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So’rasalar eng yaxshisi Hilol deyman. Kitob olsam olmasam azaldan bir kirib o’tgim keladi yo’lim tushsa. Boshqa joylardan topib bo’lmaydigan bir fayz bor.

Aytgancha, teatrga ixlosmand qizlar bo'lsa oramizda sherik qidirilmoqda spektaklga birga borgani, bugun zo'r komediya sahnalashtirilar ekan akademik drama teatrida. Ko'ngillilar topilsa agar, yaxshi sherik bo'lib beraman.

Aziz ayollar,
Aslida, baxtli bo‘lish, sevib-sevilish va e’tiborda yurish uchun yiliga bir marta 8-martni kutish shart emas. Siz har kuni e’tibor va e’zozga loyiqsiz! Tabassumingiz va mehringiz bilan dunyo yana ham yaxshiroq joyga aylanadi.

Hammasidan ham yoqqani nominatsiya bo’ldi🫠❤️ It made my day.

My mind is always filled with thoughts, ideas, and reflections. But the moment I start writing, it feels like all the tangled knots in my head begin to loosen. Words flow, and suddenly, everything seems clearer. Writing isn’t just an expression, it’s a way to organize thoughts, to breathe freely, to understand myself better.

I love the art of writing. It’s more than just words, it’s a conversation with mind, a journey through emotions, and a bridge between the heart and the world.

I love when my mom tells that she couldnt call me as she had plenty of online classses to take part in. Isn't it beautiful? Say "Ma Shaa Allah"!

I truly believe that the time children spend with their parents is limited—usually from 7 to about 15 years. After that, they start wanting independence, handling things on their own, and eventually, parents begin living more for themselves. When that time comes, having something meaningful to engage in—something that brings joy and fulfillment—is a priceless blessing.

Speaking from experience, even as a child, I often get so caught up in my own life that I barely make time for anything beyond a quick phone call to check in. It’s a reminder to cherish the moments we have with our parents now because life moves fast, and priorities shift.

May we all appreciate this precious time before it slips away.

All I Want is Peace ✨

I want to go to the theatre, to lose myself in a world of stories.
I want to sip tea with my dear ones, laughter and warmth filling the air.
I want to watch my favorite movie, wrapped in nostalgia and quiet joy.
I want to spend the day with my favorite books, a cup of coffee in hand.

I want to step into the mosque, to find solace in its silence,
To disappear into the call of the azan,
To feel the weight of the world lift, if only for a moment.

I want a world filled with kindness, untouched by war.
I want every child to grow up in peace, safe in the arms of their parents.
I want no family to be torn apart.

All I want is peace.

Dekan, rektorlarni majburlab o'tkizib shu videoni qo'yib berish kerak)

ULUL ALBAB - The People of Intellect dan repost
Try to be the best version of yourself this Ramadan.

Barchaga Qur'on oyi muborak bo'lsin!


You’re healthy.
Your loved ones are safe and sound.
Exams are over, and for at least 3 months, you won’t have to stress about them.
In just 2 days, spring arrives along with Ramadan.
No boyfriend to give you headaches.
No emotional roller coasters to ride.
No toxic people to mess with your peace.
Your bank card actually has money on it.

Aside from a pile of homework, you literally have no problems. Isn’t that the definition of bliss?

There's something truly enriching about building connections with people who share common ground with you, especially when they're rich in mind and vision.

Surrounding yourself with individuals who possess experience far beyond your own is like opening a gateway to limitless learning and growth. Their stories, insights, and perspectives inspire you to think bigger, aim higher, and explore the uncharted.

Whether it's exchanging ideas, sharing experiences, or simply having thought-provoking conversations, networking isn't just about expanding your contacts—it's about expanding your mind.

Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder

There’s a weight that comes with being far from the people you love. For me, it’s my parents. No matter how overwhelmed, stressed, or lost I feel, I’ve made it a habit to tell them, “Everything’s okay.” Not because I want to lie, but because I know how deeply they’d worry if I whispered even a fraction of my struggles. They’re miles away, and the thought of them feeling helpless, unable to reach me or “fix” things, hurts more than my silence.

So I swallow the words. Failed an exam? “I’m doing great, Mom!” Struglling at my job? “Work’s fine, Dad!” Feeling lonely, uncertain, or like I’m drowning in doubt? “Haha, don’t worry—everything’s under control!” I’ve perfected the art of masking chaos with calm.

But here’s the truth they don’t see: some days, this act is crushing. It’s not just the big things—it’s the tiny cracks, too. The loneliness of navigating adulthood alone. The fear of disappointing them after all they’ve sacrificed. The guilt of hiding my truth to spare theirs.

Why do I do this? Maybe because their love feels too fragile to burden. Maybe because I don’t want them lying awake, imagining worst-case scenarios. Or maybe because admitting “I’m not okay” would make this distance feel even wider.

So I keep smiling through phone calls. I laugh off my stress. I bury the messiness of life under a mountain of “I’m fine”s. But tonight, I’m admitting it: sometimes, it’s heavy. Sometimes, I’m tired. And maybe that’s okay.

To anyone else who’s mastered the art of “I’m fine” when you’re not—I see you. We’ll get through this. One day, maybe we’ll even believe our own words.

Looks like I’ve unlocked "hard mode" in life—Alhamdulillah, no complaints… just wondering if there’s a "patch update" coming soon. 🌟🥺

"Abiturientligimda ham bunchalik tig‘iz kun tartibi menda bo‘lmagan... 🥺

Hozir esa — universitet, ish, kurs... Kun qanday o‘tib ketayotganini ham bilmay qolaman. Ba’zan charchoqdan to‘xtab, shunchaki dam olgim keladi. Lekin bitta haqiqatni tushunib yetdim: ilm olish va o‘z ustida ishlash uchun eng to‘g‘ri vaqt — aynan hozir!

Biz doim ertangi kunga umid bog‘laymiz, lekin har kuni bizni yangi "bugun" qarshi olaveradi. Hozirda ega bo‘lgan imkoniyatlaringiz, bo‘sh vaqtingiz yoki yoshlik davringiz yana qaytib kelmaydi. Agar bugun vaqtingiz bor bo‘lsa, uni bekorga sarflamang. Biror yangi narsa o‘rganing, bilimingizni oshiring. Chunki keyin kerak bo‘lganda, menga o‘xshab vaqt topolmay yurishingiz mumkin.

"One milestone down, many more to go! My brother has completed his web programming course, stepping into a world of endless opportunities. Super proud! 🎉"

Ko‘pchilik uchun kasb – bu faqat daromad manbai, lekin aslida, u bizning fikrlash tarzimiz, xatti-harakatlarimiz va hatto shaxsiy hayotimizga ham sezilarli darajada ta’sir qiladi. Biz buni bilmagan holda, kasbiy ko‘nikmalarimiz va odatlarimiz hayotimizning boshqa jabhalariga ham singib boradi. Odamlarning fe’l-atvoriga qarab, ularning kasbi hayotga bo‘lgan qarashlariga, muloqot uslubiga va kundalik odatlariga qanday ta’sir qilganini kuzatamiz ko'p hollarda.
O‘zimdan misol keltiradigan bo‘lsam, kasbimning ta’siri kundalik hayotimda sezilarli darajada aks etayotganini payqadim. Ishdan tashqari holatlarda ham tabiiy ravishda tashabbus ko‘rsatib, boshqaruvni qo‘lga olishga harakat qilaman. Muammolarga eng optimal va oson yechim qidira boshlayman, beixtiyor. Survival skill'larim sezilarli darajada oshdi, bu esa kutilmagan vaziyatlarda tez va to‘g‘ri qaror qabul qilishga yordam beradi. Shuningdek, yozishmalarda imlo va gaplarning mantiqiy tizimliligiga bo‘lgan e’tiborim ham kuchaydi. Ilgari introvert bo‘lgan bo‘lsam, vaqt o‘tishi bilan extrovertlik tomon siljib, odamlar bilan erkin muloqot qilishni o‘rgandim. Hatto har doim oldindan rejalashtirish va zaxira reja (buffer) bilan yurish odatimga aylanib qoldi.
Kasbim faqat moliyaviy ehtiyojlarimni qondiribgina qolmay, balki shaxsiy va kasbiy rivojlanishimga ham katta hissa qo‘shmoqda. O‘zimni turli sohalarda sinab ko‘rgan inson sifatida, bugun tanlagan kasbimda o‘zimni kelajakda ham tasavvur qila olishim meni quvontiradi. Bu yo‘lda orttirayotgan tajribalarim hayotimning turli jabhalarida qo‘l kelayotganini anglash esa menga yanada ko‘proq motivatsiya beradi.
Siz ham kasbingiz shaxsiy hayotingizga qanday ta’sir qilayotganiga hech e’tibor berganmisiz?

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.