
Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
Toifa: Telegram

Saidakbar Axrorov
• IELTS 6.5 Holder 📊
• Future Programmer 💻
• CR7 Fan ⚽️
• Perfectionist 🕵️‍♂️
• Majors: English & Math 📚
• Pursuing Computer Science💡
• Interests: Foreign Literature 📖 & Russian Language 🇷🇺

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
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BM | IELTS 9.0 dan repost
Yuqoridagi postga izoh:

Bu xabarni aslo xayp uchun yozganim yo‘q. Shunchaki, Khusanovni ko‘rib, o‘zimning yoshligim yodimga tushib ketdi.

Aynan 17 yoshimda men ham Amerikaga borib qolgan edim. FLEX dasturi orqali imtihonlardan muvaffaqiyatli o‘tgan bo‘lsam-da, til barrieri meni juda qiynagan. Taxminan 3-4 oy vaqt kerak bo‘lgan, lekin bu davr mobaynida tilni yaxshi tushunmaganim sababli turli xijolatli holatlarga tushganman: sinfdoshlarimning hazillarini tushunolmaslik, tushunganlikka olib, o‘zimni noqulay his qilishlarim…

Ammo, Khusanovning holati mendan o‘n barobar qiyin. Men oddiy o‘quvchi bo‘lib shuncha qiynalgan bo‘lsam, Khusanov jahon yulduzi sifatida barcha nigohlarni o‘ziga qaratgan holda turibdi. Undagi bosimni biz hatto tushimizda ham his qilmagan bo‘lsak kerak. Eng achinarlisi, u ingliz tilida hatto boshlang‘ich bazaga ham ega emas (menda esa, kamida B1 daraja bor edi).

Shu narsalarni o‘ylab, yuqoridagi postni yozdim. Balki hozirda uning yonida ingliz tili o‘qituvchilari allaqachon ishlayotgandir, lekin agar mening taklifim qabul qilinsa, bu mas’uliyatni to‘liq o‘z bo‘ynimga olishga tayyorman.

BM | IELTS 9.0 dan repost
Abduqodir Khusanovga shaxsan o‘zim Ingliz tilidan bepul online dars o‘tishga tayyorman!

Zarur bo‘lsa, IELTS ZONE’dan yana 1-2 nafar o‘qituvchini ham 24/7 rejimda yordamga biriktirishim mumkin.

Eng muhimi, u tilni tezroq o‘rganib, Angliyaga moslashishni iloji boricha tezroq uddalashi kerak.

Rasmda kõrsatilganidek bu xayriya qutisi. Lekin kõp odamlar bu yerga pul tashlashni ôrniga shu qutini yonidagi Korzinkadan olgan cheklari bilan tôldirib tashlashgan😑.

Farosat left Uzbekistan

Tushungan tushundi😑

Location: Saxovat

Agar IELTS/CEFR dan bitta section ni olib tashlash imkoni bõlganida qaysi birini tanlardingiz?
  •   Listening
  •   Reading
  •   Speaking
  •   Writing
9 ta ovoz


Please be informed that, effective from January 21st, the updated pricing will be as follows:

Test fee - 2 420 000 sum
Transfer - 605 000 sum
EOR 1 510 000 sum
OSR - 1 620 000 sum

EOR - remark
OSR - One Skill Retake (available for CDI only)

У тебя новый анонимный вопрос:

Qaysi kitobni qaysi bosqichga qanchadan beri boryapsiz shunda?

Kurs o'tkan yili oktabrda boshlangan, men lekin noyabrdan boryapman. Matematika IDC degan kitob bor shundan ôtyapmiz, hozir 2-qismini 8-mavzusidamiz (modulli ifodalarda). Kurs menimcha ôqishga kirib ketganimizcha davom etsa kk.

У тебя новый анонимный вопрос:

Tan olin Messi Cr7

Ikkalasiniyam tan olaman😁. Men uchun ikkalasi ham teng, lekin Ronaldoning mentaliteti kôproq yoqadi.

У тебя новый анонимный вопрос:

Matematikada kimga va qayerga boryapsiz?

Mathni Yangi bozorga ketish yõlida Element degan ôquv markazi bor (kóp kishilar tanimaydi) Gulistan academy ni tepasida joylashgan. Rustam akaga boryapman

У тебя новый анонимный вопрос:

What are you doing now, studying? Are you planning IELTS or SAT ?

This is the question I get the most after achieving my score. Currently, I'm study maths, and I might take SAT in the future. As for IELTS, I want to take the exam when my reading score is above 8.5, and my writing should be at least 7 or 7.5 . As you can see, I will not take the exam very soon.

For people studying for the IELTS

The topics for IELTS Writing Task 2 cover a wide range of subjects, but they often fall into the following common categories:

1. Education

Should education be free for everyone?

Advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad.

Is it better to focus on practical skills or academic knowledge in schools?

2. Technology

The impact of technology on communication.

Pros and cons of online shopping.

Will artificial intelligence replace teachers in the future?

3. Environment

Should governments spend more on protecting the environment?

Causes of global warming and how to reduce it.

Individual vs. collective responsibility for saving the planet.

4. Health

Should unhealthy food be taxed more heavily?

The importance of physical education in schools.

How can governments encourage a healthy lifestyle?

5. Work and Careers

Should employees work fewer hours for the same pay?

The role of job satisfaction in achieving success.

Is working from home beneficial for employees?

6. Society

Should parents be responsible for teaching their children moral values?

The influence of advertisements on people’s behavior.

Pros and cons of living in big cities.

7. Globalization

The advantages and disadvantages of globalization.

How does globalization affect cultural traditions?

Is globalization making the world a better place?

8. Crime and Punishment

Do harsher punishments reduce crime rates?

Is community service more effective than prison sentences?

Causes and solutions for juvenile delinquency.

9. Media and Entertainment

The influence of social media on young people.

Should violent content be banned from TV and video games?

Do celebrities have a positive impact on society?

10. Transportation

Should public transport be free?

The benefits of cycling as a primary mode of transportation.

How can traffic congestion be reduced in cities?

Eng yomon vaziyat siz yoqtirmaydigan va sizni yoqtirmaydigan odamga ishingiz  tushishi bôlsa kerak.

This news made my day)

🇶🇦 Қатар бош вазири ўт очишни тўхтатишни расман эълон қилди.

Ғазо бўйича келишувни амалга ошириш 19 январь, якшанба куни бошланади.

Ҳамас Фаластин асирларини озод қилиш эвазига 33 нафар гаровга олинган исрпилликларни озод қилади.

👉 @Geosiyosatuz

Articles in English dan repost

Israel and Hamas have officially reached a ceasefire agreement in Gaza)

Praying for the restoration of joy and harmony in Gaza.🤲

bo'lganmi shunaqasi 😁


20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.