Sadulla's blog

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
°•Moments become memories and people become lessons.
Hohlagan narsamni hohlagan vaqt tashlayman qiziq bo'lsa qoling bo'lmasa chiqib ketishingiz ham mumkin😌

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
Postlar filtri

- Rostini aytsam, faqat kitob qahramonlarigina eʼtiborimni qozonishi mumkin.
- Sevgi tariximga qarasam, fikringga qoʻshilaman, deya olaman. Roman qahramonidan yaxshisi yoʻq.
- Nega unday deyapsan?
- Chunki bu dunyoda unaqalar yoʻq.
- Bor boʻlsa-chi? Sen uni yanglish yerlardan izlayotgan boʻlsang-chi?

📚"Londondan muhabbat ila"

Hayrli tong night owls

Ertalabda ham mushukcham uhlayapti, uyquchi😹

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Bu do‘kon emas bu muzey deb o‘ylaydi odam. Xaridor ko‘rib oladi baribir. Baribir, hamma narsani ko‘rib kameraga qaratib ham videoga olib chiqdim.

Axir biz O‘zbekmiz😁😅

🫶🙈Bir vaqtni o‘zida quvonarli va o‘g‘riqli

metroda qachondan beri internet ishlayapti?

Eslab, eslab 💥
Goats 4 yil oldingi holati 👑😥

Meni eng past darajamda qo‘llaganlarni, baland cho‘qqilarda ham unutmayman. Bir kun baland cho‘qqiga chiqqanimda ham, qalbimda sizlarga alohida joy bo‘ladi. Pastligimda menga suyanib, qo‘llab-quvvatlaganlaringiz uchun rahmat. Sizlar mening kuchim va ishonchim manbaisiz!🫶❤️

Hello night owls🗿

I canʼt decide yet whether iʼll study or not. 🗿

🔽I feel like I’m failing at everything I try. Every time I fail, I promise myself that next time I’ll succeed. But it never happens. Maybe success isn’t meant for me. I feel like a loser, and I don’t even know why. I’ve always given my best, but it’s never been enough.
Take my English course, for example. I’ve been studying for a whole year, but when I finally took the real exam, I failed. It’s strange because most candidates achieved high scores, but I didn’t. This experience left me deeply stressed. I never thought I’d get a result like this.
Sure, for some people, my score might be good, but it’s not enough for my goals. Sometimes, I ask myself why I even studied English in the first place. I hate myself for being this way. I’ve heard people say, “Failure is the best way to success,” but I disagree. My goals are like a chain reaction: if I don’t achieve a high score on the test, I can’t apply to my dream university. If I don’t study there, I won’t master my field. It all falls apart.
I’ve also observed other students preparing for IELTS. I must admit, some people seem to have a natural talent for it. They learn quickly and score high without much effort, while my efforts seem to go unnoticed. Maybe my goals aren’t good in Allah’s eyes (I hope I’m saying this truely). I don’t know anymore.
It’s hard to keep going when your dreams feel so far away, but here I am, still trying to figure it all out.

Special player 🗿

Hamster kriptobirjalardan o‘chirilibdi🤣🤦‍♂

😮‍💨Of all students i know, iʼm the worst😡

This channel will be private

Bizni aldab yurishganmikan shuncha yildan beri🤣🤦‍♂

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.