Today's grammar:
✅So … that" & "Such … that"
Natijani ifodalash uchun ishlatiladi.
So + adjective + that
✅Example: He was so tired that he fell asleep immediately. (U shunchalik charchaganki, darrov uxlab qoldi.)
Such + noun phrase + that
✅Example: It was such a great movie that I watched it twice. (Bu shunday ajoyib film ediki, uni ikki marta ko‘rdim.)
✅So … that" & "Such … that"
Natijani ifodalash uchun ishlatiladi.
So + adjective + that
✅Example: He was so tired that he fell asleep immediately. (U shunchalik charchaganki, darrov uxlab qoldi.)
Such + noun phrase + that
✅Example: It was such a great movie that I watched it twice. (Bu shunday ajoyib film ediki, uni ikki marta ko‘rdim.)