages in SAT reading within the given time. In other words, how to improve time management in reading?
— That's a tough one. I myself can't manage to answer all questions. But I guess in order to manage to answer all questions on time, you should practice speed reading a lot. Working on reading fast may help because the problem itself is a lack of time management skills. In addition, this book may also help as it has special strategies to deal with all question types that appear in SAT reading, which may help save some time.

4. How can I improve my reading?
— By reading anything in English everyday.

5. How to solve all 3 passages in IELTS reading within the given time?
— This was my problem too before the exam. Because of my lack of time management skills, I couldn't answer 5 questions in reading section, so I left them blank 😢. But after taking SAT, I did an IELTS reading practice, and guess what? I managed to answer all questions within 50 minutes. As it turns out, my problem was reading and answering the questions slowly. After reading a lot of articles and books, I improved my speed-reading along the way. Therefore, my answer is read a lot and practice speed-reading.

6. How to stay focused in IELTS listening and reading?
— It is indeed hard to stay focused for about 30 minutes in listening and one hour in reading. So, you need to practice concentrating on one thing for that long. For example, if you need to stay focused on listening for about 30 minutes, just always practice listening to podcasts for 30 minutes without a break with paying close attention to them. Watching movies may also help, because one movie is about 1.5 - 2 hours long, so you watch it without a break for that long with a close attention. As for reading, the answer is similar. You solve one passage for about 20 minutes, so you have to practice reading anything, be it a book or any kind of article, for 20 minutes intensively every single day.
So, practice makes perfect.

7. How many months are enough to improve my SAT math score to 800 using Khan Academy (without a teacher)?
— It definitely depends on your level of math. If you know every mathematical topic that appears in Uzbek schools' curriculum (until 9th grade), it will be easy to improve your score. For example, I know pretty much every topic that appears in 1-9 grade math books, so it took me only around 2 months to improve my score from 680 to 750+. I finished this book and used to practice on Khan academy for at least an hour a day. But if your level is too low, say almost zero, then it requires you too many practices to reach 800.
Anyways, I'd say you can't put a clock on math acquisition.

8. I already got 5.5. How much time does it take to increase from 5.5 to 7.0?
— Read this, please.

9. What is SAT?
— I am sure you will find enough information on this page.

P.S: I gave too general answers to too general questions.


But,It feels crazy to not to use umbrellas in this hot whether🤨😏

P.s. For boys

Because It feels girlish and crazy to use umbrella for boys🥲🤣

In Uzbekistan men do not use umbrella's because of the SUN,they often use only for rain...

Jamshidbek Izzatulloh | Blog️️ dan repost
Exposure to UV radiation causes early aging of the skin and damage that can lead to skin cancer.

People of all ages and skin tones should limit the amount of time they spend in the sun, especially between mid-morning and late afternoon, and avoid other sources of UV radiation, such as tanning beds.


P.S: People, save yourself from the sun. Appreciate every single shade.

P.S.S: I took the photo above waiting for a car >

Now, I am worrying with thinking about what I was worrying about. Haha😁



"The Dunning-Kruger Effect" haqida eshitganmisiz?

Bu psixologik effekt bolib,asosan dunyo qarashi pastroq insonlarga ta'sir o'tkazadi.Ya'ni,bu effektga aldangan odamlar o'zlarini darajalarini boshqalardan yuqori deb biladi,o'zlarini "zo'r" deb o'ylashadi.
Va buning ustiga o'zlarini ayblarini anglashga qiynalalishadi!

"Rich Dad and Poor Dad" degan kitob va mana bunaqa videolar odamlarda shu ta'sirni kuchaytirib yuboradi...

-Bu kabi case larga kop uchraganman,avvallari bunga men ham ishonib yurar edim,keyin bir tanishim menga bunaqa narsalar psixologiyaga ta'sir qilishi va bu narsaga ozi ishonmasligini aytdi.Masalan,Eminem,Michael Jackson kabi mashxurlar qanaqadir "Iluminant" degan narsaga a'zoligi,Masonlar,51-hudud,dunyoni kim boshqaradi,Telefon kamerasi Dunyoni egallagan 10ta fitna teoriyasi va hk

Bu kabi ma'lumotlarni olgan odam o'ylaydiki U hammadan zo'r va bu "The Dunning-Kruger Effect" ning ta'siri.

P.s. Bu kabi ma'lumotlarni bilganingiz bilan hech narsani o'zgartira olmaysiz,chunki kashf oddiy "Big Bang" teoriyasi haqida hech narsani bilmayiz chunki bu haqiqiy fan!!!



Use this site to check your typing speed (Monkeytype).I used a couple of web sites to check my real typing speed and I highly recommend you to use this site.It is pretty interesting with typing sounds(5 or 6 types) and etc...

~And also you can improve your typing speed with these lessons.(TypingClub)
There are lessons from Beginner level and I think it is one of the best site to improve your typing speed)

▪️Monkeytype :

▪️TypingClub :

P.s I'd also like to add that stop using voice massages on Telegram and Instagram especially,only type a lot and then you can type like professional typist.

A couple of people have been askin' that did you get into CIC???

So the answer is Yes,I got into CIC (you can congratulate me) but... I am not sure if I study there or not👌

🧐Which university are you going to study??

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